at the dining table all sat to have breakfast. swayyam and saniya sat beside swara. swara fed them with her hands and she was quite emotional but tried to compose herself. sanskar also fed first bite to swayyam and sanu and then to swara. she stared at sanskar for a while before having it.
earlier when sanskar used to feed her it would make her feel loved and in presence of others it would embarrass as they would tease but today it was awkward for swara. don’t know what was going on her mind and heart but she felt awkwardness. something bothering her, which discomforted her and this was killing her from inside each second. in between her miseries she observed that sanskar and rashika didn’t even talked for once neither they greeted each other. she also observed that sanskar once or twice took glances of rashika but he didn’t speak.
did something happen between them? why aren’t they talking etc.. questions were running in her mind. but she thought to talk about it later. they completed breakfast and rashika hugged swara and excused herself that she will meet her in evening. kids took swara to a room along with manik and they spent time playing with each other. being with kids she didn’t realise the time but even for a moment when she was alone or silent she was lost in her thoughts.
here sanskar told everything about swara’s whereabouts and kidnapping etc.. to everyone. uttara cried feeling herself guilty for swara’s condition. sanskar consoled her and said that it was not her fault. she is nowhere related to this. they all left for there respective works.
swayyam and sanu were all the time with swara and she also spent all her time with them. they told about all things they missed and told about each other and school. sanu told about how her friend came with her mumma and she missed swara a lot that time. she also cried and then shared the office incident when sanskar shouted on the office staff. they told everything how sanskar made food for them on their demand. the whole day kids did not left swara even for a minute. sanskar too stayed back at home and was with them whole day. he wanted to talk to her apologise and make her smile. so many things he wanted to share. he constantly looked at her but swara avoided his gaze and kept herself engaged with the kids. sanskar finding her lost in her thoughts many times was worried for her.
in evening rashika came to spend time with swara and talked a lot with her. but still the environment was not like before. in presence of sanskar her behaviour changed and sanskar kept mum. swara finally decided to ask both of them what the matter is.
swara- sanu swayyam baby chotu go down and ask kamala aunty to prepare what you wish for snacks.
swayyam- mumma i don’t want. i will be with you.
swara- baby [cupped his face] what happened. is there any problem.
swayyam- mumma i want to be with you. i don’t want you to go for any work. [he said cryingly]
swara- [hugged him] baby mumma is here itself. sshhhhh…..
saniya also started crying.
swara- [saw sanu] sanu now what happened to you. come here.
swara- what happened to you?
sanu- bhaiyuu is crying naa. so i am also feeling to cry.
rashika- sanu you such a sweeto. just like cutie.
swara smiled- aawww mera baccha. chalo now both of you stop crying. [wiped there tears] mumma is not going anywhere. you all go and ask aunty what you want to eat.okkk.
swayyam/sanu- ok.
all three went downstairs.
swara- ahemmm[cleared her throat] rashika what’s going on…
rashika- [confusedly] what going on means.
swara- i mean to say what is going on between you and sanskar. since i came back [closed her eyes and composing herself] i observed both of you did not exchange a word even. what’s the matter.
rashika and sanskar looked shocked at swara but then sanskar lowered his gaze while rashika tried to avoid the matter.
rashika- nothing cutie. now i need to go.
swara- [held her hand] i want to know answer. and if there’s nothing then call him bhai and hug him like you used to do before. before greeting anyone you used to greet him whenever you came here. but today not even for once you talked to him and neither he did. so may i now know what’s the matter.
both kept silence.
swara- it’s ok. i can see many things are changed when i was not here. it’s me who have been kidnapped and away from everyone but looks like it’s you both who have been separated and i can also understand that being away from you all you would have forgotten me or won’t consider me an important part of your life and that’s why you are not telling me what happened. i totally understand. but it’s you both who need to understand the worth of each other when you are in front because when you will be far and won’t get a chance to see your loved ones then it pains really bad which is unbearable. sort out your problems before it’s too late.
swara stood up and started going towards door while sanika were shocked to hear her words, felt pain and guilty for making swara sad.
sanskar stood up and called for swara—-swara
rashika at the same time went and hugged swara sideways stopping her.
rashika- cutie you are taking it wrong. you are really very important to us. please don’t say like that. i am sorry for making you sad.
swara- if you think that i am important then you can share your your problems with me. you know this naa.
rashika- i know.
swara- then say what happened.
all became silent again.
swara- leave it. [swara again started going]
sanskar- it was my mistake. [swara stopped and looked towards sanskar who was looking other way while rashika too did not look at him]
swara- what mistake [asked in confusion]
sanskar- [closed his eyes] i shouted a her and said that….
after five days of swara’s kidnapping sanskar returned from mathura disheartened not getting any clue about swara. he was upset, frustrated and what not. he increased security for swayyam and sanu around house and also for uttmay, manik and rashika too. he was trying all ways to find swara. when he reached back kids were continuously asking where is swara and cried also. sanskar somehow handled them. as uttmay and rashika came to know about this they were highly worried. sharmishtha also came to mumbai. one by one days were passing and sanskar was not able to trace swara. like this one week passed. in this week he skipped his meals and was like a lifeless body whose aim was only to find swara.
one day rashika tried to lighten his mood so that his stress could get reduced and before that also she tried one or two times. she also asked sanskar about progress in her findings. sanskar was completely clueless about everything and hence when one day rashika tried to cheer him up and make him eat a little because the previous day he was feeling dizzy due to weakness he bursted on her venting out his frustration. uttmay have already tried to make him have something but sanskar didn’t buzz and now rashika came. sanskar had already made kids ready and sent them to school.
rashika- bhai have something naa. doctor said that you should have your meals properly. vaise you know bhai in our company a new employ has joined he acts like a joker. if you would hear his talks naa you will laugh so much. yesterday he was saying that…..[said some thing which that colleague said and laughed a little] how cheeky that was but still everyone laughed. hahaha.. [sanskar did not gave her any response and continued working on laptop]
rashika- bhai what’s this. say something. arre don’t say but have something have this.
she brought a morsel in front of his lips and tried to forcefully put in his mouth which angered sanskar. he jerked her hand away resulting in the plate to fall from her hand and making her shocked. she stood up in shock.
sanskar- [angry and frustrated] what the hell rashika. i said once i don’t want. can’t you understand this little thing. do you think it a joke. [rashika was scared seeing his anger] what do you think what i am doing. i am trying my best to find swara and hear you are telling me office jokes. what nonsense is this. can’t you understand simply that i don’t want to have it.
rashika- sorry bhai i just..
sanskar- what just… haan…. it doesn’t matter whether i eat or not and it should not matter also to you. just be in your limits. this food can keep my stomach filled but can’t make me live. so just take away your damn food with you and don’t interrupt in my works. don’t roam around me and keep your jokes with you. here swara is missing and you are cracking jokes. if you don’t care about her then that’s fine with me but stop pesturing me. and now just leave me alone. i don’t need anyone and stop showing your concern to me and…[sanskar stopped seeing her tears and realised what all nonsense he spoke in his anger which he didn’t even mean. he felt guilty and closed his eyes in shame on himself]
rashika- what happened bhai. is there anything left to say then say it because after this you won’t get chance.
sanskar- [guilty] kiddo..i…didn’t mean it….i..am..sor..
rashika- [interrupted] it’s ok. i am sorry infact. don’t worry i won’t disturb you here after. i won’t. bhai i was genuinely concerned about cutie and you but now i won’t show you any concern. you please continue your work and do find cutie because without her you are not even you. sorry. i hope you don’t ban me from meeting buddy and sanu. thank you.
rashika walked out of the room. sanskar was guilty and moved back of her.
sanskar- kiddo… [but she was gone]
sanskar went to her house but she had locked herself in her room. at that time rishita were not home so they didn’t know what happened and neither rashika nor sanskar told them anything. when asked they just gave excuses.
from that day sanskar always had his meals with kids whether it’s a little even and even if he doesn’t want. he knew that she always asks about his well being from sanu or swayyam and always knew about him but he didn’t had the courage to face her because he was highly guilty.
flashback ends
rashika was in tears when sanskar said everything to swara. but she was trying not to cry aloud because many times she wanted to talk to him but didn’t and once or twice taunted him too which was only to make him realise his mistake and not to hurt him so that he talks with her.
swara was shocked knowing that sanskar behaved like this with rashika. she was not getting what to say.
sanskar himself came towards swara and like a school boy sat on his knees holding his ears with tears in his eyes while rashika looked other side.
sanskar- kiddo forgive your bhai. i am really sorry. i was really frustrated and angry because i was not getting any clue and then you forced me to eat and i couldn’t control my anger. actually i was angry on myself but i vent it all on you. i am so sorry. please forgive me. in this span i always wanted you to talk to me and forgive me but i was not getting courage to face you. i am so sorry.
rashika- [crying] i don’t want to talk to you. [she said but still stood there crying.
sanskar- [he smiled knowing that she has forgiven but still she is hurt] sorry naa kiddo. i am a very big stupid idiot to say so many things unknowingly and hurted my kiddo. i am sorry. please forgive me naa. see my knees are paining and i am not a school going boy to kneel down like this. arre think about me if sanu or swayyam sees me like this then. please naa kiddo. last time forgive your bhai.
rashika again nodded in no crying more badly. sanskar stood up and hugged her while she resisted.
rashika- leave..me… you hurt me so much…..i don’t wanna talk to you…. go from here….[while crying]
sanskar- sorry.. i am so sorry. i am ready for any punishment but please forgive me. [sanskar said in chocked voice]
rashika hugged him back.
rashika- bhai why you said like that. i was badly hurt by your words that day. i know you didn’t mean it but i was hurt. why you said like that.
sanskar- i said naa sorry. my anger is the only thing which i can’t control and when i am angry i myself don’t know what all rubbish i speak or do. i am sorry. you know other than swara no one could control my anger and after swara it was kids who could vanish my anger by showing there face but other than them it’s you now. after the day i scolded you i was always calm in the house. in office i couldn’t control but yaa i tried many times. see your effect. you should be proud on yourself.
rashika- [calmed a bit] don’t …..try to …butter me.
sanskar- am i forgiven.
rashika parted away- not yet. you need punishment. you know i cried many times because i couldn’t talk to you.
sanskar- [guilty] i am ready for any kind of punishment. you just say. but never cry. and i am really sorry.
rashika- ok ok i don’t like you chanting this sorry. so be ready for the punishment.
sanskar- what is the punishment. tell
rashika- [hugging swara sideways who was seeing them with tears of happiness on their reconcilation] cutie came back and i am so happy. these days we were all sad. so no more sadness. so your punishment is to listen my demands for few days. and my first demand is family time.
sanskar- means
rashika- means we will go on an outing. everyone for two days. we all missed every type of fun we had and only saddness was their but no more. since jiju’s parents are going back day after tomorrow so we will go on the the outing after that. arrangements all by you and security too but bhai see to it that they remain at some distance because the one you appointed for me without my knowledge follows me only at 15-20 feet distance which really irks me.
sanskar- you know about the guard.
rashika- what you thought that your guard is so intelligent to hide from me and still be behind me. i would have taught him a good lesson if not appointed by you.
sanskar- [smiled] ok by the i ate my meals on time. you could have asked me directly instead of angel and champ.
rashika- you know about it.
sanskar- after all i am your brother. and don’t forget you have learnt many things from me itself. [said with attitude]
rashika- ok ok. prepare for your punishment.
swara- rashika can’t this trip or outing be cancelled for now.
rashika- what happened cutie. aren’t you happy with it. you don’t want to go or are you unwell.
swara- no i am fine.
rashika- [sadly] then what is the problem cutie.
swara- [hesitantly] nothing. i said just like this. i thought of spending time at home.
rashika- ohho cutie in this trip we all will spend a lot of time all for ourselves and make up for the time we were away. [hugged her tightly] i missed you so much.
swara- i too missed you all. i lived with your all memories only.
rashika- sorry to talk about all that. accha now cheer up and let’s go down. now i am very hungry. [kissed on her cheek] not today but some other day make me your special sandwich. i am dying to eat it.
swara- then why not today. come we will make it.
sanskar- no
rashika- no you are not well today. some other day.
swara- but i want to make t today and since many days i haven’t cooked anything. let me try and you will help me. come.
they all went downstairs. swarashika made sandwiches and all shared a beautiful evening.
done with this part.
Awwww baby
So this was sanskar n rashika’s reason to avoid each other
Swara what is happening with u dear
Plz dont hide it
Oosssoommmmm….. Suprb….. Amazing… Lovd it… Missed it????????????????
Yr.. I can’t get what swara is thinking.. Why is happening in her brain.. Plz show some happy family moment soon..?
Awesome dear
Awesome dear…….
Tha nk god rashika and sanskar patch up now im worried for swara plz make her fine. I thnk she is geeling bad that sahil touched her.Awsm epi. 3 to go for century. Yippi.
Wow loved it
It’s nice
superb chappy but wat happened to swara y behaving weird tell soon plzzz nd make her lyk before….?????
Wow!! Amazing… So this is the reason for Sanika fighting…. And finally they are patch up!!! But please make swara normal soon… Let share her problem with Sanskaar..
Wow amazing but please make swara fine soon
Amazing update… pls post next update soon…
awesome loved it.. sanskar ne rashika ko hurt kiya.. thx for this update im waiting for this what made the both are not in talking terms… loved it what is going in swara mind?
