After dinner. Around 10pm.
Swara: Hi, Swara here.
Sanskar: Hello.
Swara: Let’s meet tomorrow?
Sanskar: Sure. When are you free?
Swara: 12-3?
Sanskar: Great I am free too. 12 sharp at Park Street Mocambo for lunch.
Swara: Sure. Where’s your office?
Sanskar: Camac Street. Yours?
Swara: Theatre Road.
Sanskar: I’ll pick you up then in front of Mauve at 11:50?
Swara: Okay…
Sanskar: The lunch is on me. See you tomorrow.
Swara: Yes and beware of the Paparazzis.
Sanskar: Yeah.
They went to sleep.
The next day. They left for their office at 8am sharp. At Mauve:
Swara: Jennifer, get the designs fast I need to finalise the material and also send it to the clients before 11:30. I will be out after 12 so don’t schedule any meetings ok?
Swara directed Jennifer her P. A.
Jennifer who had never seen Swara so excited for the free hours. She had seen the workaholic Swara in these 3years of her job at Mauve.
At Karma:
Sanskar to his P.A. Rohan: Don’t schedule any meetings for me after 11:30 and did you go through a check before the final tender is passed to the client? I don’t want any issues this is a major deal which will give us a hike by 10% in the market which is the highest any company would ever dream of achieving let alone having.
Rohan: Nodded and went back to his work.
Sanskar got a call. He picked up.
Sujata: Sanskar your engagement is after a week on sunday.
Sanskar: okay mom. Please can you keep the engagement a bit low key only family members?
Sujata: But why?
Sanskar: I don’t want the paparazzi behind me.
Sujata: okay.
He cut the call.
On the other hand sharmishtha called Swara to give her the news.
Sharmishtha: swara you engament is fixed on sunday.
Swara felt happy listening to this news.
Swara: That’s great mom. But keep it simple only the family members. I don’t want the media to know. They would make such a fuss. I want privacy.
Sharmishtha: Okay shona.
Swara cuts.
Swara and Sanskar are both seen lost in each others thoughts and grinning.
It was 11:40 when Sanskar sat in his car and started driving towards mauve which was at 5minutes from Karma.
Sanskar reached there and got down from his Jaguar and stood there wearing his Ray bans.
Sharp at 11:50 Swara came down.
Sanskar glanced towards her (in his mind): She is looking like a barbie doll. She is so cute.
Sanskar walked towards Swara in his comfortable stride.
Swara(in her mind): why does he always look so appealing.He is looking extremely hot in his Jet black blazer and those Ray bans he has a magnetic charm I have never been so attracted to any other male. That day at the party the gray suit was enhancing his persona and today his extraordinary appeal is making me go all numb in my feet. Does he have any flaw?
Sanskar who was standing near Swara bent down and whispered in her ears: You look cute.
This broke her trance where she was all into this hot-shot business tycoon.
She replied him with a shy smile and plum red cheeks.
He opened the car door for her and she went in. He made his way to his seat. Suddenly swara: Our engagement is fixed!
Sanskar: Mom called me up. I told her to keep it only for the family to avoid the media fuss. Hope you don’t mind?
Swara: We actually think alike. Even I said the same thing to ma.
Both laughed at this.
Sanskar: Media is such a heck. Nothing remains personal for us.
Swara: True that. Sanskar, can we avoid announcing anything about our relation in the public? Till our marriage?
Sanskar: Yes sure Swara I understand. Being in the headlines is a curse.
Swara started to giggle at his reply.
Sanskar felt his heart do a la-la-la.
Swara felt Sanskar’s gaze on her and she felt shy.
Swara(in her mind): This man is making me go ga-ga. His smile makes me do a happy dance. His lips are so kissable. This thought sent shudders through her spine. What am I thinking? kiss? I should stop my thoughts from going haywire. Yesterday we spoke of taking it slow and if I end up kissing him on our 1st date itself what impression will he have of me? Damn why is he so irresistible.
Sanskar(mind): She is so cute and adorable. I feel like taking her in my arms,snaking my arms on her waist and pulling her into a kiss. But…I don’t know what she feels for me? I like her. I know that from the first day itself those eyes make me crazy. If only I knew what she felt.
With this they reached Mocambo. They went in and sat down on the table.
Precap: Swasan conversation. Swara’s jealousy.

awesome…excited to see swara’s jealousy
Awesome dear