Fan Fiction

swasan ff-is that hate or love episode2

Hellloooo guys this is tasneem how are you?.. So I’m back with my ff i hope you will like it because i love it 😛

Prolouge + character sketch : Prologue

Episode 1 : Episode 1
Recap: swasan nok-jhok, sumi tells swaragini about thier marriage

Precap was : swasan’s decision , swasan’s love towards raglak turns into hate

Episode 2 :

At badi: swaragini are still shocked.. Swara breaks the silence and says: maa what are you saying!! I love laksh and you know it now you want me to marry sanskar!! I hate him maa!!

Sumi:what can i do shona sanskar is elder and you are the elder then you both should get married

Swara : what the hell maa does that even make any sense maa.. I love laksh and you want me to marry his cousin.. How can you do this to me maa!!!

Sumi:i can’t force you shona but also you can’t deny without any reason we will give you time to think…. And ragini.. What’s your opinion about it??

Ragini:whatever you say maa i will do..

(Swara smells something fishy)
Swara:ragini… You love sanskar how can you think of marrying laksh!!!

Ragini gets confused
Ragini:no…. Swara…. I mean… I mean whatever maa should say we should do naa!!

Swara:how can you both say that… I’m going to my room and please ragini don’t follow me i want to stay by myself for sometime… (Then swara leaves to her room and slams the door)

At maheshwari mansion:

Ap have already told them about the marriage

Sanskar:what are you saying badi-maa how can you say like that i love ragini not swara how can i marry her!!!

Ap:i know beta… But you can’t get married to ragini… As your badi-papa and your papa and shekhar ji decided that you will get married to swara

Sanskar:how can you decide my destiny that easy… And you laksh why you standing so numb!!!

Laksh said in a fake way: haa maa…. Sanskar…. Sanskar bilkul sahi hai..

Ap:look sanskar… You cannot deny that easily… You talk to swara once and tell me your opinion….
(Sanskar walked from there without hearing any other words)

At night:ragini got a call from laksh saying that he wants to meet her she went to meet him at the park

Laksh:hi ragini

Ragini:hi laksh

Laksh:did aunty tell you?

Ragini:yes laksh

Laksh:so.. What do you think?

Ragini:i can understand laksh that you bring me here to tell me that i should deny because you love swara it’s OK(she said with a fake smile and tears in her eyes)

Laksh:no ragini i didn’t bring you here for that

Ragini looked at him with a confused face

Laksh:i bring you here because i wanted to tell you that i love you

Ragini was shocked ,happy

Ragini:i love you too laksh I’ve always liked sanskar but i love you only

Then he hugged her.. And he told her that he will say yes to the marriage

At badi:
Swara was seen crying so much and opened her phone and opened her and laksh’s selfie and talking to the photo:you jerk how dare you cheat me I’ve always loved you and instead you loved my sister!!! And you ragini I’ve always loved you more than myself and you what have you done ragini!!!.
And she keeps on crying and crying and she gets flashback

Swara was thirsty in the night so she went to the kitchen to bring water there she saw ragini talking on the phone she don’t know why but she heard her conversion .. she realised that she was talking to laksh!!! When ragini went to meet laksh swara followed her and heard thier whole conversation

Flashback ends

She keeps on remembering laksh’s words:I’ve never loved swara .. I’ve always loved you ragini… And she cries and cries and cries and then she decided to call sanskar

Sanskar said with a very low voice: hi swara

Swara:hi… (Sobs).. Hi sanskar

Sanskar:i want to meet you swara

Swara:I’ve just called you to tell you that i want to meet you

Swasan at union:let’s meet at the park

Swara:ok bye

At park:swara went there she found sanskar was already there

Swara:hi sanskar

Sanskar:swara.. I need to talk to you

Swara:me too… But you go ahead first

Sanskar: swara i don’t want you to be shocked or sad but I’d like to tell you….. That….. Laksh… (Interrupted by swara)

In a sad voice:doesn’t love me

Sanskar:how did you know!!

Swara tells him everything that she followed ragini and heard there conversation

Sanskar shocked: WOW

Swara:kya hua!!

Sanskar:that’s what happened to me i heard laksh talking with ragini so i followed him here and heard everything

Swara:they cheated on us… Sanskar i havE to go can we meet tomorrow

Sanskar:ok, bye

At badi:swara went to her room then her for knocked she opened it and found ragini

Ragini:shona .. where have you been??

Swara:it’s not your business and from now on never call me shona, understand

Ragini:shona what happened to you!! (She copied her face)
Swara jerked her hands and closed the door infront of her
Ragini was shocked by her actions and started crying and swara was already crying in the room……………..Episode 2 ends

Precap:swasan says yes to the marriage… Raglak shocked… Some swasan scenes

Sooooo guys how was it?? And by the way do you want some before-marriage scenes or you want all the scenes after marriage?? But don’t worry the wedding will be in the next 2 episodes… So tell me your opinion in the comments below… And keep loving, swasan aaaaaand peace :* :* :*

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