Fan Fiction

Swasan FS made for each other part 18

Seeing your request I tried to write next part.. When I imagined it. It finished so soon.. But when It wrote it became longer.. So I can’t complete it today.. So don’t ask me next part.. After 9th July u can ask me next part.. Till then no update…

I didn’t reply your comments because I was writing this.. I don’t know I will able to reply for this part also.. I will reply all of you after my exam… ?????

Thank you for your sweet sweet comments.. Luv u… ????


stop right there Mrs Annapurna Durgaprasad ” everyone looks at the source and shocked seeing.

Sw: (smiles in tears)  Sanskar….

San: how dare you to say that word to my wife… SANSKAR MAHESHWARI’S WIFE

Everyone is looking at him amusingly and shockingly. SujRamutt, shomi, Ramukaka and John became happy. Sanskar is looking like an angry Lion.. Laksh is looking at him like a scared rat. Swara jerks ap’s hand and jumped on sanskar and hugs him tightly.  With the intensity of her hug sanskar sat on the couch taking her on his lap.. She hugged him tightly and cries vigorously..

sw: u r alright sanskar.. U became alright  sanskar..  U came back sanskar… (kissed his all over the face and hugs him tightly)

San:(trying to console her,but she is not listening)  shona nothing happened to me princess.. Look it’s just an an accident, look jaan. I’m alright, nothing happened to me…  Look… (She breaks the hug and looks at him) nothing happened to me look…( she got angry hearing this and slapped him hard) ouchhh… Princess..

Sw: everything happened Mr Sanskar Maheshwari. Did you hear, everything happened… Ur drama became true… Ur drama became true ??? no one was with me.. U promised me naa.. ??? then why u left me?

San : shona

Sw: haa ur drama became true and that cheap lady is saying that our baby  ..? our baby is illegitimate ????

San: (surprised) ba… Baby? (she nodes smilingly) shona (hugged her tightly and kisses her all over the face happily)  I’m going to papa, we are going to parents… I LOVE YOU  PRINCESS…. (their moments broken by sujatha’s voice)

Suj : drama??

Swasan looks at sujatha, then reality struck them, that they are in the middle of the family. They looks at them tensed.. Shomi is relieved… Dp/ap/shekhar looks shocked hearing sanskar was fine.. Laksh became pale.. Then he shrugged thinking that he is just normal naa.. He can’t do anything to The Laksh Maheshwari… Dadi is not there…

Suj: what are you saying swara? What drama?

Sw: (looks down)  wo mom he was fine be…

Suj: and u know it.. Why didn’t u say that to us…

San: mom don’t accuse her.. She hided this because of I told her to do that… She is a psychologist naa so she understood that I wasn’t mad.. Only Aman and Anjali knew about it.. Shomi maa also accidentally came to know about it.. I asked her to play along with me… So she couldn’t…. (interrupted by a slap) ouchh Mom..  (rubs his cheek)

Suj : what Mom? U don’t know because of u what happened in these week.. After ur accident, this laksh is trying every way to harass her.. He even tried to manipulate you in hospital when he got to know you forgot everything.. Sorry shona I know u tried to say us everything but we didn’t hear because we all busy for his treatment.  (to sanskar)  If you said everything to us we would have left from here with you… I don’t know how much she would have stressed alone because she couldn’t say anything to us… Sorry swara beta I didn’t understand ur inner turmoil…

Sw: no mom it’s my mistake..

San: alone?  How can she became alone? Aman and Anjali there naa? (swara became shocked.. Ram came to him and holds his shoulder)

Ram: both had gone to coma sanskar…

San: WHATTTTT… No… (he sits down with a jerk. Swara came towards him and squeezes his hand. He looks at her painfully)  then ba.. Ba… Baby?? (swara looks at him did u know about it like.. Then cried nodding negatively. He looks at her shocked and remembered something what happened before accident)

Fb… (in car before accident)

Sanskar, Anjali and Aman are sitting on the back seat of the car.. Anjali says something in sanskar’s ears. He looked at her surprised

San: yayy… Sacchi (he looks at Anjali)

Anj: yess.. U r going to be a mamu..

San: (hugs her happily) I’m very very happy.. And I know this time it will be girl… My angel ???..  Then we’ll all tease him and his siblings ????..

Am: my sister is enough for me.. In front of her u r just a mouse…

SanJali makes faces… Aman laughs seeing them… Exactly that moment accident has happened.. Truck hits their car. Sanskar falls to left side of the car and Aman &Anjali to other side… Before falling Anjali yells..

Anj: bhai my baby ?????

Sanskar looks at her shocked before hitting his head on a rock and falls unconsciously .


Sanskar came back to sense hearing swara’s voice. She is calling him by shaking him… He looks at laksh with a rage.  Rage is increasing in his eyes. He fists his hand and gritted his teeth..  Then carefully remove swara’s hand from his and move towards laksh… Then punched his nose tightly… Because of intensity laksh falls backward …

Dp/ap/she: sanskar….

Dp/she: sanskar Leave my son / son in law (they are about to go near them but ram holds Dp and John holds shekhar)

Dp : leave me ram… (but he didn’t)

She: Oye servant… Leave me (he shrugs)

Ap: why r u hurting him.. Plz leave my son.. (she is about to go but sujatha holds tightly)

But sanskar didn’t stop, he started to punch him… He is punching him like laksh is his punchbag..

Ap:how can u hurt him… Plz leave him he is ur brother…

Suj: no jiji.. How can he became his brother who tried to misbehave with his (sanskar’s) wife… U didn’t even try to save her naa…

Sw: not only that mom. She only gave him permission to… to.. (she looks at sanskar painfully) rape me…

Sanskar’s eyes became wider hearing this revelation. Not only sanskar but also every others who were there shocked hearing this. Uttara holds her. Shomi hugs her tightly.. She cried on her mother’s embrace… Then she told everything what laksh told her… After hearing that sanskar couldn’t hold anymore.  He started to hit, punch, kick and tread him severely…

Sho:  I didn’t expect this from you Annapurna.. How dare you to do this with my daughter.. Are you a mother..

Ap: how dare you sharmishta to call me with my name…

Sujatha’s grip loosen and holds ap’s shoulder and turned towards her.  Then gave tight slap…

Ap: Sujathaaa…

Suj: how dare you to raise your voice against my relatives? And what did u say that how did we call you by name?  Arre that name also didn’t suit ur character… (to shomi)  shomi ji we should expect more things than this from this lady… And what did u say is she a mother? No she is not a mother but a KILLER…  SHE KILLED HER OWN SON & HIS WIFE AND THEIR UNBORN CHILD TOO.. THAT TOO FOR A MERE STATUS …

Sanskar closes his eyes remembering his bhai, then again starts to beat laksh.  Ram leaves Dp and went to Sujatha and hugs her.. Uttara sobs painfully.. Even though Swara doesn’t know about it then also she hugs uttara and consoles her. when rp left him, Dp went towards sanskar who is kicking laksh..

Dp: sanskar leave my son(tried to rescue laksh)

Sanskar kicked laksh and looks at Dp angrily…

San: how can I leave him? Tell me…. (he is looking like an angry lion. Do scared for a moment)  ur this ba***rd son, first threatened my baby sister, then he killed my… My…. Kavi brutally, then killed my Anju’s unborn child, (looks at laksh who is sitting with help of ap angrily) I know you are the one who did my accident… And now he tried to misbehave with my JAAN ????(again kicked him) Sanskar Maheshwari came back to destroy you, your wife and ur son only and I will do it….

Dp: u can’t do anything to me or my son sanskar… U r just a common man.. U can never do anything to Durgaprasad Maheshwari.. What proof do you have that my son had killed your so called best friend..

San: I wasn’t playing with toys when I was acting like mad… Ama…(he calls him but stopped realizing Aman is not there. He fists his hand and swara looks at him painfully. She only knows what Aman meant to sanskar.  He opened his eyes with a rage and went to laksh and holds him from ap’s embrace and punched him hard)  You know he, my Aman, he is my buddy.. He used to be there with me in one call distance.. But now he is hospital bed because of u.. U have to pay for it severely laksh and Informed will make sure that… (he again pushed him to the floor but ap holds him)

when you call me, I have to be there naa sanskar ” a familiar voice startled everyone..

San: Aman… (looks at entrance and surprised to see Aman and Anjali standing there with help of some hospital ward boys and nurses.. He ran towards them and hugs both of them..)  are you both OK?  (they nodes. Swara also couldn’t believe her eyes.. )

Sw : bhai bhabhi ?????( swasan family also became happy to see them. Swara is about to ran towards them.  But Anjali stopped her)

Anj: no swara don’t run… I already lost my baby, I don’t want you too… ???

San: don’t worry Anju… He will pay for it severely…

Anj: I know.. I trust you bhai… (then they came towards swara.. She hugged both of them happily. Then he noticed John).

San: thank you John for being with my family in my absence (SujRamutt looks at him confused. Sanskar noticed that) mom dad he is my man.. If Aman is my right hand he is my left hand.

Joh: don’t thank me sir..  For You your family is ur life.. Without them you can’t live.. Without u we can’t live (sanskar and family smiles at his words) so this my duty… (Swasan and family became happy. Dp, ap, laksh and shekhar irked seeing them happy…)

Dp: don’t laugh so much Ram. U always wanted to remove you from my way.. Now I got a jackpot.. I got ur whole family.. Ur son has to payback for whatever he did with my son…

Ram: I don’t care if my son is common man or not. But he came back to punish you, and I know he will do that perfectly (sanskar looks at him lovingly)

Dp: that you will see…. (interrupted by a voice)…

ENOUGH ” everyone looks at the source.. Dadi is standing at the stairs…

Dadi: (she went towards swara)  swara where is my ragini… I have searched her all over the house. But couldn’t see her.. I asked her na…forgive her..  Then where is she?

Sw: (shoves her hand harshly)  Mrs gagodia ji ur grand daughter had pushed me to river to marry that creepy creature.. She then pour oil on stairs to make me fall, then she sent goons to harass me.. (shosuj eyes get widened) u asked me to forgive her. I forgave her…

Suj/sho: how could you shona/swara?

Sw: (looks at shomi)  to save you and your baby maa… I don’t want anything happens to u.. She promised me too… (to dadi, angrily) so I don’t need to know what is her whereabouts.. Your SIL  is there and get MIL is there asks them  not me..  I have my own family to look after..

Dadi went towards ap.. Sanskar came towards swara and side hugs her ..

San: come princess we will see drama… (everyone smiles at his comments and sat there…)

dadi: ap where is my laado?

Ap: she is with you naa kakisa..

Dadi: with us?  What are saying ap ?(shomi also looks confused)

Ap: but laksh said….

She: (holds laksh’s collar) where is my daughter laksh?

Lak: Arre u don’t need to worry.. She is not dead.. She is just enjoying with my friends…

She:(angrily) what are you saying laksh

Lak: (to Dp)  papa finally I got rid of her… Do you want to know how…

Dp: yes my son.. (shekhar and dadi looks at them shockingly. Others looks at them


That day when sanskar went with Aman. Laksh went to his room..

Lak: we will go for an outing.. Get ready

Rag: really laksh..

Lak: yes (she went to get ready. They both came inside a hotel..)

Rag: what are we doing here laksh?

Lak: my friends came to meet me.. So first we will meet them and go..

Ragini nodes. Both went to a room.. Laksh came inside.. His 4 friends lying and sitting on bed..

M1: hey Laksh u came.. Happy to see you..

M2: Arre where is lurking enjoyment?

Lak: ragini.. (she was outside. So she came inside.. Before understand anything laksh pushed her towards the men..

Rag: what are you doing laksh(to m1)  hey leave me

Lak: today u r their enjoyment.. U have to enjoy them.. Guys enjoy…

Rag: laksh don’t do this with me.. I’m ur wife laksh..

Lak: but I don’t want you as my wife… I just want swara…  I will kill that sanskar and then take her… Bye bye ragini ..(he went from there)


Dp : I’m very happy my son

Dadi and shekhar sat there lifelessly.. Ap also couldn’t believe her son’s cruelty… Others looks at them disgustingly

San: laksh if ur flashback is over now hear my flashback.. (everyone looks at him confused..)


sanskar is going with Amanjali in their car.  Suddenly sanskar spots laksh

San: Aman they laksh and ragini naa.. What are they doing here ..come we will follow them 

They followed them and got to know everything . After laksh went towards the door and knocked. One of the men opened. Sanskar and Aman punched the rescues ragini

Rag,: thank you sanskar… Whatever I did with u or swara. Still you help me..

San: my princess forgave you, so I also forgave you.. But I won’t let you to come mm..

Rag: even I don’t want to come…

San: my friend is in Dubai..  They will give you a good welcome and they will treat you well…

Rag: thank you sanskar.. I will go there. (she went s Hf sanskar’s girl follower)


She: thank you saving my daughter. (to swara) swara beta…(but interrupted by an angry swara)

Sw: don’t… Don’t call me like that. You r no one to me.  For me gagodia family doesn’t exist.. U r just a stranger to me. I’m only related to Maheshwari family and bose family… (sit angrily on couch and murmurs something) I forgave her because I know sanskar won’t leave this matter. But here this sanskar forgave her and sent her from here.. I wanted to see her punishment… (she pouts) (others also disappointed with this)

No one except one person noticed these. He smiles seeing her antics..

Lak: you may be rescued ragini. But now u can’t save you and your family.. Guards..  (he yells)

To Be Continued

Precap : A person is looking at Sanskar angrily. He became scared seeing that person.. He gulped …

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