Episode 19
Swara is very busy in preparing the presentation for the project…. Even sanskar is busy in that project…. But sanskar has atul with him and he helped him preparing the presentation…. Even sanskar ans atul were preparing this presentation for many days as they know it before…. But swara is preparing only in this 3 days….
Next day too swara had a hectic shedule…. Even she didn’t talk with sanskar more…. She just talk to him for 10 or 15 minutes…. Even sanskar didn’t scold her as he knows she is busy…. But he missed her so thought to c her…. But she avoided him stating the work….
Swara is just working a lot by putting lot of efforts…. Sanskar felt some bad going to happen….. But brushed the thought…. Then at night sanskar thought to c swara so he went to her house and called deepu….
Sanskar:hello deepika….
Deepu:haan jiju…. What happen??? U called me at this time???
Sanskar:i want to c my angel now deepika….
Deepu:oh gosh u scared me…. U can call her right???
Sanskar:ha ha i know that…. But ur di is busy in the project…. So she will not come….
Deepu:then what can i do???
Sanskar:nothing i m outside ur house only…. Just take me to ur di’s room….
Deepu:what????? No chance papa is here jiju….
Sanakar:pls deepu…. I wont make any noise at all…. K then tell me whether u have any pipe connection to angel’s room???
Deepu:jiju no no dont take risk…. Wait u come to the backside of the house…. I will come there….
Then deepu went and made sure her parents were sleeping…. She went to the backside and opened the door and took sanskar to swara’s room…. Deepu knock the door of swara’s room…
Swara:who is this???
Deepu:di its me….
Swara:deepu pls don’t disturb me….
Deepu:di just open the door for 1 second….
Swara:oh deepu y r u doing this??? Wait i m coming….
At that time sanskar signed deepu to go… She went…. Swara opened the door and didnt c who is standing…. She just went inside after opening the door….
Sanakar came inside and locked the door and went and back hugged her….. Swara is startled as she didn’t expect sanskar there…. She just turned and saw him with shocked expression….
Swara:sanskar what r u doing here????
Sanskar:angel i came to c u as i missed u a lot….
Swara:sanskar but only tomorrow…. Then i will be free right…..
Sanskar:ha ha i know that angel…. But cant wait to c u….
Swara:but sanskar i m very busy….
Sanskar:ha ha i know that angel…. Dont worry i wont disturb u….
Sanskar:angel u do ur work…. I’ll just sit her for sometimes…. After seeing u i will go….
Swara:sanskar y u love me this much??? I m not at all suitable for u….. I make u suffer so much sanskar….. I m sorry…. I dont deserve u….
Swara is just blabbering and sanskar cant take it so he kissed her lips to make her silent…. At first she is shocked but reciprocated after some time…. Then both parted away for air…. Swara blushingly hugged him tightly…..
Sanskar:angel dont talk like this…. U deserve me k….
Swara:mm k sanskar…. Love u….
Sanskar:love u soo muchh angel….
Swara:sanskar i have to work…. Sorry dr….
Sanskar:i know that angel…. U work…. I will sit here for sometime and will go back….
Swara:mm k sanskar….
Then sanskar sat opposite to swara…. Swara felt sad as she thought he will sit near her….
Swara:sanskar y r u sitting there????
Sanskar:ha ha angel we both applied for the same project and u r working on it…. So i dont want any mu between us….
Swara:sanskar what do u mean???
Sanskar:angel i dont want to c ur work dr….
Swara:sanskar do u think that i will doubt u???
Sanskar:no angel…. I didn’t say in that way…. But its just professionalism angel…. Leave that angel…. U do ur work angel….
Swara:sanskar u r too much…. K leave that….
Then swara went and start to do her work but she cant concentrate….. Seeing her state sanskar went close to her kissed her forehead and bid bye and went to his house….
Then next day at afternoon she finished fully and showed that too the manager…. Seeing that manager got stunned as its excellent…. Manager thought of something and he asked her to give the presentation and the copies of that presentation to him…. Swara too gave her pendrive as she saved directly in the pendrive and went…. There manager thought something and made something in the presentation that totally changed the structure opposite to what she planned….
Hope u guys like it….
Pls do read and comment guys….
Tata…. ??
Nic but short … its k I think so u r busy … and swasan rocks …
amaszing shan. wonderful
nice update shan. I think swara will loss the tender.. and may mu start between swasan.. keep going dear. love you
Lak gaye na. Swasan mu. Pacapacr. I was about to miss the part fr blody study clases. This alsi bila samaira(m not samaira) s hand is paining so hope cn read n cmnt .
… Dont say about swasan separation. I will kill u kamal+shanu + this idot swasan. Ta ta to my tata di.
It’s awesome Bt feeling bad for her…. Hope so u update soon….. N the episode was awesome dear…
awesome..!! Yaah.. Even I feel swara will misunderstand sanskar that he did something to project and she looses it..!!