Link to my previous episode:
I continue with my story.
Swara and Sanskar reached London and checked in to their Hotel.
In the room:
Sanskar: Shona you go freshen up and change ok.
Swara: yeah… I am too sleepy anyways.
As soon as Swara went inside.
Sanskar:Hello Laksh
Laksh: Yeah bhai.
Sanskar: any information.
Laksh: That call was from a PCO near Park street. So we couldn’t trace the caller but as you said it wasa woman’s voice we are gathering information about all the female associates of Swara bhabhi.
Sanskar: okay… Let me know….
They cut the call. Sanskar then unpacks and takes out his clothes and waits for swara. Swara comes out.
Swara: I’m done Sanskar. You can go now.
Sanskar nods and goes inside the washroom. After a while he comes out.
Sanskar: Swara. Where are you?
Swara: I’m here.
Sanskar goes to the separate living area and sees Swara applying body lotion.
Sanskar: You need help?
Swara: No. Mr.Maheshwari I know what you are upto and take that mischievous smirk off your face.
Sanskar: Aha!! But I didn’t say anything what made you think i’m talking about…
Swara: oh no no… I ain’t falling for your trap.
Sanskar: aha….
He walked towards her in his comfortable stride and sat down on his knees in front of her and took the bottle of lotion and started applying it on her arms.
Swara: Sanskar you are tired you really don’t have to do all of this.
Sanskar: shona… Its my pleasure helping my wife out and I love taking care of you.
Swara bent down and kissed Sanskar’s cheeks.
Swara: I love you.
Sanskar: I love you too princess. Okay so let’s get into bed.
He slowly picks swara up in his arms and placed her on the bed and tucked her under the blanket and strolled to his side. Then he got under the blanket and moved to her slide. Swara turned and went towards him. She slowly slept on his arms while he embraced her by holding her from the waist and pulling her towards him. Her face between the crook oh his shoulder and face while his chin grazed on her hair. They went into slumber. The next morning. Swara’s eyes opened when the sunrays fell on her face. She opened her eyes to see Sanskar sleeping peacefully she slowly cosied herself against Sanskar taking in his cologne. Swara clutched onto his shirt and kissed him on his lower jaw and started giving a trail of kisses along his neck. Sanskar felt her breath on his skin and her lingering kisses woke him up from his peaceful slumber.
Sanskar: Someone’s being romantic early in the morning.
Swara: Hmm… No office no work just us…
This time swara kissed him near his lips.
Sanskar held her waist tightly and brought her lips near his lips by bending down and looked into her eyes
Sanskar: Shona…. Teasing huh?
Swara blinked her eyes like a baby.
Sanskar tugged at her lower lip.
Swara: aah…
Sanskar then slowly captured her lips and sucked them. Swara gave into the kiss and their tongues played. They deepened the kiss. Sanskar’s hand travelled along her back and made his way under her tee. Swara thrust herself to him and started unbuttoning his t-shirt. Sanskar turned her and came on top of her and slowly moved downwards and moved her tee upwards with his jaw and left wet kisses along her stomach. She arched her body upwards giving him better access. He pulled her tee off and continued giving kisses along her navel towards her cleavage. Swara took off his shirt. Sanskar then kissed her collarbone and sucked on it marking her his. Swara pushed him and came on top of him and started dominating. She tugged at his earlobe and kissed the skin beneath it and slowly kissed him till the shoulders and then marked him hers. They made love. Till they fell asleep. Swara’s head on Sanskar’s chest and all they were covered were with the duvet. After an hour or so they woke up.
Swara: We need to go to the washroom.
Sanskar: Okay your highness.
Sanskar wore his tracks and came out of the duvet and wrapped swara in it and picked her uo and took her to the washroom. They both went inside the bathtub and swara’s back on Sanskar’s front. After a soothing and romantic morning they got ready for their first day out. They quickly had their breakfast and sat in the car they had booked.
Precap: Romance is in the air and possibilities of the mystery person revealed .
Luvd it such a beautiful update?
Wow romantic ??
Hey ur ff is soo nice.. Firstly i ddnt read ur ff cz i hv my exams.. Bt yesterday i read ur 19th epi cz i ws bored. Bt after dat i cdnt stop.. I read ur whole epis.
its rly nice.. & my fav prt in here is swasan bond.. Rly like it.

Be happy always..
Thanks a lot for reading it. I am glad you liked it.
wow wat a romantic episode i love it…..muah
Thank you
Nice dear