Fan Fiction

Swasan FF: Entangled Love chapter 47

Hello everyone, new chapter for you, hope you like it, please don’t forget to give your comments….

Previous chapter link: Here

Chapter 48

Night, Swara’s room
Swara was relaxing in her mother’s lap, to find some solace. Unfortunately she couldn’t divulge anything to her mother….
Sharmishtha: (caressing her mother) Shona, do you and Sanskar had a fight?
Swara: (gasped) No ma…. Why you are asking?
Sharmishtha: (observing her nervousness) dear, I am your mother so don’t act in front of me… I know there is something troubling you and somewhere it is related to Sanskar.
Getting up from her lap, Swara sat next to her…. trying hard to find words to give a satisfactory reply to her mother. Sharmishtha observed her nervousness….
Sharmishtha: Shona, if you are not comfortable sharing it with me it’s ok, I will not force you…. but remember one thing beta there is no such problem in the world which we can’t sort out and the best way is to talk about it….So if it’s between you and Sanskar then talk to him, don’t rush to reach any conclusion….
Holding her mother’s hand Swara gave a fade smile “how should I tell you Ma there is nothing between me and him to talk, he closed all the doors”

Morning, Living area

Finally the day had come for Sharmishtha and Ashwin to go back. Swara and Ashwin with teary eyes clinging close to one another…
Sharmishtha: (caressing their hairs) why you both are crying, you are my strong kids…. Tears doesn’t suit you….
Ashwin: (sobbing) Di, when you will come home?
“Very soon” she said whipping her tears
Siya: Ashu bhaiya, I will also come with Shona di…
Ashwin: yeah sure… then I will show you all fun places of Indore…
Sharmishtha: if you both are done with your planning, can we move?
Ashwin hugged Siya and then moved out, Sharmishtha walked up to Sanskar “Beta, take care of My Shona” she said with teary eyes, he nodded to her with an assured smile…. Biding a final goodbye to all, they left, leaving behind Swara alone with her miseries…. From here on she has to travel alone

Night, Ragini and Laksh’s room

They were preparing for bed when a knock on the door grabbed their attention…
“Bhai!!” Laksh called out…
Sanskar: Sorry to disturb you guys, actually I am looking for Swara. Ragini, have you seen her?
Ragini: she must be in her room or may be in Siya’s…
Sanskar: she is not there….
Ragini: then surely will be in garden….
Sanskar: (anxious) I have checked everywhere, she is nowhere….
Laksh: (playfully) oho…. Someone is very restless to get a glimpse of her girl….
Sanskar: (annoyed) just shut up lucky, I am already irritated don’t make me more…..
Ragini: why are you being so impatient, she will be here only….
Sanskar: she is been gloomy since her family left in the morning, I am just concerned for her….
Ragini: (looking at Laksh) See, learn something from your brother…. How caring and sensitive he is
Laksh: (sarcastically) if I have learnt from him then surely you wouldn’t be my wife today…. Like him I too might be still waiting for your acceptance….
Sanskar: (annoyed) you guys are impossible, I was fool to come here….
Irritated with their talks Sanskar turned to move out but Ragini interrupted….
Ragini: Wait Sanskar, have you checked upstairs, at terrace?
Sanskar: No, I haven’t…. I think I should check…..
Quickly he strode out of their room and walked towards upstairs…

At terrace….

So finally his quest ended as he found her standing at one corner of the terrace, looking at starry sky with moist eyes. He walked up and stood behind her. Feeling his presence, she looked at him from the corner of her eyes, tilting her head a little. Without questioning anything she again started gazing at stars. Knowing her distressing state, he wanted to comfort her as she wanted to be comforted by him. Without much thought he embraced her in his strong arms from back, keeping both his hands on her. Surprisingly she didn’t resist, not even she tried to move away, just stayed still in his arms. On her pleasing response he tightened his grip a little more. Giving a soft kiss on her hairs he asked “Missing your Ma and Brother??” She didn’t answer him but he knew she was. Placing his chin on her shoulder he whispered “Swara, don’t worry you will meet them soon, and I promise this time nothing will come on your way not even Siya”. The warmth he gave helped her to come out of her sadness. He could feel her body relaxing. Absentmindedly she entwined her fingers with his…. They stayed like that, silent, quiet under the moonlight….. Sometimes a touch is enough to convey which words can’t…


Morning, Sanskar’s study

Siya came there with a sad face, Sanskar noticed her disappointment……
Sanskar: (checking some files) What happen dear? Why so dull today?
Siya: dad, Shona di is going Delhi for two days….
With confused eyes he looked at Siya……
Sanskar: what!! Who told you?
Siya: Shona di, she asked me to inform you that she won’t be here on 18th and 19th ….
Sanskar: does she tell you for what she is going….
Siya: for her exam, she said it is very important….
Sanskar remembers she mentioned about the exam when he filled her form for her…. he thought for a second and then a mischievous smile formed on his lips..
Sanskar: (patting Siya’s cheek) Thanks princess and inform your Shona di I got her message….

Office, Sanskar’s cabin

“Bhai, you called me?” Laksh asked as he entered in his cabin….
“Yeah, sit” Sanskar said looking at him
Laksh: (taking a seat) So, what’s the matter?
Sanskar: lucky, I want to talk about our meeting with Singhal Corporation…
Laksh: what about that, everything is planned… I am supposed to attend that meeting with them at the end of this month…
Sanskar: that meeting is in Delhi na?
Laksh: yeah, so what?
Sanskar: I want to attend that meeting, and we have to pre-poned that, make it on 18th or 19th of this month….
Laksh: (confused) what?? Why this sudden change?
Sanskar: Swara’s PG scholarship Exam is on these dates in Delhi, So….
He was searching for words to justify his decision as he didn’t want to sound like a love-mad…
Laksh: (teasing smile) Aha…. So you want to spend some time with her, alone ha!!
Sanskar: (raising his brow) I couldn’t expect anything else from you, but what I am concerned about is her safety… how she will manage there all alone, the city is not safe these days….
Laksh: (mischievously) is this the only reason or something else!!
Sanskar: (annoyingly) Go Lucky, I am done….
Laksh: don’t worry bhai I will do all the arrangements, surely this gonna be your most memorable trip…
Sanskar: don’t create any problem for me Lucky, just do what I said….. your wicked brain scares me most…..

Laksh shook his head in disbelief, “you always underrate your brother, but this time you would surely be grateful to me” he said and then moved out of the cabin with his signature grin….

Precap: Swara and Sanskar’s Delhi trip, and their usual love and fight game….

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