Fan Fiction

Swasan-we enough for each other (last part)

Ragini -tell me Swara what is my mistake in all this. …
Shekhar -trouble same like her mom…first trouble me. .
Before he continue further he was lying on the floor. ……..Shekhar fumes gets up to slap swara but he get another one
Ragini -how dare you to slap my father
Swara-shut up just shut up. …he is a father. .it’s insult to the word father ….in my life i have only one complain to mom why she didn’t slapped u
Swara-janaki ji i don’t have complain for you. ..and Ragini don’t prove yourself daughter of a spineless father …..fight for your right …u have a blood of janaki ji her values ….
Swara-folds hand in front of janaki. ….janaki ji unknowingly I am the reason of your tears ….
Janaki unfolded her hands
Janaki -no swara i am sorry. ..I am also a mother when I saw my daughter like this I lost my thinking ability …and act like mad
Shekhar -janakiiii
Janaki -it’s all because of you ….somewhere i also become partner in ur crime u … want gays also has strength then you …….
Ragini -maa what are you saying he is your husband and my father
Janaki -according to law without breaking first marriage another one is no accepted by law….Ragini can u say with pride u are daughter of this man
Ragini looks down
Shekhar -Ragini
Janaki -u got your answer ……becoming a prostitude is better than before called the wife of a characterless cheap man wife ..janaki beak the mangalsutre and through on his face
Ragini -I am sorry Swara. …’s my punishment being a girl I snatched a biggest happiness of another girl …plzzz forgive me
Swara -Ragini go fight for your right. …show your in Laws you are the daughter of janaki. …..a woman is not bechari
Ragini -nodes
Swara-path of truth is filled with nails walking on it is not easy but one walk on it with truth and love on her the way of nails will covert to flowers path
By saying swara goes to her house.
Swara-mom today I win ….you win …we got justice but still I am not happy mom because me a happy family is destroyed. .she goes out ………she is walking aimlessly she reach to the bridge (from where Ragini push swara)….

In ramta mansion
Sanskar is feeling uneasy he is boxing. …he is .swetting …by looking to him anyone can say he is tensed …he stop boxing. …takes out his car and goes to the park
He falls on his knees. …..and cries
Sanskar point of view
What’s happening to me….why i am always thinking about swara …everywhere I am imagining her … friend says I am in love with her …but it’s can’t be truth i love kavita I can’t betray her no …
Voice -u are not betraying me but u are hurting me …
Sanskar -kavita!!!!
Sanskar gets up and hugs her but he can’t
Kavita -sanskar I am your past….you are having full life in front of you
Sanskar -how can I move on …u are not with me it’s because of me …then how can I forget our memories
Kavita -sanskar memories are which by remembering smile appear on our face…the memory which brings tears that memory should be deleted….sanskar i always wanted to be the reason of smile on your face but u are making me tears of your eyes ….I am that much bad
Sanskar -no kavita do say like that
Kavita -sanskar I died 2yrs before but I didn’t get peace and not able to go from this world …you know why your pain and tears …our love which u turned to the reason of your pain is not allowing me to get moksh
Sanskar -what you want from me
Kavita -forget me and live your life happily with swara u both are enough for each other
Sanskar -but my heart is filled with ur memories
Kavita -sanskar for me forget me my memories it’s my last wish will u not fulfil my last wish ….don’t you do this for me….sanskar our love is our strength don’t make it chain of legs
Sanskar nodes in tears….Kavita disappear

Swara is going to jump but someone stops her …and gives her tight slap
Swara -sujata ji
Sujata -what the hell are you going to do ….
Swara-aunty for the reason I was living is over so
Sujata -so u decide to end your life ….u know swara in this world who is hurting shermistha ji a lot. …it’s up Swara. ..u are insulting her up bringing. …..swara so u think ur mother must be happy by seeing this
Swara break down
Swara-aunty why should I live for whom I live their is no one and no reason for live
Sujata-u know what by seeing you your strength in thought to make you my dil no i don’t want coward like u to be my son wife …..swara before you are going to die when my son stops u get reason to live…..swara if for yourself u can’t live then live for others like u many people are their many people who really needs help live for them fight for them …still u want to die go a head i won’t stop u …goes
3yr leap
Dadi and Shekhar is left all alone …Ragini teach mm a good lesson and left Laksh. ..dp and Laksh is in jail…Ragini and janaki is in Mumbai. ..janaki started a small business and Ragini is married to namish and had a daughter name misthi
Swara become the no . social worker of India she has fighted for many people and helped police to catch many culprits ..
Sanskar moved on her become old sanskar fun loving and cool …..tried many ways to impress swara but always ..ram give warning to sanskar to marry Swara in month and in this year only he want their grand daughter or he plan for his sister ?
Sujata-told if he can’t able to impress her they she will make swara marry to varun her nephew
On a fine day
Sanskar went to met swara he enter her cabin she was busy in file she didn’t saw sanskar …without seeing him she asked to sit
Swara-what problem do u have …..if you can write the right in a application or ask my assistant he will right
Sanskar forward application swara start shocks then look toward sanskar then read the letter
Swara bose
Sub-want to change your surname and application for the post of your husband
Its my humble request to accept me to be your husband. …if you do so I will make you mother of my 10 kids …I am earning 35000 yrs per month. ..I will give it you …
No to cook
Sing well
No all house hold work
Manage kids
Good lover
If you will accept me I will be good husband and live like joru ka Gullam
Your would be

Sanskar smiling like idiot ….swara gives him punch sanskar shocked
Swara-what the hell. ..this is the way to propose. ….aunty was right she told me u will do such stupid thing…..I have imagine you will propose in special way
Sanskar -swara
Swara-shut up for this application I have waited for 2yrs ewww. ..
Sanskar -swara i want to
Swara-shut up
Swara-i will call ram uncle and tell him to plan for your sister and aunty about varun. ..he is much handsome and
Sanskar smashed his lips with her soft lips angrily send bits her upper lips after 5 mints he break the kiss
Sanskar -you are only mine i love u and u have no choice rather than me
After a month get married and after 9 months Swara gives birth to twins they name kavita sanskar maheshwari and sanskrit sanskar maheshwari

The end


I am very talkative. ..can't stay silent for long

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