Fan Fiction

Swasan FF: Entangled Love chapter 29

Hey guyz I just want to thank you all for your tremendous support but please it’s my request in any kind of arguments or fight…. Let others say want they want to, we are free to express our opinion…. The thing is that it isn’t affecting me… so just chill and enjoy the story….. Moreover it’s not about any pair or couple, it’s about the story…. Liking any couple is our wish, it’s on us whom we want to imagine…..

So just relax and enjoy the next part………
PS: by the way I want to thank that person who bashed me because he did nothing but just added 15 to 20 comments more to my update…. Thank you so much dear, keep bashing….
Previous chapter link:

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Recap: Swara got unconscious, Sanskar’s concern towards her…..

Swara’s POV

I was feeling slight pain all over my body. With difficulty I tried to open my eyes and saw the smiling face of Siya… I could see the excitement on her face while looking at me. She squealed happily “Kaushalya kaki she is up”. Moving my head to other side, I found Kaushalya kaki who was sitting at one corner of the bed. She smiled at me and moved out. I felt something on my cheek and saw Siya who just kissed me on cheek. I tried to get up but couldn’t because of weakness. Suddenly two hands helped me to sit. I looked at that direction and it was Ragini who was helping me with a smile on her face, beside her Annapurna aunty and Sujata aunty was standing. I tried to speak up but before me Annapurna aunty spoke “Swara beta how are you feeling now? And what happened to you? Sanskar brought you here unconscious”. It is then when I realized that last night wasn’t a dream, it was all real. We actually kissed. I was cursing myself for my behavior. How can I kiss him? He is my boss? Moreover he is father of Siya. How can I mess up everything? Although the thought of facing him after what all happened scared me to hell but still I looked around to search him, he wasn’t there. Ragini read my mind and spoke “Swara… Sanskar is not here…. He went to office”. I got embarrassed as if somebody caught me red handed. After sometime Kaushalya kaki brought a big bowl of soup for me… and asked me to finish it all. I silently started sipping it.
Annapurna: (lovingly) Swara quickly finish it… after this you have to take your medicines also. (Worriedly she said) Beta I think you should inform your mother about it.
Swara: (pleading tone) No aunty, please don’t tell anything about this to ma… she will get worried and I am fine now see. I was just exhausted nothing else.
Annapurna: (smilingly) Ok… but you have to promise me that you will take care of yourself and eat properly.

Swara nodded her head to Annapurna and turned to Siya who was still sitting next to her, placing her little hands in Swara’s.
Swara: (smiled) Siya… you didn’t went to school today?
Siya: (holding her stomach dramatically) I was having severe stomach ache in the morning but then you came and I forgot about my ache.
All laughed at her including Swara. She quickly took that little angel in a warm hug and she hugged her back with equal delight. Leaving Swara to take some rest, everybody left.

Office, Sanskar’s cabin

Sanskar was in office but couldn’t able to concentrate on work… he was disturbed reminiscing what all happened between him and Swara that led to her in this state. He was blaming himself for her condition. He wanted to stay there with her but it will only make the situation more awkward, he thought. Although in office also he was thinking about anything but her. Picking his phone from the table, he moved to the corner window of the office and dialed a number.
Annapurna: (surprised) hello… Sanskar, you called at this time.
Sanskar: (heavy voice) Mom, is Siya fine now? She was having stomach ache in the morning.
Annapurna: (smilingly) Sanskar, you know her very well…. It was her drama just to escape from school.
Sanskar: (smiled sadly) Yeah… how can I forget about her drama. Well mom, have you taken your medicines?
Annapurna: (with little suspicion) yeah I had my medicines Sanskar. Kaushalya never forgets her duty.

Sanskar: (hesitantly) and what about lunch…. Did you have your lunch and Siya she had anything?
Annapurna: (suppressing her laugh) yes beta me and Siya we both had our lunch… and even Ragini and Sujata had their lunch properly, and all the servants had eaten also. (She gave a small laugh which confused Sanskar)…. Do you want to know anything else?
Sanskar: (dumbfound) NO….. vo actually mom…
Annapurna: Sanskar, why don’t you ask for what you have called me?
Sanskar startled with her words… now he can’t escape, how he forgets that he was talking to his mother who can read his mind. But being a warrior, he can’t give up so easily.
Sanskar: (calm voice) its nothing like that mom….I was just
She interrupted in between…..

Annapurna: (thick voice) Sanskar, I am your mother… I can read your every single move so don’t try to fool around me. And if you can’t ask let me tell you…Swara is fine now, she gain her conscious little while ago and after having her meal she is sleeping peacefully in her room. And one more thing she didn’t want her family to know about it so don’t tell them anything ok…. Now is there anything else you want to know?
Sanskar: (little embarrassed) Bye mom… take care.
Annapurna: (smiled to herself) Pagal ladka (crazy boy)…..why he always tries to show that he is unaffected when he is not?

Evening, Swara’s room

Swara was sitting on her bed all alone now, engrossed in her deep thoughts. In last 24hrs her life turned upside down. She was regretting for making the situation awkward for her.

Swara’s POV

It was all my fault, if I have not stuck there in rain, then we never have to end up in that hotel. Did I encourage him? Was it my fault? No, he was the one who initiated it but why didn’t I stop him. I could protest but instead of that I got involved. And surprisingly I wasn’t feeling bad. Oh god! I will go crazy. But why he kissed me? I thought he didn’t like me, does it mean he likes me? Swara stop your blabber, I scolded myself. Don’t be delusional Swara.… you are not the only girl on planet, why would “The Sanskar Maheshwari” like you. I shook my head to wipe out these weird thoughts and told myself that I am here for Siya and I need to concentrate on that only. I have to forget all and behave normal.
She composed herself and tried to be determined unaware that the journey ahead is not going to be easy for her.

At office, Sanskar’s cabin

He was talking with Prateek about the new project, telling him about the requirements of extra staff as they need man power for new project. Sanskar asked to give advertisement for the same. Their discussion got interrupted when Sanskar’s phone rang, he looked at the screen, and it showed up the name of caller as… “Mrs. Sharmishtha Bose”. He picked the phone signaling Prateek to discuss it later and Prateek left his cabin.
Sanskar: (worriedly) hello aunty.…
Sharmishtha: (guilty feeling) I am so sorry Sanskar… I am disturbing you in the middle of your work. Actually I have been trying Shona’s number since yesterday, but it was out of reach and now it’s switched off. I got worried, is she fine? Actually she is allergic to rain water…. If she got drenched, end up with fever. And it was raining heavily yesterday, did she got drenched or something.

Sanskar realized what was the reason behind her such condition. He was little angry on her. “Why she behaves so immaturely sometimes”. He closed his eyes to calm himself.
Sanskar: (assuring tone) Swara is absolutely fine and she is at home…. May be busy in work forgot about charging her cell phone. You don’t worry I will tell her to call you.
Sharmishtha was relieved on hearing that her daughter is all well. She thanked him and disconnected the call. Sanskar wasn’t feeling good about hiding the truth from Sharmishtha. She is her mother and she must know about her daughter but Annapurna’s words stopped him from saying the truth. He can’t believe he lied to someone as he never did that before. “I don’t know what else I have to do for her” shook his head in disbelief.

Night, at Maheshwari mansion

Whole day Swara was confined to her room only… nobody allowed her to move out of the room. It was difficult for her to kill the time so she thought to complete some pending lessons of Siya but to her dismay Annapurna didn’t aloud for it… she stated “rest means, complete rest, no work”. Swara had left with no choice. She was happy that at least Siya was there to talk with her…. the little girl didn’t leave her sight, since the time she woke up from the sleep. Although all the ladies of the mansion keep coming in between to see her but her permanent companion was Siya…. The entertainer. They were busy in talking when Swara realized that her cell phone was missing. The first thought came to her mind was of her mother “Ma must be calling me, I couldn’t talk to her last night…. She must be worried” she thought. She enquired about her phone to everyone but to her disappointment nobody knows about it. She thought it might be with Sanskar or to the worst she left it at hotel room. She was lost in her thought when Anand came running to the room holding a cordless, he said looking at Swara “Sanskar Bhiya wants to talk to you”. She hesitated a bit in talking to him but can’t refuse.
Swara: (nervously) hello……

Sanskar felt happy hearing her sweet voice…. he was dying to hear her voice since long but he also felt the nervousness in her voice. His trance broke when he heard her again saying “Mr. Maheshwari are you there?”
Sanskar: (coming back to senses) where is your phone Swara?
Swara: (surprised) I don’t know…. Thought it might be with you. But if not then I am afraid it must be in hotel room.
Sanskar: (angrily) can’t you keep your cell phone with you?
Swara: (same anger) If you remember Mr. Maheshwari… I was unconscious last night.
He was silent as he realized he was at fault right now…

Swara: (sarcastically) did you called to scold me for this?
Sanskar: (in calm voice) talk to your mother…. She called me and asking for you, she is worried.
As she heard that she quickly disconnected the call and dialed her mother’s number. She picked it at one ring. “Hello ma, this is me” Swara said. On hearing Swara’s voice she sighed in relief and blasted “where were you Shona! You know how worried I was? Why your number was out of reach yesterday and now it is switch off. How can you be so irresponsible? Don’t you know I can’t sleep without talking to you?” she blurts out all this in one breath. Swara was trying to answer her but she wasn’t allowing her, irritated with it she shouted “Maaaa….

At least give me chance to speak. Why are you so worried? I am totally fine and actually Ma my phone is missing so couldn’t called you that’s it nothing else”. Sharmishtha got worried knowing about her missing phone “then how we going to talk? You must buy a new one” she said. Swara understanding her mother’s fear that she can’t stay without talking to her, said “Ma I will surely buy a new one if I didn’t get my phone back, till then you can call me on this landline number. Now stop worrying and tell me how is Ashu and where he is?” Sharmishtha satisfied with Swara’s reply told her that her brother is busy in group study with his friends. Swara got happy to hear that her brother was now fully back to normal. They talked for some time and then Swara went into a deep sleep perhaps due to effect of medicines with Siya sleeping next to her holding her hand.


Precap: Sanskar and Swara’s struggle with their own feeling……..

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