Fan Fiction


sanskar was sitting beside swara who was sleeping.

Sanskar caressed her face lovingly. he is seeing her after 3 months, holding her hand in his after such long. he was just seeing her and waiting for her to open her eyes. even after the whole night journey he did he is not blinking his eyes. he couldn’t get flight tickets in so hurry. he cursed himself that if he would have lifted the call of that [maid] lady the first time then swara didn’t had to face what happened today and besides that if he would have gone with her then[during trip] to buy whatever she wanted she wouldn’t have been here at first place. now he was blaming himself for not being able to protect her.

after few hours swara gained consciousness while sanskar didn’t notice as he was talking on phone. swara heard the voice and slowly opened her eyes and saw someone facing his back to her. she tried to recognise the voice as it was very familiar and yes she recognised it. her sanskar was there. but before she calls for him flashes of what happened came in her mind and she became blank again. she wanted to call for him but something restricted her and she stared at the ceiling. sanskar cut the call and turned back to look at swara and saw her conscious. he immediately came to her.
sanskar- [cupped her face] swara [she flinched a little by his sudden approach] swara[tears formed in his eyes and so were her eyes teary] you ok. [said in chocked voice]

swara blinked her eyes and tears came out her eyes. she did not say anything and looked at him. sanskar hugged her but she didn’t hugged back.
sanskar- i am sorry i was not there. i am sorry. i am sorry……
swara- [trying to move out of the hug] sanskar..
sanskar moved back and made her lye down properly.

sanskar- i am sorry. wait i will call the doctor. [he kissed her forehead lovingly and came out to call doctor]
sanskar came back with doctor and the inspector too came there. doctor checked her and prescribed her medicines and told that she can be discharged. sanskar nodded.
inspector- maam please we need your statement.
sanskar held swara’s hand in assurance that he is there. he did so to make her feel comfortable.
swara- what you want to know inspector.
inspector- maam how did you reach M.P. when you were in U.P. i mean how you got kidnapped.

swara- i went to buy something and then when i was returning someone pulled me closing my mouth to the back of a shop and it happened in such a swift motion that i couldn’t register what happened. i struggled to free myself and then succeded by pushing the person. i turned to find it was sahil. and one more man was present there. i was shocked and tried to run away but he held my hand and pulled me back and in struggle to free myself i fell and hit my head on a rock. after that i went unconscious. [sanskar was hell angry listening this]

inspector- maam after that.
swara- [looked over to the inspector] after that i don’t know how i reached there. i just know that when i opened my eyes i was in a room with some equipments around me and when i found myself in different place i didn’t know where i was. then a nurse came in and finding me conscious she checked me and after some time a doctor came. he told that i was safe and out of coma.
sanskar- [shocked] coma.
swara- [looked at sanskar once and averted her gaze] i was in coma for a long time. i woke up before 10 days. it was because of the injury which i got on my head. i lost lot of blood as sahil thought it to be a small injury and did temporary bandage but when i was taken to hospital i was operated and went in coma. this is all he told me when i gained consciousness. i tried to escape two times but i was caught by them.
inspector- we are sorry for what happened with you. thank you for cooperating. i will take your leave.

inspector left. sanskar was staring swara with tears in his eyes. he was shocked and blank knowing she was in coma. swara looked at sanskar and he engulfed her in a bone crushing hug.
sanskar- [sobbing] i am sorry swara. i was so clueless of what was happening with you. believe me i tried all possible ways to find you but each time i failed. i feel like a loser. i could not keep up my promise to keep you protected once again. i am so sorry. you beared so much and i….i…was not knowing anything.i am such bad husband. i am sorry. these three months i have done all possible things to find you swara. without you i was lifeless. our home was empty. it lost all it’s happiness swara. but still i had others beside me but you had none and i couldn’t do anything. i feel as if i am useless. each time you have to go through so much of pain and i couldn’t do anything. i am sorry.

a tear escaped swara’s eyes.
swara- [controlling herself] it’s ok sanskar. you are not at fault…….. it is in destiny that this all should happen and we couldn’t do anything. don’t blame yourself.
sanskar- i got you back and that is all i want. [broke the hug and cupped her face] i am sorry once again.
swara- i said naa it’s ok. [swara tried to move back from him and sanskar was confused seeing her behaviour but he thought that after all the happenings she is disturbed so he too moved back unwillingly]
sanskar- wait i will bring food for you. see yourself you have become so weak.
after feeding her in which she showed reluctance they were sitting.
swara- [chocked voice] sanskar swayyam and sanu…. [tears escaped her eyes]
a mother can forget everything but not her children whatever happens.
sanskar smiled sadly.

sanskar- swara they are fine and waiting for you since long. i have not told them that you are with me now. i have said them that i am coming with someone to surprise them.
swara- how did they react knowing that i was missing.
sanskar- they don’t know you are missing. i have told them that you are out for work.
swara breathed a sigh of relief- thank you.
sanskar- swara why are you behaving so oddly. don’t worry about anything. don’t be blank like this. since we met you did not say anything else than all this. tell me what is in your heart. what’s bothering you. i know what happened was so very difficult for you and i am sorry i couldn’t avoid it all but please don’t be like this. let out your griefs.

swara- i am fine sanskar [said avoiding eye contact]
sanskar- take your time and remember i am always with you. hmmm…. [said caressing her hair]
swara- [hesitantly] hmmm…
swara- umm… sanskar voh..voh…
sanskar- swara say what you wanna speak.
swara-…he is…i..mean.. [scared tone]
sanskar- [understanding her] he is admitted here itself [swara held his hand tightly in fear] hey don’t worry. he is not in condition to even walk. he is burnt a lot. you don’t have to take tension. he can’t do anything. his condition is critical. [swara relaxed a bit]
swara- hmmm…….
after some time a constable called sanskar. sanskar went with the constable assuring swara he will return immediately.
here sanskar went in icu with inspector who was taking his statement. sanskar’s blood was boiling seeing him but somehow he composed himself.

inspector- sahil ..[sahil opened his eyes slightly] tell us how you did all this. how you knew that mr. sanskar and his family is in mathura. who is involved with you or helping you.
sahil- [unintrested] huh! inspector. leave…

sanskar- [angrily] sahil you better say who helped you or it won’t be good for you. i feel like to kill you. how dare you to kidnap swara.
sahil- [in slow voice due to weakness] you are asking [smiled evilly] i already dared and she was with me for 3 months sanskar. it felt so nice to live with her. aahhh [felt pain due to burn]
sanskar- sahilll [tried to go to him and beat him but inspector held him]
inspector- mr. sanskar behave yourself. you asked so i allowed you with me here. so control yourself. he is already in half dead condition.
inspector- mr. sahil tell us who helped you.
sahil- don’t waste your time inspector. i don’t need anyone’s help between stupid people.
sanskar- [controlling his anger] sahil tell me who helped you. i am asking for the last time.

sahil- sanskar [in anger] because of you i went in jail and couldn’t marry swara. 12 years in jail and then i was released. from the last six months i was finding opportunity to take revenge from you before taking away swara with me. …………i stalked you all for one month. two times i entered your house disguised of plumber and electrician and you didn’t knew. and about your trip…..a new peon came in place of old one. i was that person but i never came in front of you. i don’t need anyone. i am self capable for taking away swara from all of you.
sanskar- you basta*d. in disguise you kept an eye on us. if you were so brave then should have come face to face and then we would have seen. you tortured my swara and kept her captivated. you are such a jerk sahil. because of you she was in coma and suffered so much. if only i could i would have killed you right now. but you got is far better than this. now suffer from this burnt body.
sahil- you….
inspector took sanskar out with him. sanskaar frustratedly ran his fingers in his hair and banged his hand on wall angrily.
sanskar- i will kill him.
inspector- mr. sanskar control your anger.
sanskar- what the hell. he was talking rubbish and you are saying me to control my anger.
inspector- mr. sanskar i understand you but please. calm down.
sanskar- [composing himself] do you need any more help from me or i have to complete any formality. tell me so that i can take back my wife home.
inspector- no everything is done. if needed we will inform you and about the case we will inform you. you take back your wife. we will handle everything.
sanskar- thank you inspector.
sanskar came in swara’s room and saw her lying and staring at the front wall.
sanskar- swara [no response] swara [placed a hand on her shoulder]
swara- [moved away scared] haan [seeing sanskar relaxed]
sanskar- we will go home in some time.
swara smiled lightly.

sanskar- you get ready.
sanskar sent a nurse inside to help her being ready.
soon swasan were travelling back to mumbai via road as no flight was available. sanskar gave medicines to swara which were actually sleeping pills after they started the journey so that in the long journey she won’t get tired. he doesn’t want her health to be affected more. in the car swara slept due to medicines affect without her knowledge. sanskar made her sleep on his lap and caressed her hair. he was looking at her and soon he too slept for some time. [guys driver was driving, i know you all knew but still]
the journey was overnight and soon the morning rays shone the sky. sanskar who slept, many times woke during the journey to ensure everything was fine. in morning finally sanskar woke up and asked driver how much time they will take to reach.

driver informed that they will be in mumbai within half an hour and will reach their house in the next hour. sanskar sighed. finally they were going home. he was going home with his love, his life and the happiness of the house, his swara. he caressed her hair and said

sanskar- princess we have waited a lot for you and you suffered a lot. now we will be back to home and happiness will spread in our lives. i will love you so much and our kids they already love us so much. in this love you will forget all sorrows and again you will be happy. all will be surprised to see you back.
he smiled and pecked her forehead and waited for them to reach. after half an hour swara woke up and opened her eyes. she panicked seeing car and then looked up to see sanskar staring her with love. he saw her opening her eyes.
sanskar- good morning princess.

tears formed in swara’s eyes to hear princess and see sanskar and her position as she was still sleeping on his lap but she controlled herself and got up.
swara- [faint smile] good morning. [looked around] where we reached and i am sorry i don’t know when i slept.
sanskar- [cupped her face] it’s ok. i gave you sleeping pills so you slept. and we almost reached. just some time more.
swara nodded with mixed emotions.
done with this part.

precap- swara back home.



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