Fan Fiction

SwaSan — The Heavenly Couple (One Shot) by Mars

Hlo guys! This is Mars with a treat on swasan victory in os competition. Sorry for the delay. Earlier today I was not going to post anything as I didn’t felt like writing my any ongoing story don’t know why then I thought to disturb u all with os for a change.
So let me tell the story will be from there when swasan got married after kavita but there will be no kavya drama. This will be what I wanted in serial but they show us swasan separation on their first time huh!! For those who don’t even care for them. In my story raglak are already married and are shifted to aboard So concentrate on SWASAN only.
Let’s begin:

SwaSan— The Heavenly Couple
One Shot
Maheshwari house:
The whole mansion is beautifully decorated like a newly bride.In the hall, a heavenly couple is taking blessings from elders as few mins back they are tied in the most pious relation of marriage. Couple is ofcouse swasan who else heavenly? After taking blessings, sujata and uttara took swara to her room while sanskar is standing with adarsh who is giving him tips how to react on first night.
Sanskar is rubbing his hands in nervousness.
Adarsh: Sanskar u r nervous?
Sanskar: little bit
Adarsh: be a man don’t show your nervousness to swara she will make fun of you.
Sanskar(acting strong): I m alright bhai.
Then only sujata shouted.
Sujata(teases): Sanskar go to your room someone is waiting for you.
All laughs looking at him while he got embarrassed. To avoid further teasing he quickly went to his room.

Swasan room:
Sanskar slowly opened the door and entered inside. He saw swara standing near window showing her back. Sanskar looked around his blue coloured room which is lightened beautifully and was expressing his happiness for the wedding of a magical couple.
Swasan were close friends and were always comfortable with each other but don’t know why their hearts are ready to burst today after sensing each other. As swara felt sanskar coming closer she clutched her bridal dress tightly.
Sanskar wrap his hands around her waist and back hugged her. Swara shivered as his fingers come in contact with her skin.
Sanskar (whisper in her ear): Finally u are all mine Mrs Swara Sanskar Maheshwari.
Swara closed her eyes as these words hit her eardrum. It was just heavenly to belong to her love.Sanskar nuzzles in her neck and started kissing it softly. Swara has completely lean on his chest surrendering in front of him. She is breathing heavily and not able to bear the immense pleasure she turned and hugged him. Sanskar smiles and tightened the hug. They keep standing like this feeling solace in each other. Swara broke the hug and looked in his dark brown eyes. They shared a lovely eye lock expressing how much happy they are after being each other’s.
Sanskar’s sight caught her lips, she lowers her shades permitting him. He was about to place his lips on her but his phone rings. Sanskar got irritated but swara moved little back and addressed him to receive it.
Sanskar(unwillingly): yes who is this?
Aman( sanskar’s pa): sir its aman.
Sanskar: yeah speak up.

Aman:sir your flight for Delhi is after two hours meeting for the contract is tomorrow.
Sanskar: what and u r telling me now.
Aman:Sir I also got to know in evening only.plzz come to airport I will meet u there.
Sanskar: okay.
He cut the call.
Swara: what happened any problem?
Sanskar: swara u know I was preparing for one contract.
Swara:that with foreign company?
Sanskar: yes and its meeting is in Delhi tomorrow so it was aman to inform that I have flight after two hours.
Swara:then why r u standing go and change.
Sanskar: how can I leave you today.
Swara: don’t act like a stupid sanskar how much hard work u had done for this project now at last step u will quit.
Sanskar: its our first night.
He said looking in her eyes.
Swara(cups his face): we will make some other night special.
Sanskar (hug her): I m blessed to have u in my life.
Swara:me too now stop all this go and change.
Later, swasan are wearing casuals. Swara is packing his bags and he is checking papers.
Swara: when u will come back?
Sanskar: after one week as we all have to attend many meetings.
All his belongings were packed. He was all set to leave.
Sanskar (kiss her forehead): take care and inform everyone. And I m sorry.
Swara: don’t say sorry otherwise I with not talk to u.
Sanskar:okay I will not say but one kiss please.
Swara quickly peck his lips.
Sanskar: its Peck(pout)
Swara(blushes): now go will give when u will return.
Sanskar (smiles): okay.
Swara wipe his lips as lipstick was printed.
Swara: call me when u will reach.
Sanskar:sure bye love u.
Swara:love u too.
Sanskar left for airport swara looked around the decorated room and signed then she slept.

Next morning:
Swara came down wearing golden colour saree looking like a doll. All others had went to temple only parineeta was at home.She went to kitchen and smile at pari.
Pari: I was thinking u will come late.
Swara(confused): why?
Pari: u must have slept late at night.
Swara understood that she is teasing her. Her cheeks turn pink.
Swara:nothing like that bhabi
Pari: ahah sanskar is sleeping?
Swara: no he went to Delhi yesterday night for the deal.
Pari: ohhh. I was not knowing.
Swara(smiles): its okay.
Pari: so which sweet u will prepare for custom.
Swara:I was thinking of kheer.
Pari: hmm good. Swara bring dry fruits from that front room they are kept there.
Swara went to the room. She forgot her mobile on shelf only.
Sanskar after reaching in hotel called her. Pari saw the caller which displayed ” sanskar calling”. She thought to inform him to call later. she received the call.
Sanskar: good morning sweetheart.
Pari(smiles): it’s pari Sanskar.
Sanskar got speechless as he never thought someone else will take swara’s call.
Sanskar: wo bhabi actually swara is there.
Then only swara came.
Pari: yes she came talk to your sweetheart.
Pari give phone to swara and left from there. Swara was confused
Sanskar: where were u and how bhabi took your call?
Swara: I went out and mobile was in kitchen so. BTW what happened?
Sanskar:I called you sweetheart but it was bhabi.
Swara(laughs): ohhhhkk it was funny.
Sanskar:don’t laugh u know how much embarrassing it was.
Swara:its okay sanskar. So u reached safely?
Sanskar:yes and tell me u are wearing saree?
Sanskar: plzz send me your pic I want u see how u r looking after our marriage.
Swara:haha okay will click and send.
Swara clicked her pic and send to sanskar. He got mesmerized seeing her in golden saree matching bangles. Mangalautra and shinning vermilion at her hairline, hands adorned with dark red coloured mendhi.He immediately called her
Swara: so how I m looking?
Sanskar: just gorgeous don’t know what I would have done if was in front of you.
Swara blushes.
Sanskar(teases): stop blushing Mrs Maheshwari.
Swara: stop it Sanskar I will talk later.
Sanskar (laughs): okay bye.
Swara cut the call and got busy in preparing kheer.

Dining table:
All were sitting and eating kheer. Everyone praised her cooking skills.
Sujata: swara where is Sanskar?
Swara: wo mom he went to Delhi yesterday night for the deal.
Sujata : how can he leave like that.
Swara:it’s okay mom deal is important and he will be back after one week.
Sujata (make faces): okay.

After one week:
Sanskar came out of the airport and smiles.
Sanskar:get ready for the surprise Mrs Sanskar.
Actually he told Swara that he is coming next day but as his work got completed he came one day earlier.

Maheshwari house:
Pari and swara are working.
Pari: when sanskar is coming?
Swara: tomorrow bhabi.
Later, swara heard sujata’s voice from hall.
Sujata: Sanskar u came.
Sanskar (took blessings):yes mom
Sujata: u got the deal.
Sanskar: yes.
Sujata: I know my son is very smart.
Sanskar smiles and searched for swara.
Swara after listening that sanskar came she hurriedly came out of the kitchen.
Sanskar saw her, there she is breathing heavily dressed in pink saree. Sanskar smiles at her and she also give her sweet smile to him. Sanskar felt like hugging her tightly but controlled as all are present.
Sujata:now u go and fresh up then come for dinner.
Sanskar was about to leave when he turn and gesture swara to come to room. Swara nodded and was going to come with sanskar when sujata.
Sujata: come swara will prepare for the dinner.
Swara: Ji mom
Swara give helpless look to Sanskar and went to kitchen. Sanskar went to room and came after changing.
After completing all the works in kitchen swara excitedly went to room so that she can finally meet sanskar.

Swasan room:
Swara is sitting on bed. Swara ran to him and hugged tightly.
Swara:i missed u soo much.
Sanskar(smiles): me tooo.
Swara: how was your Trip?
Sanskar: good. Wait a min.
Sanskar opened his bag and take out a gift. He came back and sit beside her.
Swara(take it): for me.
Sanskar: ofcouse tell me whether u liked or not?
Swara smiles and open the big box. Inside it there were many small boxes. She looked at sanskar confusedly.
Sanskar: open them.
Swara unwrapped all one by one it contain necklace, ear rings, waist chain, payal.
Swara: woww sanskar u have best choice.
Sanskar (pull her closer): I know that’s why I choosed you.
Swara blushes.
Sanskar(huskily): and my kiss is pending madam.
Heat rushed through her cheeks.
Sanskar stare her lips and she closed her eyes in anticipation. They shared their first passionate kiss showing their love for each other.After getting breatheless they broke it.
Later both slept in each others embrace.

After one month:
Swasan are living happily with each other but didn’t took their relation ahead as sanskar want it in special way. Moreover they don’t need physical relation to feel each other.

One evening:
Swara is setting clothes in cupboard when she received call from sanskar.
Swara : ha sanskar
Sanskar: swara we have to go for a party tonight so plzz get ready and come to our farmhouse.
Swara: party at farmhouse??
Sanskar: no I m in farmhouse u come with driver and then from here we will leave together.
Swara:alright bye.
Sanskar: bye.
After getting ready in red saree with black backless blouse. She wore all things that sanskar gifted her necklace, ear ring, waist chain and payal.
Then she went down and informed everyone and left to farmhouse.

Swara found the door opened so she directly went inside but it was pitch dark.
But no response.
Swara: where he went (loudly): sanskar u r here?
Then only the lights turn on and she was surprised to see the hall decorated. The dim lights of various colours are glowing. Then only she felt two hands crawl around her waist.
Swara: sanskar.
Swara: what is all this??
Sanskar: surprise for you.
Swara(turn): but party?
Sanskar: there is no party it was a way to bring u here.
Swara: ohh but why?
Sanskar: to give u surprise. Didn’t u liked?
Swara: no no its too good.
Sanskar( extend his hand): may I have the pleasure to dance with my Lady.
Swara(place her palm on his): sure
Sanskar pull her through her waist and she keep her hands on his shoulder. Soft romantic music is playing in the background. Sanskar twirl her and back hugged.
Sanskar (huskily): u r looking breathe taking swara have some mercy on me.
Swara blushes profusely.
They danced for few mins then had their dinner.
Swara: so let’s go back.
Sanskar(shocked): no
Swara(teases): why?
Sanskar understood that she is teasing him.
Sanskar: will show you.
With that sanskar picked her in his arms and went to the bedroom.
It was decorated same way as on their first night.
Sanskar place swara on bed. It was ecstasic when her soft skin touch with rose petals on bed.Sanskar came on her top then placed his lips on her. They kissed each other passionately. After breaking the kiss, swasan shared an intense eyelock while Sanskar’s hand reach her belly. He sensuously remove her waist chain. Swara clutched the bed sheet tightly. Sanskar rub his palm on her and entangled their hands perfectly promising to never leave.
It didn’t take much time for them to lost in different world full of bliss, love, pleasure and ecstasy.
Finally two souls become one.
Due to tiredness, swasan slept soon.

Swara came out of the washroom wearing same saree with wet hairs.
She saw sanskar sleeping and smiles.
Sabskar is lying on his stomach. Swara’s phone rings and she received it.
Swara:hi mom.
Sujata: na swara tell me which party continue till morning.
Then swara realized that what she had told at home.
Swara:wo actually mom…
Sujata:where is sanskar?
Swara:he is in washroom.
Sujata: come back soon.
Swara:yes mom bye.
Swara cut the call and went to sanskar.
Swara(jerk him): sanskar get up.
Swara: pllzz mom has already called to come back.
Sanskar got up and sit.
Sanskar: yrr my family never let me live in peace. Laksh escaped.
Swara: its not like that Sanskar family is blessing and how much we enjoy with them we can’t enjoy alone.
Swara: go and get ready.
Sanskar signed and went to washroom.

Maheshwari house:
Sujata: where were u all night?
Sanskar: in our farmhouse.
Sanskar: we got late at night and farmhouse was near so went there.
Sujata: okay.
Swara was surprised that how perfectly he speaks lie. Then they went to their room.
Life was bed of roses for swasan with each other. SWASAN is the best example of a perfect couple who were best friends and soulmates of each other.
After two years, swasan was blessed with a baby girl enhancing their happiness.

The End.

Many must have complains that I don’t give much romance so here I tried to give romantic shot. Sorry if its boring.
I know there is no typical story of this but still I worked for it alot so if u have read it plzzz don’t be silent. It’s a humble request.
Criticism is most welcome.

One important thing, actually I will be giving one shots on wattpad as per the request of readers. So plx let me know how many of you are not on wattpad so for them I can post here. Plzz tell.

My wattpad id– mars_111

Thank you
Take care


Love Helly Shah Hellyholic SwaSanholic Riansh🥰 My wattpad I'd is mars_111

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