SWARA’S point of view:
Ringgggg. ……………zzzzz. ………Ringgggg. ……………….
Uh! What is this annoying sound! Oh no it’s morning! I don’t want to get up! As I was thinking of snoozing my alarm and taking a good nap of another 10 mins my brother walked in and poured something on me. Something slimy! Something muddy! Shoot! He pore the mud mixed with cow dung on me! Ewwwwww
Thinking of different ways to kill him I got up but looking at him I got scared! His anger shot eyes! But wait. Why is he so angry? Did he come to know? God Swara run to the bathroom for your life! As I shut the bathroom door on his face , I hear him grumble about me , cursing me under his breadth!
Well so you want to know the reason? It’s just that yesterday morning, I told bua about his nth girlfriend and as usual she has cut his this week’s pocket money! Well and about the mud thing . My brother has a odd habit on pouring on me different stuffs when he is angry. He usually used to put water then ice , sometimes milk too but when he is too angry ,it is like a hell for me! He had even poured a dog’s urine on me once! That was yuck!
Well let’s concentrate on getting rid of the smell!
As I finished my bath I peeped in the room making sure of my brothers absence ,I entered the room. Opening my closest I decided to go with a demin jenes and a sweatshirt and not to forget , a jacket! I tied by hair in a high ponytail , wore my specs , took my bag and came down!
As I came down stairs , I grabbed an apple and left to college earlier than usual to avoid bhai!
And hear I reach! ‘University of Canada’ where I study!
The movement I entered I started getting negative! When I looked around I noticed that no one was looking at me ! I joined this university last year and have been the topper of the last year’s batch too! At first when I entered in the college, everyone assumed me to be dumb and also called me so. But I did not get depressed ! I worked hard and became the topper of the batch! After then everyone started calling me a nerd due to my appearance and habit of only reading whenever free!Let’s not talk about it !
As I was on my way to library passing through the canteen, a coke can right feel on my head with the coke freezing me and eventually removing the shit out of me!
Picking up the can which after hitting me lay innocently on the floor , I tried to look for its master. And there he comes ! God why him again? Is he playing some sort of revenge plan on me for my previous birth mistakes?
He came near me with his friends and obviously bhai too and asked me a sorry but instead of politely accepting it ,still angry on yesterday’s incident I decided to let him also taste the coke and emptied the remaining coke on his head! Kept the can on his hand. And turned to leave!
As I was leaving, I heard him calling ‘Angry Bird’ to which I unknowingly turned. I looked at him as he muttered a ‘Sorry Angry Bird’. Uhhhhhhh I hate this guy! First he poured ketchup on me! Then threw a coke can on me and made me wet ! And now he called me a Angry Bird in front of the whole college! I feel like killing him! Uhhhhhhh………………
As different ways of killing him wore popping in my mind , I took my spare clothes from my locker and got changed in a royal blue full sleeves top and black jenes with a half demin jacket to make me feel warm!
As I headed towards my classroom , I heard students call me ‘Angry Bird’ . This guy has changed my name from ‘Ms Nerd ‘ to ‘Angry Bird’ in no less than 15 minutes! Unaware about what the future has planned for me , I walked in my classroom……….
Hope you like it!
Thank you for the comments!
Sorry for the spelling errors!
And the next part will get delayed as I have my exams going on!
So sorry in advance!
The next parts will be longer!
There are 40% chances of me posting the next chapter on 24th or if not , the 4th chapter will surely be uploaded on 28th or 29th of the month!
And after 30th of march , there will be longer chapters as my exams will end!
Awesome loved it
Thank you! ?
Marvelous.. Loved it.. Oh God,dog urine,hilarious??.. Keep going dear.. Waiting for nxt.. Ok no problem,take your time and post..
Take care
Keep smiling?
Thank you! ? I will try to post ASAP
Awesome yaar I really liked and thanks for not adding revenge kind of love story…
Poor swara ewwwweee mud ?oh god poor girl???
Thanks a ton!
Thank you! ??
Nice dear
Thank you! ??
Amazing dr……
Thank you! ??
Thanks a lot! ??
Thank you! ?
Thank you! ??
Very cute chemistry coming up, pls update long once u are free but I still enjoying
Yes, you will get to see a great chemistry and bonding between them! ?
Thank you! ?
Swasan meets r Tashan wala type ???
Yes ! And their next meet will also be full of task an! ?
Thank you! And I’ll be posting an introduction soon!?
Good one..
Thank you!
Awesome ?? today too small part????

All d bst for ur exam
Thank you! And next time there will be a loooooooooong part! ??
Nice dear
Thank you so much! ??
awesome ?
Thank you! ?
Thank you so much! ?
Thank you! ???
Thank you! ??
Lol…it was hilarious …awesome dear…?
Than you! ???
Loved it. ?
All the best for your exams dear.
Take your time & update.
Thank you! I will try to post soon! ?
Thank you! ???
awesome dear…cant stop laughing??
Thank you! ??
Awesome..all the best for your exams.
Thank you so much! ??
Thank you so much!??
Really liked it ?
I’ll send you next parts too!?
Eagerly waiting for the next chapter
Thank Priyu! Will text you the next part!?
Proud of you poorva
Proud of you too Einstein!
Nice chapter Pooh.! Continue soon.! Thnk u. ;-*
Glad you like it! Have already submitted the chapter and it may be uploaded anytime!