Fan Fiction

SWASAN- only for you [epi- 2]

I am back with my next episode. thanks to all who commented and encouraged me and the silent readers too. so let’s begin

Sanskar looked at swara teary eyes. swara could feel his pain as she is going through the same.
Swara- i trust you sanskar. i am with you. i know you haven’t done anything.
Swara- [to dp] badepapa once you called me your daughter. i just want to know whether you still consider me as your daughter and trust me or not.
DP didn’t say anything .

Swara- [dissapointed] you don’t want to answer , no problem. but i didn’t just called you badepapa but consider you like that always. i thought ths family is mine and no doubt it’s mine and you all gave me so much of love but i think we failed to make that place in your heart, to build that trust in you all that would never break. i suppose our relations were not so strong that’s why we all are present here but we aren’t together.i..
Parineeta- please stop your lecture swara and don’t tell us about relations and all. please stop your drama as everybody here knows your’s and your husband’s truth. so please don’t start with your sacchai puran.

Swara- [smiled sadly] bhabhi i pray to god that a family never brings a parineeta as their daughter in law and no parent gets a son like aadarsh bhaiyaa. instead they remain childless is better at least they will saved from such betrayals and families would not break.
Parineeta- [shouts in anger] how dare you to speak such things. you don’t know what we can do to you.

Swara- now what will you do. is anything left to destroy more. i don’t think so.
Parineeta- [angry] ragini tell her to go out.
swara looked at ragini and swaragini played in background.
ragini- swara go from here.
swara- ragini at least you don’t act like her puppet.
ragini- i am not. you go from here. that’s what i want as i don’t trust sanskar and don’t want to see his face for even a second because he is a cheater.

swara- [shouts] ragini… i won’t listen anything wrong about sanskar. mind your words and why can’t you understand that these all are their plan to separate us and break this family.
ragini- [coldly] if you are done with your explanations then leave. i don’t want to hear your explanations and sanskar i will never trust him.
swara- if you don’t trust him i consider that you don’t trust me.
ragini- if it’s so then i don’t trust you too.

swara- [ shocked and sad] live your life happily. my best wishes are with you and take care of everyone. this is the last wish from your sister.
ragini- what do you mean by last wish.
swara- me and sanskar are going from here and will not come back aor interfere in your lives. and haan swaragini is no more.
ragini and others were shocked while aadarsh and parineeta smirked.

swara- chalo sanskar.
she holded sanskar’s hand and they started going out when aadarsh spoke.
aadarsh- [want to trouble them more as sanskar beat him ]i have an offer for you sanskar.
swasan turned to see aadarsh.
aadarsh- you don’t have job and you are not going to get one as you were caught doing illegal things in the company you joined. [ sanskar fisted his palm which swara held] so my offer is you join maheshwari industries. i will pay you a good amount of salary but don’t cheat on us ok. [grinned]

sanskar- keep your offers with you mr. aadarsh maheshwari. i don’t need it.
aadarsh- then what are you going to do. whatever hatred we have but still i am offering you and y..
sanskar- [gritting his teeth] i said naa i don’t need your bullshit offers means i don’t.
aadarsh- [angry on sanskar’s reaction] then what are you going to do. use the title of maheshwari to defame us and earn.
sanskar- ohh so you have problem with the title. ok then, i surrender my title of maheshwari. now i am only sanskar. when no one trusts me here then what will i do with the title of this family.

everyone yet again shocked mostly sujata as she reakised she did wrong by accepting what aadarsh told and decided to confess.
sujata- sanskar stop beta. i am ready to confes…
sanskar- it’s ok mom. i don’t want anything from you. be happy with the money you got. now nothing is left to listen. from today i am noone to this family . i hope i am clear.
sujata tried to speak but couldn’t seeing sanskar’s anger and dullness and cried. swasan again turned to leave when uttara cried out for him.

uttara- [cryingly] bhai are you leaving me here alone.
swasan surprised to hear uttara and looked at her. uttara ran upto them and hugged sanskar and cried. sanskar hugged her back.
sanskar- [concerned] uttara..
uttara- bhai i trust you and i don’t want to live here. bhai please can i come with you please. [she cried]
sanskar- uttara are you sure?

uttara- haan bhai please take me along wth you. i don’t want to live between those people who doesn’t trust you and believing on aadarsh bhaiya and pari bhabhi’s saying. if they do the same with me i won’t be able to bear it. once pari bhabhi for her selfishness tried to make me marry to sujata and if now she plots something then whom will i go to. last time you both saved me . they can forget about what you two went through taht time for me and this family but i can’t . they don’t realise what you mean to this house but i do and i trust you and i won’t live here. let me come with you please.

uttara cried more and swasan had tears too. they took uttara with them.
here maheshwari were sad for whatever happened and couldn’t decide what’s wrong and what’s right. what to belive in. sujata was standing there all shockedto see her children going far from them.



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