Fan Fiction


Episode 22

Ragini:swara only stabbed laksh….

Hearing this all were shocked…. Randhir got angry on her statement…. Swara didnt listen what she said as she is shocked seeing laksh lying there….

Randhir:shut up ragini…. If u speak a word against my swara i will kill you….
Dadi:eiii mind your tongue…. Else i do no what i will do…. If u speak anything against my ladoo then i do no what u will do…..
Randhir:what u will do??? Dobt speak anything….. Otherwise u will face the consequence…. U cant bear it….
Sanskar:will u pls stop it….. First we have to take him to the hospital….

Then all took laksh to the hospital….. Randhir is consoling swara….. Sanskar is very angry on swara….. He dragged swara to one corner of the hospital…. Randhir went with them….

Sanskar:swara how can u do this????

Hearing this swara is shocked….

Swara:sanskar do you believe ragini???
Randhir:sanskar how can u doubt swara????
Sanskar:i m not doubting swara…. I m confirmed that she try to kill laksh….. For her blo*dy revenge she used laksh…. I hate you swara….
Swara:sanskar i already told you that i wont hurt laksh for my revenge…..
Sanskar:stop it swara…. When u can do accident on me y dont u try to kill laksh????
Randhir:sanskar but nothing happened to you right??? Ya we did the accident but its minor one…. How do you think she will try to kill laksh????
Sanskar:u just shut up…. If anything happens to my laksh i wont leave u both….
Swara:k mr.maheswari u talked a lot…. Enough is enough…. U will regret later when u know the truth…. At that time dont come to me…. What u said u hate me…. No from now i hate u…. I dont want to c u…. Randhir come we will go….

Then both turned their head and went in opposite direction…. At that time police enter the hospital…. Seeing the police ragini smirked….

Police:we heard that some girl stabbed a boy…. And that boy is admitted in the hospital….
Ragini:s inspector…. (pointing to swara)she is the killer…. She tried to kill Laksh…..

Hearing it swandhir is shocked…. Maheswari’s do no how to react…. They kept quiet….

Randhir:ragini stop it….. Dont blame unnecessarily…..
Ragini:i didn’t blame her…. Its the truth….
Sanskar:ya inspector she is the reason for my laksh’s state…. Arrest her….
Police:miss swara u r under arrest….
Randhir:inspector u cant arrest her….. She didn’t do anything….
Police:sorry mr. But we need to arrest her…. As all have saw her near laksh…. And she had knife in her hand…..
Randhir:sir with that u cant arrest…. Wait i will talk to my lawyer….
Police:we cant wait till that mr….
Randhir:inspector u cant arrest a girl after 6…. Its a rule….
Police:oh u r speaking rules to me????
Randhir:ya… I wont let u take swara…. Wait a minute….

Saying this he went aside and called neil and informed everything….. Within a minute inspector got call from his senior office…. He talked with them and went from there without saying anything….. Seeing the inspector going without arresting swara sanskar,ragini and dadi were shocked…. Randhir smirked seeing them…. Then he went to swara and took her to home…..

Here ragini is fuming in anger…. Dadi took her to a side….

Dadi:ladoo really have u seen swara killing laksh????
Ragini:ha ha dadi…. Its not swara its me who stabbed laksh….
Dadi:what??? Then how come swara came there????
Ragini:thats my plan…. I messaged to swara from laksh mobile stating her to come down…. After she came down i shouted…… Ha ha hows my master plan???
Dadi:perfect…. Very good plan….
Ragini:mm now my way is clear…. Laksh will die…. Swara will go to jail…. Sanskar will hate swara…. Now sanskar is mine…. No one can separate him from me….
Dadi:sabash beta…. K come we will go to them…. Otherwise they will doubt us…..
Dadi:(monologue)superb ragini u executed my plan…. But a small difference is laksh is in place of sanskar…. I dont care who die…. But i just want my ladoo to rule the mm property…..

Then both went to everyone…. There operation is finished…. Doctor came out….

Dp:doctor hows my son???
Ap:pls doctor say soon…. He is fine right???
Doctor:mrs.maheshwari operation is finished…. But still he is critical…. If he didn’t gain consciousness in 6 hours then we cant save him….

Hearing it all are shocked…. Ap started to cry…. Sanskar and dp consoled her…. Sanskar is very angry on swara and he is cursing himself for loving her since childhood….. Ragini and dadi is tensed…. They prayed to god that Laksh shouldn’t get well….. Then ragini planned something evilly and smirked…. Doctor also informed that only two have to be here…. Not more than two persons…. So sanskar asked everyone to go… But ap,dp, ragini denied to go….

Ragini:(fake crying)no sanskar….. Laksh is my best frnd…. I cant leave him alone…. Plus how can i be happy when u were suffering here…. I know u dont love me…. But i love you sanskar…. I cant c u in pain….

Sanskar felt guilty after hearing ragini’s statement…. His anger on swara increased to peak level…. Seeing him ragini smirked…. Then after lot of arguments sanskar sent ap, dp and dadi…. Both sanskar and ragini were sitting in the chair….

After 4 hours….

Ragini:sanskar u r looking very tired….. Go and get fresh up and come…. Drink some coffee and come sanskar…. U will get some energy…..
Sanskar:no i wont go anywhere….
Ragini:sanskar i m here right…. If doctor say anything i will call you…. U dont worry…. U r looking so week….
Sanskar:thank and i m really sorry ragini…. I didn’t even think in my dream that Swara will do this….
Ragini:sanskar leave it…. Dont talk about that… Right now we will concentrate only on laksh….
Sanskar:s u are right…. I hate her now…. For me right now laksh is important…. K i will get fresh up…. Even i will bring something for you…..

Saying this he went….. Here ragini smiled evilly….. After that she went inside laksh’s room…. She took the oxygen mask from laksh’s face and smilled evilly and said “my gift for u as u loved me a lot right??? Just enjoy…. Now even swara will go to jail for the mistake which i did….. I and sanskar will be happy” after saying this she came out…. Inside the room laksh is struggling to breath…. When sanskar came doctors were running here and there…. He came near Ragini….

Sanskar:Ragini what happened???
Ragini:sanskar someone have remived the oxygen mask from laksh’s face…. Now his condition is very critical….

At that time he saw swandhir and misunderstood that they are the reason for laksh state… He furiously went to them and slapped swara…. Swandhir were shocked…. Randhir beat sanskar…. Then both started fighting…. At that time a man came and slapped sanskar hard…. Seeing him sanskar is shocked….

Person:if u ever again raise ur hand on my daughter i will kill you…. Understand….
Sanskar:then what u want me to do for her act????
Neil:shut ur mouth…. Have u seen her stabbing laksh with ur own eyes???
Sanskar:s i saw….
Neil:u just saw her holding knife…. Right???
Neil:then how u will blame her as a culprit????
Neil:u cant speak i know….. inspector sir arrest the original criminal….

Sanskar is blank while inspector went and arrested ragini….. Even all the family members came there…. Seeing inspector arresting ragini dadi went and fought with inspector…..

Dadi:how dare u arrest my ladoo…. Sir she is innocent….. The real culprit is this swara….
Neil:parvati gadodia even if u speak one word against my daughter even u will go to jail with ur ladoo….
Dadi:eiii how dare you???? Inspector sir they are framing my ladoo…. Dont believe them….
Inspector:mrs.Gadodia we have proof…. Ur grand daughter is the culprit….
Sanskar:proof??? What proof???
Neil:show them the proof inspector…..

Then inspector showed a video where ragini took laksh’s mask from his face and her confession is showed…. Seeing this sanskar felt very bad and guilty…. He saw swara but she didnt even see him…. She is just hugging her dad and standing……

Credit:Jwan(Jwala and Shan)


An introvert!! ? Hellyholic ? Muditholic ? Mishkatholic ? Wattpad-Id:Abirsha

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