Fan Fiction

swasan ff: sparkle of love epi9 last episode

Sun rays peeped in swasan room making their sleep disturbed just then sanskar gets up and sees swara sleeping peacefully hiding in his embrace just then a sharp pain hits his head due to last night hangover

Sanskar: aah

Listening his voice swara gets up and sees him holding his head

Swara: sanskar what happened? Aah(holds her head in pain)

Sanskar: swara ji my head is paining

Swara remembers how laksh made him drank and how she also got drank after everything seems so blur to her. Her thoughts came to break when she listens sanskar shouting in pain

Swara: sanskar wait a minute i am just coming (she runs from there not caring about her pain which she is feeling and after few seconds she comes with lemon juice and made him drink that)

Swara: how are you feeling now(concern)

Sanskar: better

After that both came outside sanskar came outside and got busy in work wheras swara was helping him just then she hears some voices from outside of a room

Voice1:don’t worry ap everything will be alright after today everything will br ours

Ap: i hope ji now i can’t handle seeing his face

Dp: i have already sended him by our work and in the way he will be finished after that whole property will be on laksh name

Ap: i am soo happy ji, we have already murdered ram and sujata and now their son sanskar is also coming to them(laughs evilly)whom life we have made just of a mere servant who actually is a prince of maheswari empire

Listening their talks swara runs from there just then laksh stops her who was looking tensed “swars where is sanskar”

Swara without paying any heed runs downstairs and starts searching sanskar meanwhile laksh was also following him but he was no where to be found just then laksh who was continuously questioning him holds her and shouts”where is he dammit?”

Swara: why do you care?

Laksh: because his life is in danger (realises what he said)

Swara: how do you know?(shocked)

Laksh: its not the time swara first we have to search him(swara nods)

Both laksh and swara went out and sits in car, drives away searching him just then both sees some men beating a men near beating a man

Suddenly the car that laksh was driving got stopped making both swara and laksh irked at this problem. They both came out just then their falls on some men who were beating someone

Swara: laksh they are. Beating someone

Laksh: chodo swara but first we have to find sanskar (he starts moving but swara’s heart was beating fast saying her there is something she should see or else she will regret)

Swara starts moving towards them and seeing her going towards them laksh follows her

Laksh: swara listen swara(follows her)

As they both moved their gaze falls on a man who is lying injured but is still trying to fight with them

Just then both swara and laksh sees man’s face and gets shock


Both moved and laksh starts fighting with them whreas swara moved and took his head in her lap who was loosing his consiousness

Swara: sanskar sanskar are you listening pls don’t lose

Laksh was fighting with the goons just then police came and arrested all the goons but suddenly a gunshot is heard and all got shock

Dp who suddenly came there got irked and looked towards swara being frustrated and fired towards swara with a evil smirk but we all see sanskar standing infront of her smiling and falls down from the cliff due to sudden shock


The end

Now wait for another season and if i saw response got less then i will be back after long break


trust our love ones because once a heart is broken it can't be joined. My wattpad I'd daydream-life

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