Fan Fiction


I am back with my second chapter. Sorry for being late

Chapter 2:

After six months

Maheshwari Mansion:

In this six months many things are changed . Now Sanlak are doctors working in well reputed hospital in kolkata.

All are having break fast in mm except sanlak. After sometime sanlak joined them they had their breakfast and left to hospital.

After the exams laksh tried to contact swara and thought to apologise about his brother behaviour. But he was unable to contact her.He also tried to talk to sanskar about swara but he became unsuccessful so he left the topic.

Sanskar missed swara some times in these six months but he thought that he was missing him as a friend and he ignores that topic.

After reaching hospital they went to their respective cabins and started attending their patients.At lunch time Sanlak sat in the canteen for lunch soon kavya and sahil joined them as she working in the same hospital with sanlak. Sahil is handling his family business.He there to take lunch with kavya

They talked with each other for sometime and completed their lunch and left to their respective cabins,sahil left to his office.


After completing their works sanlak started to their house. Sanky is driving the car and laksh is sitting beside him and talking random things.

sanskar asked laksh what is going on between him and ragini.

laksh ignores that and says him that they are friends.soon they reached house and went to their respective rooms.

Gadodia Mansion:

We can see a girl and boy are talking with each other well not talking but fighting with each other.Actually the girl is showing something and teasing the boy.

They are none other than ragini and viren. When viren was talking to a pic ragini saw that and took it from him and he was chasing her to give back that pic.After sometime he caught her and took the pic ragini asks him who is the girl in the pic.He told her he loves that girl and had proposed her.

Suddenly Ragini asks what??

He tells that he proposed a girl and she has accepted him but??

Ragini asks what happened now what is your problem?? after her acceptance.

Viren tells her he don’t know what will be their parents reaction after knowing this.

She tells him nothing will happen . They will accept it.He tells i hope so and go towards his parents room to talk about his love matter.

He knock the door and entered to room.

Shekar asks him what hapenned??

Viren : Dad i want talk to you it is important.

His mother asks what happenned is everything ok.

Viren tell them that he loves a girl and has proposed her , she has accepted him.

Shekar : He asks who is the girl.

Viren : tells that she is from a very reputed family, is very good and understanding and he shows them pic.

His parents sees the pic and gets impressed by his choice and says ok for their marriage.

He gets very happy by their decision and hugs them and goes out.

Outside ragini is standing with tensed face when he came out she asks him what their parents told.

He told that they have agreed for marriage and hugs her.In the meantime his phone ring ragini sees the caller id and teases him for some time.

He leaves from there and talks with her for sometime and told about his parents approval for marriage.

she asks him to tells his parents to talk with her family.Like that they talked for sometime.

Mean while ragini goes to MM to tell this news to their gang who where chitchatting there.

Ragini comes runningly to MM laksh sees this and asks her what happenned why she is running like that as if she is participating in competition for winning a gold medal.

ragini asks him to shut up and says that she came to say some thing important

he asks what is that.

Meanwhile they go to their gang and tells them that her brother loves someone and her parents accepted the proposal.

All members in her gang happy while kavitha is shocked.

kavitha asks ragini is it real bhai did not told me any thing.

Ragini says that he told me just now. Kavitha gets happy and says that she has to shop lot of things as it is her brother’s wedding. As i already told Kavitha is just a show-off girl.

After talking for sometime everyone disperse to their homes.

Here in GM viren told his parents to talk with the girl’s parents.

Next Morning:

shemish told viren that their family is good we have fixed your marriage after 20 days.

All their family members gets happy and they move to mm to tell them this happy news.

when they reach MM they see that whole MM are at dining table doing breakfast.

Ap sees the whole GM and welcomes them inside.

DP asks him what’s the matter.

shekar tells him that viren’s marriage is fixed and it is going to held in mumbai after 20 days. He tells that everyone should attend this marriage.

All MM members gets happy listening this and they congratulate viren.

Shekar tells them that marriage is going to held in mumbai and everyone should complete their work within 5 days and should move to mumbai.

DP says OK and ask’s about the family. shekar tells them that their family is much reputed and has lot of business.
He tells sanlak to keep 15 days leave as they will be leaving after 5 days.

They says ok. Later every one moves to their respective works.

Precap: Same as Previous one.

Who is the girl viren going to marry??

I am done with my second chapter. Our heroin entry will be in next chapter.what she is doing ,her life style will be in next chapter

So guys please comment.

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