Fan Fiction

Swasan – Hatred Love season 2 (24)

All they way sanskar was driving with a smirk on his face while swara in deep though of what sanskar is doing, she asked him couple times where they going only to be replied with a devil smirk of him, she tried to set free but belt was hard around her. Her thoughts seezed when the car stopped and sanskar got down opening her door…

“where are we?”


“you do all this drama to bring me to mall!! What the heck sanskar?” she angerly snapped

“if I asked you nicly you wouldn’t have come swara”

“sure no, and no power in the world would make me shop with you…”

“well we are about to find out…” he got out small knofe and cut swara belt then caught her palm tightly in his and drag her out.

“hai… stop ahhh… let me go sanskar”

“swara mall is full of people don’t creat a scene please”

“its you who is creating it… stop it now you mull”

Sanskar stopped and glared her: so you aren’t stop struggling?

“no” she shouted

“fine” sanskar fist swara hairs softly and pulled her close fishing her lips in passionate kiss and all the people passing were looking at them. Swara was caught off gured and couldn’t resist, she was shocked until sanskar let her lips go…

“every time you struggle me swara I am gonna kiss you.. and each one will be even harder that you may beg me to take you in the changing room”

Swara got heated from his words, yes sanskar was hot husband before, but he was never this mush huksy and playboy to her… play enough to make her all wet down there by just his words.

Sanskar went to a shoes shop dragging swara with him..

“come on pick some shoes.. Better be flat and light… be fast”

Swara stood dumbfued “whaaat?”

Sanskar sight and call employ girl “excuse me … show me all flat comfy shoes you have”

Girl gasped in shock “what??? Sir I cant do that!!!”

Swara struggled “sanskar what noncess you are doing?”

“didn’t I warn you from struggle…”

That made swara stop immdiatly and didn’t know what to do, sanskar smirk and turn again to the sales girl

“call the mall manager, I want him now”

Girl: ss..ssir?”

“my name is sanskar maheshwary.. call him right now” sanskar said as athority roll around him

Girl was shocked for the name and went in a hurry, in 5 mints a decent forties man stood in front of sanskar

“sanskar sir welcome to our modest mall, what can I do for you??”

“I want you to clear the mall from me and my wify to shope freely and I will pay whatever money”

“WHAAAAAAAAT” the three people asked shocked in union…

Manager: this is cant be… sir…..?

Swara: sanskar had u gone out of your mind… let me go sanskar ,,, this is all noncess… this is hmmmmm”

Sanskar make her stop when he took her lips in a good kiss infront of manager and employ then mummer against her lips “shut up baby… i am talking here”

Manager cleared his throut: ss… si..sir please, what you asked can’t be done ….

Sanskar: I told you I will pay…

Manager: it’s not about the money, it’s about time…we will need about 4 hours to empty the mall….

Sanskar: whattt?? 4 hrs that’s too much, ….

Manager: sorry sir but…

Sanskar: I don’t want your sorry… just do it…

Girl: its impossible…

Sanskar: fine I will do it…

Sanskar took a placed high heel and drag swara with him while maneger and employ try to stop him… but vein… sanskar walk till he found what he looked for…. Fire alarm.

Sanskar took the heel and smash the glass and pull down fire button and fire sarena went all over the place… soon every one was leaving what they doing and hurry outside like crazy and sanskar only stood smirking.. swara slapped her head and manager had his mouth drop over floor…

Sanskar: now back to shoes…

Sanskar took swara to flat shoes and stood: just remember swara today you will do all I want you to do, by hook or crock… easy way or hard way….. so suit yourself…

Swara glare him as fire set in her eyes: sanskar enough of your crazy shit or…

Sanskar don’t let her continiou again… he picked her and put her on a chair then running his fingers slowly on her legs reaching her sandals taking them off slowly then mention to the employ girl… “first flat please”

Sanskar forcely make swara try many flats and if she wiggles, he would kiss the inside of her foot giving her a high pleasure sensation so she stopped and try normally

After that he took her to cloth shop

“swara remember… comfy and summer cloth.. whatever make you free ok.. you choose on your own and I will choose mine.. for you and me” he said last part winking her…

“and if I don’t??!”

Sanskar didn’t reply her and pick a wide shirt and yoga pants that would fit her, he grapped her and swara gasped of shock and pushed her to changing room closing the door…

“sanskar… please… you gone mad” swara whisper in plead

“sanskar cupped her face.. mad in your love.. if you didn’t show me these on you swara.. I ll make out with you.. right here and right now… and it will be soo good that you will ask for more but I wont give you and I will change your cloth myself…… and then …. My deaaaaar shonna, I can’t assure you that I will control myself… and i will show you the urge i had for 4 years to you and only you.. so what you say now….. wify?”

Swara was a panic mass right now, but in a good way… she was feeling excited by this sanskar, he was more crazy, more carefree, more huksy than they used to be 4 years ago, but she still wanted to hold her sanity

“sanskar… listen ple…” sanskar knew she would bla bla so he caught the stringes of her kurtha and would open “no no ok ok I will.. I will… god …. sanskar”

Sanskar smirk: good girl…

Sanskar left the changing room and sit on a chair outside and after a while swara came out in the shirt and yoga pants…

Sanskar commented: hmm good.. start trying these too…

Swara look at her right and few dresses and pants, swara gave protest look but sanskar warning glare set her in defeat as she went on trying and trying different styles until she was wearing light pink summer free dress and that made her look so beautiful and sanskar looked so lovengily to her

“you are so divine swara… stay in that…”

Swara blush under his gaze, but then her face redden as she saw a bra in sanskar hands and she almost fainted… sanskar follow her gaze and smirk evily “ lacy and black … for a glowing skin as yours”

Swara stumbled and she was at lost of words… like totally “ sanskaa…san.. ahh… I wont try… you .. i…”

Sanskar grin got wider and he pulled swara by her waist and faint his lips over her ear “ohhh little shonna… you are not trying them… not here” he whisper the last part with his breath making swara breath stock in her throut feeling heavy in her updomain and knots getting more in her stomach.

Sanskar: now sit and watch my show…

Sanskar start changing between cloth but swara couldn’t give opinions, still he would walk in and out in various paramoda pants and summer shirts. Finally he settle on jeans pramoda pants and light blue shirt and gloring his eyes with reban sunglasses

“shall we go lady? I am sure you wont make any further trouble… right….”

Sansar said while his hand carres swara back sensually making her shiver… this time a car waited them with driver so sanskar didn’t leave swara side at all.

In car they sat in the back seat and sanskar laced there fingers together and put their hands over his lap…

Swara was growing excitedly….. erotic and fantastic… like a teen girl in her date… swara notice that they are heading to the air port…

“Sanskaar… thats airport way”

“I never doubted your smart my girl”

“Why would be going there… sanskar you cant just do that”

“Guess what… yup i can”

“Sanskar i have life… sanky and my work and….”

Sanskar cut her talks “we arrived”

Sanskar got down and turn around and help swara down abd she stood amazed by the plane waiting infront of her…

A female plane hoster came “your jet is ready mr. Maheshwary”

Swara gasped ” your jet??? When did you become that much rich”

“Details later shonna”

Sanskar took her hand and turn to the hoster “i dont want any one in the plabr except us and the pilots please…”

Girl: but sir.. you may need…

Sanskar: anything i would need is just beside me (he picked swara hand for a kiss) all hostes are dismissed….

Sanskar moved toward the jet with swara … she bite his hand and wanted to run but sanskar run after her and throw her over his shoulder again


Sanskar smiled amuzed of her actions and spanked her ass twice lightly…

“Bad move shonnaaaa”

“Heelllllll… sanskar put me down… nowwww…. noooooo”

Swara kept shouting as sanskar climp jet stairs smiling and amuzed while all stuff around had ther mouth wide open for a nest of flies……


Note: from now on i will update every friday…. weekly update . My both ffs…. hatred love and despacito one night stand…

Remmber every friday

C u at friday lovlies

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