Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swasan I Hate to Love U ep 23

Hey guyz Thanx for ur supprot n love for my ff I dont know but I felt that my this twist u didnt liked
is that so plz let me know


“Ur still awake….I thought u have slept” Sanskar asked entering in his room

“How can I sleep…..without knowing the cause of ur deed “Swara taunted

“U better sleep Swara…..dont waste ur time thinking so much about this “Sanskar said with a fake smile

“How can u be so normal…….U know what happened today…ur parents disgust u….my family hates u nd still u r standing so calmly”
Swara confronted him

“This is not the first time I m facing this……I beared this more than four years Swara so relax…..just think that they love u thats it”

Sankar said in one breath….nd goes to bathroom but Swara stopped him

“You cant walk away without answering my question…..why did u do this….u were repenting rite…… vanished so soon ” She asked

Sanskar came towards her nd hold her

“I thought repenting style is not working……so I did what I felt to do now get out of my way Swara” He said with same tone

“Untill u tell the cause….I wont leave u just tell the truth” Swara said looking in to his eyes

“U wanna hear the truth rite” He asked

She nodded in yes nd he pulled her more closer nd whispered in her ears

“Because I love u Swara…..I need u nd marry u….no matter what I did for this…I got u”

Swara shocked n pulled him back

“U know what….in these four I didnt hate u that much because I thought what u did is for ur sister….a person can go to any extent for his family
I thought U were a good person by heart….nd last few days I was thinking this but U proved me wrong…..again” Swara said angrily with tears

Sanksar turns nd his back facing Swara not to see her tears because it will make him weak

“Thanku for proving me wrong Mr.Maheshwri….for making me realize that u r not a person of pure heart……nd that too somethings r never changed”
Swara continued while Sanskar closed his eyes

He opened nd turned to Swara nd said rudely

“What is done is done……nd dont worry I wont come near u……my goal was to marry u nd not make love to u….so chill nd plz wipe ur tears
U r my wife infront of world… parents nd ur family…….in this room nothing is there between us….U hate me nd I love u perfect combination of relation we share
this is the love n hatred relation….Hate part u will play nd Love part I will…Now no more question I m fed up to answer every one here” He goes to washroom straightly without hearing her

“No….Sanskar Maheshwri..when a person cant give his side explanation He tries to walk away nd ignore….the same as u r doing…..I feel something is there which…..u r hiding from me…….I ll
find out it soon I promise” Swara determindely

He came out of the washroom nd saw Swara sleeping on the bed…He came near to bed nd sit beside her

“I m sorry Swara….but I love u……nd can do any thing for u……I know I m hurting u continously but seeing u like this is far better than see u broken ” He
said in his mind take his pillow nd sleep on the couch


Next morning..

The sun rays fell on Swara nd make her wake she opened her eyes nd surprised to see the room nd remind herself She is in her new room
She sees…she is only in bed…..where is he was runing in her mind then suddenly her eyes fell on her husband

“You say u love me….thats y marry me….ur deeds nd saying doesnt match with each other”She whispered

She looks the watch nd goes in washroom…Meanwhile Sanskar wakes up nd without realizing goes in washroom but he found it locked…..He ws too sleepy that he could nt think
much nd just knocked hard

“Who is it??” Swara yelled from inside…which make Sanskar realized nd he stepped back nd sat on the bed

“Are u mad Sanskar….u r married now….what will she be thinking of me”He said to himself taping his head hard

Swara came out…Sanskar was staring her only nd mesmerized to see She was wearing simple red Saree with wet hairs
She looked at him nd asked him angrily

“What were u knocking the door”

“Sorry…actually I didnt thought u could be…I mean I forgot” He said hesitating….actually dont wanna show that he forgotten he is married now

“Forgot what…U married a girl forcefully nd now living with her in a room “She taunted

“Never mind…I dont wanna spoil my morning arguing with u…so excuse me” He said changing his expression nd taking his towel He went to bathroom

“Argument hah….Mr Maheshwri I wont let u a minute of peace in ur life…..bear this torture”She smiled devilishly

While she heared a knock she opened nd saw Ragini nd ap…She took blessing from ap

“May God bless u” Ap blessed her nd hugged her

“Aunty….” before she could say anything Ap interpts

“No aunty….Mom….u will call me Mom….Is that ok” She said

“Ok……as u say” Swara said while Ragini hugged her

“All the best bhabhi…..U have ur kitchen ritual today… ” Ragini said excitedly

“Come downstair fast” AP said smiling

“Kitchen….” Swara was shocked as she doesnt know cooking so much

While Ragini nd ap goes downstair leaving her shocked

“Oh god Cooking is not cup of tea for me” Swara said while Sanskar came out heared her He smile looking her tensed face by mirror

“What happen bossy…….u r tensed….who dare to make u tensed except me” He teased her while she eyed him angrily

“Dont stare me like this….go n make something delicious……but wait u dont know cooking rite….how will u do it” Sanskar asked in teasing tone

“Nothing is impossible for Swara Gadodia”

“Correction bossy…..Not Swara Gadodia…Now u r Swara Sanskar Maheshwri……make ur habbit to say this”

Swara steped the floor hard nd left the room

“U r soot cute Swara…..I wont let it destroy by anyone”

He gets a call nd the name flashes Ram Dharaj

“Hey dude….Congratz man SO u married her amazing” Ram said

“Where is the proof….I need it now”

“Relax Sanskar calm down….u have married now just have patience make her life hell…..u will get it” Saying that he disconnects
without hearing Sanskar


“Sir I dont understand….they love each other….how can ur revenge will be completed…y didnt u married her” Ram’s secretary asked

“Well….when in love, hatred comes….it make things more complicated….I made situation more tough nd harder for Swara…..she will hate him to the
core for riunning her life nd that idiot will act according to me because his life is in Swara…..If she is at stake he is forced to do everything”
Ram said devilishly

“But sir if u married her it will be mre fun to watch her broken” His secretary asked

“Yes but it doesnot give me pleasure…..that I m getting now…nd Ram Dhanraj loves his freedom…….I dont hate her that much than loves my freedom…
society I m play boy nd enjoy this title…..nd Swara Gadodia is tough woman to handle….a stubborn woman I hate that woman ”

He said nd signal his sceretary to go…nd he leaves


“Swara calm down…dont worry U will find something on internet ” Swara said

Just then Ragini came in nd saw Swara gogling recipes

“Bhabhi….what r u searching”

“Nothing but a good n easy recipe to cook “Swara said without realizing nd suddenly realized

“I….I mean…” Swara fumbles while Ragini smiles

“Bahbhi should I make for u….u will tell u made it” Ragini suggested

“No Ragini…Mom first time gave me work I ll do it my way u dont worry” SHe said with a smile

“Okay cant I suggest u an easy dish” Ragini asked

“Of course…say” Swara asked her with curiousity

“Kheer….make kheer….bhai loves kheer” Ragini said excitedly

“What should I do if ur bhai love kheer….but its an easy dish……but Swara u really dont know how to make it” She said in her mind

“Bhabhi….” Ragini called waking her from her thoughts

“Huh….! U wanna eat kheer I ll make it” sWARA SAID

“U r not making for bhai….” Ragini asked

“I m making it for every one Ragini u go…..I ll come” Swara said looking away from her


“Bhai…she refuse to take my help” Ragini said while entering in Sanskar’s room

“Common Ragini…cant u be stubborn for a while….U can make us agree but failed to do with her” Sanskar scolded

“Bhai…I tried but u know what, she is same like u… any problem dont take any ones help…because it can trouble u more rite….she is doing same like”
Ragini mocked

“She doesnt know how to boil water even……nd u give her idea of kheer Ragini” Sanskar scolded

“Bhai….at least kheer is easy dish she was going for a hard dish in which she would veggies nd if she doesnt know any thing of cooking she must have wounded
her finger” Ragini said with thank me look

“Well thank u my princess…..u done alot of work to me” He said sarcastically

“I know…any thing for u” She dramatically

He gave her seriously look

“What now….” She asked

“I have to do something”

“But what”

“Dont worry I ll handle u just watch neither dad nor mom comes from lawn to dinning untill I text u okay”

“Ys boss” She said wioth a smile

“This time plz be alert” He said with kidding look nd left


“God….what is this…I never thought I will cook one day” Swara said stubbornly

“hey bossy….Making something” Sanskar asked while entering in the kitchen

“Seems like nothing is being cooked rite” He continued when look around

“What r u doing here “She asked

“Nothing just came for water….by the way what r u planning….making us hungry on the very first day of marraige”He joked

“Just take ur water…..get out from here” She said with lowered but frim tone

“I m going…..well I thought to check a recipe book..the cook said it is in drawer or cabinet…..but I m not finding it…..My friend would be
waiting for the recipee” He said as if talking to him self while he goes out of the kitchen

“Recipee book…in drawer…or cabinet” Swara whispered

She first checks in drawer nn finds it

“I got it…..I can make kheer now” Swara said with a smile

“But Swara….will u take his favour” Her inner devil mind scolded

“No not even in a dream” She whispered

“but what will u serve ur family then if u didnt take his favour” Her angelic heart asked

She closed her eyes nd say “I have to make kheer…no matter what…nd he doesnt know that he hepled me” She calmed herself

She opened the book nd find kheer recipee…It was hard but she acted as instruction in the book….her kheer was almost ready
All this was seen by Sanskar smiling with victory…He signalled Ragini to come


“So Swara where is the kheer ur dad is waiting from since morning ” Ap said with smile after having breakfast

“Mom here it is” Swara said nd served the kheer in respective bowl to everyone

Everyone start to eat kheer but Sanskar was texting he didnt…..After taking a bite Ap…Dp n Ragini started looking Swara…..Swara n Sanskar got tensed if she made made the kheer delicious…There was silence but
Ragini broke the ice nd first to comment

“Bhabhi wow its amazing….” Ragini praised her

“Seems like u got a good guide” She teased while looking Sanskar who was about to take a bite nd gave a strong look to Ragini
Ragini gigled

“Thanx Ragini” Swara said with smile

“Bhai why rnt u eating ” Ragini asked

“I m eating…just forwarding an improtant text” Sanskar said taking spoon take a bite

As he took bite….he finds the taste disgusting…All were staring Sanskar waiting for a reaction

“What Sanskar u didnt liked the kheer” Swara asked smirking

He understands her word nd with a fake smile he said “Very…very delicious”

Dp gave her reward her first time cooking nd every one blessed her

Ap asked her to be redy for muh dikhia as these rituals should be fulfilled so get ready
Nd Swara agreed while Sanskar felt difficult to complete the kheer bbut he did nd gave empty bowl to Swara who was shocked to see
bowl empty….nd he left

“Its the first day of torture Mr.Maheshwri……tell the truth or bear this whole life” Swara said in her mind with devilish smile on her face


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