Hi guys! Missed me? Guess not! So guys I saw many of u all want to know who meher is.
Sanskaar is attracted towards meher and meher is attracted towards sanskaar. Both don’t actually love each other. Meher happens to be swara’s friend. Sanskaar asks swara to help him with his love. Swara accepts. Now sanskaar and meher are together. And swara is avoiding sanskaar because she can’t bear to see meher and sanskaar together. Hope u all understood.
Swasan stared at each other and there was a brief pause.
Sans- I love u too.
And both burst into laughter.
Sans- hahaha. Y r u avoiding me?
Swa- me? Avoiding u?! IMPOSSIBLE!! Listen Mr. U r only avoiding me. Now u got meher and y do u need her friend?
Sanskaar for some reason felt, bad about that statement.
Sanskaar- but…. But…..
Swa- why would u need me? I almost feel like u used me to get meher. Now meher loves u and u love meher, now u cut me off and I am no longer a friend of u right?
Sanskaar held her shoulders tight.
Swara hissed in pain.
Sans- don’t u dare to utter those words again. What’s wrong if I love meher? U r still my friend right?
Swara smiled listening to his statement.
Swa- says who?
Sans- Ur still my friend and I am still yours. He
Swa- so?
Sans- can I slap u?
Swa- yea sure! Wait what???!! Don’t u dare lay a finger on swara or else!
Sans- or else?
Swa- noting! Just u will be slapped back!
Sanskaar’s eyes widened.
San- hmmm! You scared me!
Swara punched him playfully!
Swa- sanskaar! I need an ice cream!
Sans- ok! What flavor?
Swa- chocolate.
Sans- ok! (Forwards his hand) money?
Swa- what money? I have no money.
Sans- ok! Then no ice cream!
Swa- hey not fair! Buy me one!
Sans- nope!
Swa-(pouts) hate u. And turns her head.
At that moment meher came running up to them.
Meh-hey swasan (swara & sans)
Swasan- hey.
Meh- I have arranged a party tonight, everyone’s coming. Both of u shud definitely come.
Swa- no meher! I am busy!
Meh- y? U shud come and that’s final.
Swa- ok fine!
Meh- ok! Sanskaar u too.
Sanskaar nodded.
Meh- ok bye see you later!
Meher went away.
Swasan stood in silence for a moment.
Sans-shall we go get ice cream?
Swa- sure!!!
@ Home.
Phone convo:
Swa- sanskaar!
Sans- mm?
Swa- which color suits me red or black?
Sans- umm neither!
Swa- what color are u wearing?
Sans- dark blue?
Swa- then I will wear pink!
Sans- whatever! I wonder what meher will be wearing.
Swa- Uff! Again meher will never change! Ok bye see ya at the party!
Girl 1- Omg look at Arjun year!
Girl 2- he is so hot!
Girl 3- I wish he would dance with me!
Girl 1- me too.
Arjun. Arjun Malhotra the hottest boy in the college. Attracted to swara.
Swara enters and every boy gets mesmerized seeing her.
She was wearing a hot pink dress till her knees and a touch of makeup. She was wearing a simple yet elegant chain and matching earrings. She looked gorgeous. Feeling everyone’s gaze on her made her wonder if something was wrong on herself.
She stared back at everyone with an innocent look and went near meher.
Swara, meher, kavya and other were chatting. Meher saw sanskaar entering and dragged him towards her friends.
Sanskaar saw swara and he himself was mesmerized seeing her.
Meher was talking nonstop and didn’t give swasan a chance to talk properly.
Then meher dragged sanskaar away to dance.
Swara was disappointed she couldn’t talk to sanskaar.
Mehsan (meher and sanskaar) danced very close along with many other pairs. Swara fumed in jealousy seeing this.
Boy 1- Omg look at swara yaar she is so hot!
Boy 2- I wish I could dance with her.
Arj-(in his mind) Omg swara u r looking damn beautiful.
He goes near swara. Swara was continuously staring at sanskaar so she dint notice Arjun.
Arj- hi swara!
Swara nearly jumped.
Swa- oh its u! Hi!
Arj- umm…..
Swara raised her brow.
Arj- wo… can u um….
Swara glanced at sanskaar one more time and they both very dancing closer than before, meher was laughing at something what sanskaar said and both went to get a drink. She was irritated.
She turned towards Arjun.
Swa- can u dance with me??
Arjun looked shocked.
Arj- yea ……yea sure.
Swara dragged Arjun and both were dancing. Arjun was getting closer to swara on each step. Sanskaar was getting a drink. His eyes were searching for swara. He saw swarjun dancing. Sanskaar fumes in anger.
He went towards them and holds swars hand tight and dragged swara away from there. He brings her to a parking lot. He holds swara’s hand tighter.
Swa- ow! Sanskaar! Its hurting…. Leave me.
Sans- y were u dancing with Arjun?
Swara jerked her hand from his tight grip.
Swa- what bothers u? U don’t care about me when meher is there right?
Sanskaar held her shoulders tight.
Sans- just answer me damn it!!
Swa- why are u dancing with meher?
Sans- because I love her.
Swa- then I love Arjun.
Sans- no u don’t! Swara what’s wrong with u?
Swa- correction, what’s wrong with u? It’s my life I can do anything I want.
Sans- please don’t say me u r angry with me just coz I danced with meher.
Swa- oh again meher! What bothers me if u dance with meher? I don’t care!!! And yeah y r u still here didn’t u go to Ur meher?
Sans- I don’t get it swara why r u always getting angry if mention the name meher? Y did meher come between us?
Swa- I shud ask that with u? Y did meher come between us? U just used me to get meher right? Now y r u still with me? I don’t care if u r friend with me or not! Look sanskaar, u r no one more than a friend to me got it? And right now I think we r not even friends anymore, coz u don’t need me anymore right?
Sans- yes I am a friend. I feel disgusted to be friends with u, I have been friends with many girls bit not one like u. I hate u swara. I HATE U! DONT U SHOW UR FACE TO ME EVER AGAIN. AND U WONT SEE ME AROUND U TOO. GOOD BYE!!
Swara just stared.
Recap- same…… (Sorry year but please don’t be angry! I can’t help it.)
Sorry for the very long and boring epi! Hope u liked it. Please do comment. I will try to post the next part tomorrow, if I am not busy! Till then keep smiling love ya all…………..