Fan Fiction

SWASAN: A HERO’S LOVE STORY (Character Sketch)

Hello everyone…. well I’m praju and a plot came on my mind so thought to write on it …. Its not my own thought but a story some what similar to one I have seen somewhere…… I hope u like the intro…..
I’ll proceed if I get good response…..

This Story is basically a love story of a raw agent who has been sent on a mission he he is asked to convince and train a girl for their mission ….It shows how the rough and tough soldier falls for the sweet and naughty girl…..Doing her second year in engineering…..
Sanskar Maheshwari:A very dutiful and responsible person…. A raw agent and his only love is his duty and can do anyhting for his motherland….(His family details I’ll reveal later)…… A very rough person…. It seems he forgot to live life…..

Swara Rajput:A sweet,bubbly ,naughty, childish and a girl full of life……Believes in spreading happiness but doesn’t like police and army people…… Loves her sister and Jiju a lot and lives with them after her parents death….
Ragini Shekawat:Swara’s sister….. loves her a lot ….. A loving sister and a dutiful wife … A police officer by profession…….
Laksh Shekawat:Ragini’s husband … a lovely person and loves his wife and Swara a lot ….. partner in crime of Swara ……A doctor by profession……..

A villian:********************(suspense)
Rest of the characters will be introduced as the story proceeds …..
Well give ur feedback……..


Currently writing BANDHAN and A HERO"S LOVE STORY

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