Fan Fiction

Swasan FF: Entangled Love (Chapter 2)

Oh god! This is something not expected for me…. I am soooo happy with the response, I wasn’t expecting this. Shan thank you so much, you are the first one to comment… perhaps my first reader…. Thanks to everybody, every reader is special for me….special mention to Mahajabeen, Tamanna, Tara kapoor and Mica for their motivating words. Sorry if I left anybody. So here is the next chapter…..
Chapter 2
Its drizzling outside, inside a room, which is more like an office, a man in his late fifties is busily working on some files when a maid came and informed him about a known visitor.
“Sahib, swara baby came to see you” she said
“Send her in” man replies
Swara came inside and hugged that man with a smile on her face.
The man is Sanjeet Das, a well known lawyer and a reputed person in the society. He is known for his remarkable string of legal victories, which made him one of the successful lawyers of the city. Sanjeet and Shekhar were childhood friends or can say more like brothers. They have done schooling, college everything together. When Shekhar started his business after college, he offered him the very first job of his carrier, as the legal advisor of Shekhar’s company. After that he never looked back.
“Hello uncle” Swara said
“Hello my princess. How are you dear?” Sanjeet asked
“I am all fine uncle” she replied with a smile
“Princess how many times I have told you, you don’t have to ask for permission to see me” he stated.
“I know uncle but I don’t want to disturb you if you are working, I know how annoying it is when somebody disturbs you while you are in good working mood. You know dad used to say that he hates the two things in the world most, first mom’s home made khada(soup) for cold remedy and second disturbance while working” saying this she laughed a little but suddenly her face turned pale remembering her dad.
Sanjeet understood that she was terribly missing her father. To comfort her he patted her cheek and said “princess I know you are missing Shekhar and no one can take his place in your life but you know I always considered you as my own daughter and I promise I will fulfill all the responsibilities of a father towards you as much as I can or should say as much as you allow me to do”.
His words brought a smile on Swara’s face, she said while smiling “I know uncle you will be always there for us in our every thick and thin”.

Swara’s POV
After my dad and Ashu, he is the only man in my life whom I can trust blindly. He and his wife Bushra aunty always treated me like their own daughter. They don’t have their own kids. So they treat me and Ashu as their own. Ma sometimes used to complain them that they are spoiling us with their love because they used to fulfill our demands which are usually denied by our parents. The thought of Bushra aunty suddenly brought me back from my thoughts and I asked him with concern.
Swara: where is aunty? I haven’t seen her since I came here. Is she fine?
Sanjeet: actually she is not feeling well since morning. So I asked her to take rest.
Swara (worriedly): what happened?
Sanjeet: Nothing serious. She have little high BP.
Swara: (little surprised) she agreed to take rest?
Both looked at each other and smiled. They knew how reluctant she is when it comes to restrict her in her room, especially on bed.
Sanjeet: I have asked Kamla (maid) to keep an eye on her, she will inform me if she tries to come out of the room and do silly things.
Swara started laughing after listening this and said “so you are spying your wife ha”.He smiled to her. They talked like this for some time. After that Sanjeet moved to his cupboard, picked a news paper from there and showed some article published in it to her.
“Maheshwaries: The new giants of hotel industry” swara read the title. What is this uncle? She asked with confusion.
Sanjeet: do you know them?
She remembered her dad mentioning the name of Maheshwari once while reading news in the newspaper. He praised the man a lot who was the new heir of Maheshwries, about his being one of the youngest successful business men of the state now.
Swara: not really but herd about them from dad. But why you are asking me this?
Sanjeet: well dear if you remember I told you that I have a good news for you (he said that with a smile on his face). Yeah you guessed it right (seeing Swara’s expression he said) I found a job for you.
Swara (happily): really!
“Yes my dear” he replied.
Sanjeet (sadly): as you denied to work for me or get a job through my influence, so it was difficult for me to find a job for you because I can’t allow you to work in unsafe environment or late night shifts (his face is showing concern towards her). You know city is not safe for young girls now days.
Swara (chuckling): you and dad are really soul brothers in few aspects.
He smiled to her and noticed that her face again gets saddened. To divert her mind he said “well I won’t be that worried if my princess wouldn’t be an epitome of beauty, being a father I have to protect her from bad boys”.
Swara (shyly): uncle !!!
“Ok fine I won’t tease you” he said
Sanjeet: coming back to the Maheshwaries, if everything goes well you may work for them. Sanskar Maheshwari, the CEO of Maheshwari Industries is looking for a governess for his 7 year old daughter. I know him personally and he asked me to find a suitable governess for his daughter. And after giving much thought I found out that you both are perfect for each other’s requirement.
Swara (surprised to hear him): do you really think I should do a job of governess? I mean I thought you are going to talk about some administrative job as you know am a graduate in business management.

He understood her confusion. He knew this that it won’t be easy to convince her to take up a job of governess. But he wanted her to do that job and do anything to convince her.
Sanjeet: I know you were expecting a god job in a reputed company but trust me you are not going to regret this decision. Along with this job you can prepare for your higher studies, you want a scholarship na, so you need time to study which you won’t get in corporate job.
Sanjeet knew it very well that she always wanted to go for higher studies but after Shekhar’s death everything changed. He offered her to finance her higher studies but she refused. Now this is the only option for him to make her dream come true, she was a brilliant student throughout her studies and he was very much sure that if she will get time for the preparation she can get the scholarship. That’s why he wanted her to agree for this job. His thoughts were disturbed by Swara’s voice.
Swara: uncle I know you are worried for my studies but you need not to stress yourself for that, I assure you I will manage.
Sanjeet: I know u can. But this is not only the reason. There are few more things for which I am concerned about.
He held her hands in his and said looking at her “ Swara I am working for this corporate world since last 30 years and am very well aware about the bitter reality of this world, may be am sounding too old and conservative to you but I feel this is not the right time for you my innocent princess to enter in this world.
He took a deep breath and continued “beside that dear am not only concerned about you but also thinking about that innocent soul, the 7 year old girl who lost her mother a week after her birth. She needs a caring and kind hearted person like you, I know you are very good with kids. We all have seen your equation with ashu that how wonderfully you always managed him when everybody failed.
Swara was listening all with “what to do or what not to do” look in her eyes.
Sanjeet :(in calm tone) Swara dear am not pressurizing you for anything. You are free to take your own decision. I was just trying to put all the aspects of the options you have, now it is on you with which you want to go.
She was lost in her thoughts. All the things which he said were running through her mind. Then suddenly the thought of that little girl came in her mind, she knows how difficult it is to live without your loved once and that little soul never had the love of her mother. Poor girl she thought.
Swara 🙁 suddenly something struck her) uncle I want to give it a try.
A victorious smile came on his face, he said “that’s like my princess. I am happy that you agreed.”She smiled back to him.
Sanjeet: princess I am working for them for last 17 years. They are really good people. Beside that they know the worth of a good employee. I started working for them when Mr. Durga Prasad Maheshwari was alive, father of Sanskar Maheshwari. And for last seven years am working with Sanskar. He is a nice man, one of his own kind but good. You will be safe there, no one need to worry for you.
Swara (blinking her eyes): I trust you uncle. Whatever you will do it will be for my own good.
Sanjeet: oh! One thing I forgot to tell you.
Swara: (worriedly) what?
Sanjeet: (with mischievous smile on his face) He is young, extremely handsome, good looking and most eligible man of the town. Eye candy for all women, they are ready to die for his one look. It will fun for you to work with him. Who knows he may be the man of your dreams.
Swara got little embarrassed with his talks. He always used to tease her about the man of her dreams since she mentioned about it in front of him, Bushra and her family when she was eight.
Swara: (raising her eyebrow to him) uncle, am going there for work. I am not interested in all this. Beside that he is married and has a daughter, so it leaves no chance for what you are saying.
Sanjeet: (with faded smile) yeah, he has a daughter. (Coming back to his mischievous side) but he is only 28, you can give it a though.
Swara shook her head, gave him a look that you will never change.
Swara: ok uncle am going to meet aunty after that I have to go home, ma will be worried if I get late.
Sanjeet: Sanskar is coming here to meet me, he is on the way. I was talking to him on the phone just before you came. I talked few days back to him about you. He told me then that he is coming to Indore for some official work, he wants to talk about it in person. He came here yesterday morning from Bhopal (his place). I want you to meet him. Just wait here for few minutes he will be here. Now you go and meet Bushra, she will be happy to see you. I will call you when he will reach.
Swara standing from the chair where she was sitting said “ok uncle”. She went straight towards the door but stopped in the middle and turned towards him who was once again engrossed in files.
Swara: uncle you talked to Mr. Maheshwari about me before even asking me. How could you be so sure that I will say yes to this job? What if I refused?
Sanjeet: (looking towards her with a proud smile on his face) I know your every move from the time you born my dear.
Swara smiled to him and turned towards the door. While she was going out from the room she bumped into someone. A voice came “watch out kiddo”.

Precap: Sanskar disapproves Swara for the job of Governess.

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