Last episode: hello guys.. I have exams. so I can’t manage my studies with ff for a I want to concentrate on my studies. Thank you so much for your support. I hope you understand me. I promise you I’ll meet u all with different ff with more twists and turns after my exams.
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raglak telling about their relationship with swasan. They are happy. They attend bhaji grand son’s marriage and come back to home. bhuaji called ap and proposes raglak marriage.sumi calls ragini and asks her to come home immediately.
ragini comes to her home with lak. lucky drops her and goes.
ragini comes inside and freshen up. ragini talks to sumi.
rag: ma… why did u call me here immediately. is there any thing important.
sumi: yes ragini. We have something to tell you very important.
rag: what is that ma….
sumi: shekar has a marriage proposal for you. We know the groom well. He is well educated an very good. groom’s family is also very good. They are coming in 2 hours. so I called you in hurry.
ragini gets shocked. she can’t even hear anything else. she come to senses
rag: what?? marriage proposal for me? why all the sudden? I just completed my graduation. I want to do post graduation. I need time. swara got married recently if I go from you then you an papa can’t be happier. I can’t leave you all. I don’t want all this now.
sumi: we know you ragini.. We have already talked about your studies with them. They all agreed to ur studies after marriage. when it comes to matter of leaving us, u have to go to some other house tomorrow or some other day. We will be more happy seeing you happy. don’t think about us. get ready. They are coming. If u like the groom we will talk further. If u don’t like him we don’t force you.
ragini can’t talk to sumi as there are no excuses left. she silently goes from there and calls lucky.
lucky: oh baby…. just thinking of u. u called me.. are you missing me badly?? I just dropped you at home. u called soon..
rag: lucky…. Please listen to me. jokes are apart. I want to tell you something very important. dad has a marriage proposal for me. They are coming in 2 hrs. so mom called me to come here early. I don’t want this. I can’t imagine anyone as husband except u. I’m feeling tensed. I’m getting tears. Please do something. she starts crying.
lucky: what?? why all the sudden??? ragini… Please don’t cry. I can’t bear ur tears. I can’t imagine my life without u. I’ll do something. u trust me na …? I’ll manage the situation. Please be strong. dont cry.
ragini says on and hung up the phone.
lucky comes out of his room to talk to swara and sanskar about the matter. but he sees ap there. ap comes to him.
ap: have not you got ready yet?? Get ready in 10 minutes and come.
lucky is confused and asks: why ma?? are we going anywhere? but ma.. I have very important work. I can’t come to anywhere. you all go..
ap: no lucky u have to come. ur papa is waiting. He ordered all the family members to come. so u can’t escape. go and get ready fast.. come fast.. We all wait for you. He has no options left he goes to get ready and comes to talk with swasan. but he is able to talk to either of them as they are with some or other members of family.
ap asks everyone to come and they all get into car.
at ragini’s home:
sumi accompanies ragini in makeup. ragini wear parrot green lehanga with roral Blue dupatta with gold thread work she is looking so cute even though she is disheartened.
maheswari family cars stopped. All get down from cars. lucky is shocked to see that they are at entrance gate of ragini’s home.
lucky: why we are here?
ap: sumiji called us and invited us here to meet ragini’s to be husband as shekar ji found a good match for ragini. let’s come inside..
lucky to himself:
“what the hell. I came to my girlfriend’s home with my family to talk on her marriage proposal with some one others. cha… its disgusting. I need to do something. otherwise ragini will feel bad.”
sumi and shekar welcome them. swara hugs sumi. All are seated. swara goes to ragini’s room.
rag: swara… u.. u r here? when did you come?? do u know what is all happening here?
swara about to talk. sumi comes and tells that groom has arrive and she keeps a trap of coffee cups in ragini hand and asks her to serve and see the groom. They come to living room.
raglak see eachother and gets shocked. The don’t understand what is happening.
ap: lucky see.. my choti bahu is looking very beautiful. don’t u think so??
They r confused but try to understand all this and they got what they mean. They face are sparkling.
All start laughing at them at once.
swasan: ragini and lucky… how is our suprise?
lucky comes to them. bhayya babhi… you both did all this.?
sanky: yes we did. You always play pranks on us. so we thought we can’t we grab this opportunity to play a prank on you.? why don’t you like this??
lucky: I don’t like this at all… I love this.. bhai do u know I was about to get heart attack thinking that ragini is getting marriage proposal with some one else. But ur surprise made me mad. For the first time I’m feeling happy to be played a prank on me.. Thank you a lot. He hug sanskar.
swara comes to ragini.
rag: swara.. u… u did all this..? u were not like this before marriage. u change a lot after marriage. you didn’t think about my feelings. I’m angry at you.
swara goes to apologise her.
rag: swara…frankly speaking I was tensed before and I was in pressure. but when I saw lucky as groom my pain is vanished away. u did great.. I like ur change.. u made this moment very special for me. It is the most memorable moment for me. She hugs swara. she thanks sanskar to give this much happiness.
lucky: yes. ragini is correct. but I want to know How this all happened??
ap: bhuaji called me while talking she proposed your marriage with ragini as she thought that you both are made for each other.sujatha supported this. I talked to your papa. He too happy with this. Then I went to swara and sanskar they told everything about you. papa called to shekar ji. They too agreed this proposal but we all decide to give you a sweet punishment for hiding. so swasan planned this we executed. how is our acting??
lucky: ma… you are the best… I didn’t expect this from you. but u amazed me.. Thank you so much ma… He hugs her. I need to thank you bhuaji a lot as she read my heart.
All smile at them. They do all muhurt for engagement and marriage as well.
raglak engagement happens with all rituals and joy. Their danger also done with full arrangements. All the family members dance. swasan do a romantic dance to dedicate to married couple. They are happy for their siblings.
the most awaited moment has arrived. raglak marriage day. ragini wear red lehanga with gold boarder and thread work she wear gold and red gungat. she has heavy jewellery. she looks like more beautiful that she ever. lak also looks like charming prince. They are together with knot and seven perahs.
They come to take blessings.
dp and ap blesses them to be happy and asks lucky to be more responsible to take of ragini.
sujatha and ram blesses them to be happy with kids long live.
adharsh and parneeta wishes them and asks them to be supportive to each other.
swasan hugs their siblings and asks them to be more understanding to be happy.
uttara wishes them and pulls their legs.
shekar and sumi blesses them and they are very happy that their both daughters got married to same house and they get their mother’s house even after marriage(they consider maheswari’s love for their daughter is as their). They have tears of happiness. They all take a group picture.
��������THE END��������
once again thanks a lot guys for your support. I’ll surely meet u with another different ff with full of twists after my exams. Please comment if you like my work. silent readers please break your silence for once. comment for below qus.
which one do u like more??
1. swasan first meeting
2. swasan second meeting at restaurant
3. paeneeta’s baby shower function
4. raglak first meeting
5.swasan love proposal
6. swasan first kiss
7. swasan date
8. raglak date and their love proposal
9. raglak marriage proposal
please respond for this guys… I really want to know how many people read this ff..
Swasan first meeting
can’t tell any incident. .
all moments of swasan was fabulous awesome sweet and cute…..
Swasan love proposal.. N how sanskar proposed swara’s parents for marriage.
really sad that you r ending it but when will your exam r going to end really waiting for your second ff nd the best part is 5,6nd 7 nd in short term whole ff is best
2.swasan second meeting
raglak marriage proposal
all raglak scenes
All moments and superb
How to separate two eyes yaar …certainly all episodes of ur ff r my fav 🙂 :-)will miss you
Thank u harani, mouni,angel,akku,anu, subi,labdi,manvi,jaya, rosy,surbi.. Miss u.. I am glad u like my ff. I like episodes Personally i enjoyed swasan 2nd meeting and love proposal… I started writing this ff after thinking of those two incidents..
Liked all the moments….
swasan 1st meeting was awesome
The most wonderful thing I like about your ff is that there is twist or any villian in your ff only just happy time and about the movements I like:
Thank you soooooo much… you 🙂
Swasan proposal it was different n i liked it n swasan first meet
All the best for ur xm
Thank u somuch meghs dear..
every thing Yarr
specially swasan scenes were too good from episode 1 till the last
Thank u tooba.. Loved ur supported dear. I intentionally made this ff positive. I’l write next ff entirely diff from this n others too
raglak narriage proposal