#Adhm17( our angel), this part specially for shreeyu, only for her i able to complete it or as usual i going to delay.
Before starting let me tell you swara present age: 22 years old. And she met kabir at 20 years old.
Prologue to part 13 link
Part 14 to 16
She looked down and tried to escape from his clutches, as more she tries he tighten his grip more.
Sanskar: not today swara …
Swara: sanskar, i need to go. Me feeling weakness.
He left her, she turned back and move some step but before she could enter inside her house his next word freezes her.
Sanskar: if today you’ll go without saying anything then our friendship end. I don’t know how much it value in your life but it’s my life.
He turned other side, he heard her steps going away. He felt his heart is going away from him but yet he was determined today he’ll know truth or go away from her life. If she can’t value his friendship then she would not value his love also. He about to move from there but stop listening some sobs and felt soft grip on hand.
“ please don’t leave me like others, this time I’ll not able to manage. Plz”
He looked down and found crying miserably. He sat down and lift her chin.
Sanskar: in every situation I’ll be with you. It’s my promise you can trust me, you trust me na?
She nodded in yes.
Sanskar: Then just tell me whatever is in your heart. I am sure after sharing your pain you’ll feel better.
Swara: why do you wanna know about me? Why my pain effect so much? How do you able to read my eyes? How do you able to know i am not happy? How sanskar , how…
Still her voice was chocked and looking straight in his eyes, trying to figure out his feelings.
He lowered down his eyelashes and just smiled painfully thinking that what should he tell her that he is in love with her, her every tears dragger thousands knives inside his heart, her eyes emptiness steal his sleep. What should he tell her that he is hopelessly love with her. Just simply he just can ask time.
Sanskar: one day I’ll tell you everything but please today let me help you, let me heal you. Just say na,..
She interrupted him.
Swara: i can’t sanskar i am afraid sanskar i don’t know i just don’t know anything how should i start. I….
Now she was totally broken, she started to cry loudly. he can’t able to see her like this. He took her in his embrace and gently close her eyes and wipe her tears.
Sanskar: just start
she stopped crying, inhale air and remove his hand. She stood and sat on near bench.
For some moments she just remain in same position neither spoke anything nor move from there.
He observing her every action and waiting for her opening mouth. For some moments he felt like she’ll not open her mouth, again he’ll get failure, he crossed his fingers and looked down. He stood and sat near her. He put his hand on her shoulder, she rested her head his shoulder and held his hand.
Swara: it all started before my birth itself.
He looked at her and started to listen with patience.
Flashback ( it’ll be in third person pov )
A seven month old pregnant women sitting at sofa, and a old lady about 60 year old sitting beside her.
Old lady: Pandit, tell fast what will be baby future. He/she will not bad for us na.
She pick some nuts from plate and started to chew it.
Priest : wait pravati ji, let me read every star position. Then I’ll able to tell na. Well i think this child will also good for your family.
Pravati: dekh Pandit maine tere soch nhi dekhni, tu chup chap kundli dekh ke bta. ( i don’t need to know what you think or not just i wanna about child horoscope.)
The pregnant lady smiled and keep hand pravati hand
Lady: arre ma don’t worry like our ragini this baby also bring happiness for us.
Pravati: arre Nidhi tu chinta na kr, tu toh bas aram kr ( Nidhi,you don’t need to take tension. You just rest) ( for Nidhi role you can imagine anyone , i didn’t use janki or shomi because i like them)
She made Nidhi sit properly and passed fruits.
She looked towards priest who is counting something on fingers, with passing second his face colour was changing. Sweat forming on his forehead and face became more pale.
Pravati; Ae Pandit jldi kr ,mare pass pura din na se( Do fast, i don’t have whole day)
He gulped in fear and started to see his books.
Priest: vo pravati ji.. vo…
Pravati: ke vo vo lga rkhe hai, saaf bol ( What is this vo vo , say clearly)
Priest: i think i need to study more.
She angrily sees him and stood from there.
Pravati: just speak..
Priest : this child will bring bad luck for your family. I’ll advice kill ….
Before he could complete, A man came and hold his collar and drag him outside the house and throw him.
Man: how dare you tell that we should kill our baby.
He turned towards both ladies.
Man: one day this superstition will destroy everything.
Nidhi and pravati tried to make him claim but nothing worked he closed the door and went inside the room.
Nidhi: ma let me see shekhar ji.
Pravati: ja chori, but if it’s true that baby is bad omen then I’ll let him or her come in this world.
Nidhi : but ma
Pravati: no if and but ,my decision is final.
A 6 year old girl come and held Nidhi hand.
Girl: ma, when my baby will come.
Pravati make her leave that girl hand from nidhi’s .
Pravati: Ragini, you’ll not go near your ma till I’ll not say.
Nidhi: ma but ….
Ragini: but dadi, ma and my baby
She slap her and shout at her.
Pravati: i told na, you’ll not go means no. Now go and not come near your mother.
Ragini nodded in yes and run away from there being scared.
Pravati: you go and see shekhar. Tmrw we have to visit other priest.
Nidhi: ma but ragini is small she needs me.
Pravati: I’ll handle her, don’t forget she is my grand daughter also. I can take care of her.
Unwillingly Nidhi left from there.
Next day they visited some other priest but result was same. Both decided to abort baby but as it was 7 month no one was ready to do it.
At some point Nidhi was feeling bad but as her mother in law make her understand about bad omen so she half heartily agreed.
Shekhar tried to make them understand but all went in vain. With passing days there were loss in business and regulary something bad happening like accident. This was making pravati more determined. She tried all ways but nothing comes in her hand. In this interval of time shekhar somehow convinced nidhi to not harm baby.
Like it 2 months passed, now it was time for delivery.
As soon as baby came in this world unfortunately a bad news also came that in due to electric shock, their house catch fire in that ragini and parvati younger daughter died. This was thunder for whole family now old lady hatred towads new born baby increase more ,she was ready to kill her because for her she is killer of her beloved daughter and granddaughter. With blood shot eyes she went inside nidhi’s room.
Nurse come there with baby in hand to give them. Sensing her mother baby started to cry for going in her mother lap, like she wanna see her and fit her image in her small eyes.
Nidhi looked at baby, she forwarded her hands but priest’s word ring in her ears and loss of her first daughter come in her mind. She back off and turned her face from baby. A lone tear come out from her eyes but at this moment only her first now not first late daughter laughing face and her cute antics were coming in mind. For old lady her crying voice irking her, she angrily sees towards nurse hand.
Nidhi : keep her in cot.
Nurse surprisingly looked at her but follow her words. She placed baby in cot and left from there.
Baby started to cry more but it keep unaffected both ladies for them new born baby was their beloved one killer.
Nidhi: ma, you were right we should kill her this baby.
Pravati: i told you to get rid of this witch but no why you and shekhar will listen me.
Nidhi: i am sorry ma, my daughter..
Saying it she started to sob.
Pravati: this all due to this child I’ll not leave her, today itself I’ll kill her. This girl eat by daughter and granddaughter.
She about to take baby in hand but one hand stop her.
At some point shekhar was also effected by it. But he thought it’s just coincidence he tried to make both ladies understand but nothing work in his favour as he can’t go against his mother and wife.
Shekhar: ma , at this moment it’s not important that …
Nidhi: shekhar ji, better you keep quiet . You’re also reason of this misfortune. You better go.
He went from there without giving any glance to baby.
After some days,
At home, pravati tried to get rid of baby but nothing worked. With some courage shekhar asked permission to keep baby with him. He promised them he’ll not allow her go near both ladies.
Nidhi looked at baby, in some corner of her heart guilt and motherly love was still there but when she used to closed her eyes face of her other daughter coming. Whereas pravati was stone hearted neither baby crying sounds nor her innocent face was melting her for her just she is killer of her grand daughter and daughter.
Nidhi: ma i think we should keep this girl in our house. Think na if we’ll throw her what society will say.
Listening society that lady agreed but still determine she’ll get rid of this girl someday.
Shekhar keep baby name swara as he and his wife decided.
He used to take care of her and his business also. Old lady trying best to get rid of her but somehow every time shekhar saving her. With it 12 years passed, in this interval of time many things changed but if one thing not change that was their hatred toward Swara.
Whenever swara used to ask questions from him he never had proper answers.
Swara: Baba, why mom not loves me and why dadi always beat me?
His eyes used to become moist listening but being good son and husband he don’t able to do anything for her. Just he could apply medicine on her wounds and tell some fake story like her mom loves her but just playing games with her.
Swara: when this game will end, vo na i missing mom. Whenever i see other children playing with their mom i also wanna play. But whenever i go near her dadi call me witch and shove me away. And mom also not allow me come near her. Really am i witch?
She turned towards mirror side and look carefully at her image.
Shekhar: what happened?
He took her in lap.
Swara: vo i saw in TV witch has long nails and hair. But i don’t have it. And yeah i also don’t have any power. Then why she call me that. Wait I’ll ask her then I’ll finish this test less food.
Shekhar: I’ll give you answer na.
Swara: pakka, you’ll not lie na like everytime.
Shekhar: yeah
Swara: kk i trust you then tell.
Shekhar: because you are not witch. Vo na dadi is little mad she became old na that’s why she called you witch. You toh my angel, my beautiful princess.
Swara: sachi Baba
She see herself in mirror and admire herself and passed cute smile.
He nodded in yes and make her eat some food which he bought for her.
Being 12 year old she happily use to accept it. But still one question was mind why her dadi always scold her.
For it he only could answer people whom they love they can scold.
But with passing time she also started to realise it’s not truth something is there which is not okay.
With time relationship between shekhar and Nidhi become fine. They again plan for family, after sometime she became pregnant. All were making sure swara not even touch nidhi’s shadow.
Pravati: Shekhar, now i can’t take any risk. This girl have to leave this house.
Sekhar: but ma, where she’ll go she is just 13 years old. I promise she’ll not come near nidhi.
Pravati: no if and but just throw this witch at any place.
Swara was there only she was hided behind wall, listening witch word she came out and started to laugh.
Swara: dadi you became old, i am not witch me angel.
She started laugh more which make old lady angry. Oldie angrily sees her which make her quite and run from there.
Pravati: take this girl from here or else I’ll do something to her.
He nodded in yes.
Shekhar again told some fake story and send her at his friend house for somedays. She happily accepted it as he told her there all will love her and give chocolates.
But little girl not have any idea that it’s last time she is seeing his dad love.
She started to live at his friend house, there everything was going smoothly until one day a 17 year old boy come there for living. In short word he was simply spoil brat.
He walking with support of wall and blabbering something. He went in his room and took something from his bag like a small packet.
He smell and swallow it. After some time he change his dress. He heard some melodious voice and went in that direction. He saw a small girl playing with his mother.
He: hey old lady now who is this girl.
His mother looked at him before she could speak swara hide behind her.
Swara: Aunty who is he?
Lady: vo beta he is my son.
His anger triggered seeing he is being ignored he throw something at them. It hurts swara’s forehead as she is trying to see him ,blood started to ozz from there. But that boy ignored it and looked at his mother.
He: old lady next time don’t ignore me, now tell who is she? Your illegal daughter or my sweet father daughter?
He almost shouting at her, she helplessly listening it. But swara come from there and went towards him.
Swara: you pole size don’t shout at my aunty. Or else
He: or else what?
She smiled naughtily and bite his hand and run from there.
Swara: I’ll bite you hardly.
His anger reached at peak level,he about to move from there but his mother stop him and pleaded leave swara as she is small and don’t know anything about him.
He just went from there.
Next day,
He watching something on phone and smiling brightly. Same moment swara passing from there and came inside seeing his happy mood.
He noticed her and smirked little. He kept his phone at side and went near her.
He: what is your name?
Swara: first tell you’ll not punish me na, vo yesterday i became angry that’s why i bite you.
She held her ears and smile brightly.
Swara: sry…
Precap; no mood ??
You guess who is he , i mean that boy?? and now what will happen??????
Remember she met kabir at 20, so more things are left. It’s not end it’s just start..
one or more part which will contain past.
Cmnt or else you better know?????
Nice….Plz give link of previous episode
Check this part, i gave link in itself.
Thnkew sooooo soooooo soooooo much for posting it Anniya Di…!!! Just loved it as always!!
Her past is really very painful, I mean in this century also people r living in those superstitions… Can’t they both (Parvati & Nidhi) understand that how much they tortured that little angel and Nidhi being a mother neglected her sorrows !!!!
It was amazing Di…And i guess that boy is Aman (this is only the name of her boss na???)
Poor shona .. She’s so innocent
Awesome anniya….!!!!!! Continue soon… Don’t take more time….!!!!
Anni its amazing….i loved it a lot…. Very very superb anni…. Now though i want next episode of this ff otherwise i won’t update my ff…. Remember ??
Awsm di..
Update soon next part
Ufffff taubaaa aaaniii ???? i was searching our angel ????? hehehehe awesomeee superbbb mind blowinghh what a past aansuu aagayee sach may ??????? post soon ?????????
awesome..loved it..waiting for d nxt one..tc..
Next part soon post
Felling bd for Swara..
Update soon
Awsm.. Amazing…
I have no words to express my feeling..
Update soon
Anniii devillll soo nyc episode ???
I am searching for our angel ?
Waise swara past is painful
How can mother be that much cruel ??
Post nxt part soon or I will kill you ?
I can’t wait now?
Waaaaaa..!! You changed the name to the old one.! That’s a cool decision otherwise____!! Beda garg..!
The episode was soo good.! Naughty innocent Swara.! Huh why didn’t Parvati died also?
It was hard to imagine Sekhar .! hehehe..! Loved it loved it Tittiiii..!!
But the cherry on the cake was Dhmaki.*facepalm.
You are not going to change..!! Illegal pinkmail..!
Continue soon dear, Thnk u to Cutieee!!
N thnk u to you..! ;-*
Awesome dear
Poor swara ?
Awesome Anni…..!!Nxt one soon…..!!!
Bad past.. Superb chapie?
After reading dis part m crying. So much pain only 4 stupid super. Shame.
Awesome..how can some parents be so cruel just because of some superstition..
Update next part soon.
Annii…my heart is doing dhak dhak by the time i finished reading. Swara’s breakdown??
M scared for swara ???
If hez not kabir dan wat if he do bad wid swara…. noooooo i cnt imagine dat..
Y u lft it ??? i want to read more…
So curious to knw her past..
Post nxr part ASAP
uugghhh.. soo emotional, poor swara..awesome part dear
Emotional part