Fan Fiction


Episode 29

Sanskar went home happily…. Laksh saw him and understood that he convinced swara….

Laksh:sanskar come here….
Sanskar:haan laksh…. What do u want???
Laksh:sanskar seeing ur happiness its evident that swara forgave u right???
Sanskar:no laksh…. U r wrong…. Only Neil uncle forgave me….
Laksh:for Neil uncle itself u are sooo happy????
Sanskar:laksh if Neil uncle forgave me na so no need to worry about my oreo…. She will automatically forgive me….
Laksh:if so then even i am happy…..

Then both hugged each other….. After that sanskar called randhir and told about this…. Even he is happy…..

Here in gm….. Shekar’s frnd came there…..

Shekar:Sarath come come we are waiting for u only….. Do u get any information about our shona???
Sarath:no shekar….. It happened before 15 years….. So getting information is tough…. Even u guys didn’t give any missing complaint…..
Sharmistha:cant we have any other option???
Sarath:ya we have one option….. Give ur daughter’s photo…. We can give it to computer specialist and will find out how she will be looking now…. Then we can find ur daughter…..
Shekar:its a good thing…. I will give u photo now itself…. We will see it now…..
Sarath:ya sure….

Then Sharmistha went and brought shonali photo…. Shekar, sarath and Sharmistha went to the specialist….. Ragini heard all this and is happy to know that her sister is going to come…. She thought to ask forgiveness from her….. Sarath called the specialist to his office….. He came there with his laptop…. Then sarath gave the photo…. After 30 minutes he modified the photo….. Sarath called shekar and Sharmistha to see the photo…. After seeing the photo shemish were shocked….

Sarath:shekar what happened??? Y u are shocked????
Shekar:sarath is this my daughter???
Sarath:ya Shekar y do u know her???
Shekar:haan she is swara…. Neil Kapoor daughter…..
Sarath:what??? But he is very specialist in this….. He wont do any wrong….
Shekar:that means Swara is my shonali???
Sharmistha:ya shekar… Even i told u na that she looks likes Vikram….
Shekar:but how she went to neil???
Sarath:that u have to ask him…..
Shekar:ya now itself i ask him….

Then shekar and Sharmistha went to neil house….. Seeing them going there ragini is confused….. She too went there…..

Shekar:Mr.Neil kapoor….. (shouted loudly)
Neil:y r u shouting???
Shekar:what wrong i did to u??? How can u hide such a matter from us???
Neil:mr. Shekar can u speak directly???
Shekar:ok i will speak straightly….. Y u didn’t inform us that swara is our shonali???

Hearing this both neil and sakshi are shocked….. Even ragini is shocked….. She didnt think that swara will be her sister….. She went to gm to tell dadi….

Ragini:dadi dadi….
Dadi:ya ladoo what do u want???
Ragini:dadima u know what swara is our shonali…. She is my sister….
Dadi:(shocked)what r u saying??? Swara is shonali???
Ragini:haan dadi….. I m very happy….. If at all sanskar knows this he will be happy…. I will go and tell him….
Dadi:ladoo r u mad??? Ur enemy has again came….
Ragini:dadima pls…. Enough of ur doings….. Bcoz of u i lost my ma papa…. Even laksh….. But not anymore….. I am not going to listen u…..

Saying this ragini went to mm and called both….. Sanlak came down…. Seeing her happy both were confused….

Sanskar:ragini what happened??? It seems u were very happy….
Ragini:s sanskar…. If u hear what i am going to say u will be more happy than me….
Ap:what is that ragini???
Ragini:aunty u know what papa and ma got what they lost….
Ap:ragini what r u saying??? I cant understand…..
Ragini:aunty we got our shonali back….

Hearing this sanlak were shocked….. Ap is happy…

Ap:ragini what r u saying???
Ragini:haan aunty…. Swara is only shonali…. H..ow do u know that???
Ragini:sanskar papa found out using shonali’s old photo…. They modified her photo and saw how she will be now…. It showed swara photo only so papa and ma went to neil uncle house…..
Ap:is it??? I am very happy….. Come even we will go….

Saying this ap and ragini went…. Sanlak didn’t come out of the shock….

Laksh:sanskar whats this???
Sanskar:oh god even swara is not in the house….
Laksh:then call her and say the matter….
Sanskar:she wont attend my call… I will call randhir and tell…

Then Sanskar called randhir and told about the matter and sanlak went to neil house….

In neil house shekar and neil were arguing….

Neil:she is not ur shonali…. She is our swara….
Shekar:neil pls dont lie…. We got our daughter after many years….. Say the truth….
Neil:yes she is ur daughter only….. But not anymore bcoz she is my daughter swara kapoor now….. Get it in ur mind…. Now go out from here….
Shekar:no i want my daughter….. Without her i wont go….
Sharmistha:sakshi ji pls give me my daughter….. I already suffered without her for many years…. Pls
Swara:whose daughter mrs.gadodia????

Neil and sakshi were shocked seeing swara there….. Shekar and Sharmistha are happy…. Sharmistha went near her and hugged her…. But swara didnt react at all….

Shekar:swara u r our daughter….. See this neil he is not allowing us to take you….. Come we will go to our house….
Swara:our house??? Which one??? Shekar:swara Gadodia mansion is ur house…. U r our daughter…. U have to be with us….
Swara:sorry mr.Gadodia this is my house…. And i am swara kapoor only…..
Sharmistha:swara no u r my daughter….. Ur name is shonali…. Not swara….
Shekar:haan swara…. They have cheated you…..
Swara:no one cheated me…. I know i am shonali…. But i like to be swara kapoor rather than shonali Gadodia…..
Swara:where were u when i was afraid of nights??? Where were u when the kidnappers kidnapped me and made me to beg???
Shekar:shona what r u saying???
Sharmistha:haan kidnapped???
Swara:s i was kidnapped when i left the house…. They made me to beg for 1 year…. After that Nakul uncle saved me…. He gave me new parents….. So dont ever think in dream that i will come with you….

Saying this she ran to her room…. Sanskar, laksh and randhir went back of her….. Here sharmistha came near and sakshi and holded her hands….

Sharmistha:sakshiji pls what all i did is wrong….. But i want my shonali back…. I m her mother…. I want to rectify her mistake by showering my love on her…. In few days she will get married…. After that she wont be with u na…. Think like that…. Pls sakshiji…..
Neil:even if she get married we will keep our sil also with us…. We cant live without swara…. So dont think we will convince her…. So pls go from here….
Sakshi:neil pls i will talk to them…. U go….

Neil went from there angrily to his princess….

Sakshi:dont worry sharmisthaji i will talk to swara…. She will come with you….
Sharmistha:thank you sooo much…..

Saying this shemish, ap and ragini went from there…..


Bye bye…. ??
Jwan(Jwala and Shan)


An introvert!! ? Hellyholic ? Muditholic ? Mishkatholic ? Wattpad-Id:Abirsha

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