Hello Guys
the link for my previous chapter : Chapter 4
Hey guys i might not be able to update next week as i have met with an accident i am posting this also with great difficulty. i hope you like this update is all i can wish for..
see you guys
Recap : face off between shekhar and Ragnan
(Third Person’s POV)
The day of the result was here. Sharmishtha had woke up Swara and told her to become fresh. She decided to travel along with Swara till half distance and the other half Swara would travel alone. Swara didn’t want her mother to get late for school. So she told her mother that she is a big girl and would manage alone. Her mother didn’t budge and she waited for her. So Swara freshened up fast and left for the university. Both mother and daughter travelled in public transports as they didn’t have enough money to hire a cab. Swara decided to work hard and earn so that her family could live peacefully. She reached the university and was hell scared.
At the University
As soon as Swara entered the university, she saw her surroundings every student is in modern dresses and then she looked at her normal long Tee and Jeans. She was kind of feeling odd one out. There were girls in Crop Tops, ripped jeans, shorts and skirts all in latest fashion. Then while walking towards the list, she was thinking whether her mother got her slippers mended. This early there would be no cobbler sitting and I am sure she would not have that much money that she could buy new shoes. She was thinking that I want to earn only for her and once I do that I will daily buy new foot wears for her. Then she could flaunt around her new footwear in the school daily. Why she has to go to school? No ways I would not allow her to go to school, once I start earning I will give her all the luxuries in life. She has already struggled a lot for us. I will not allow doing any work once I am on my foot.
I will make sure that Ragini gets the best treatment and Nandu gets into best college. I will take care of everyone and I would make sure that I will prove my so called FATHER that girls can do what they want and no one can stop them. (Swara and Sanskar are going to take up MBA in Global Management as they want to enter in the Government Department where learning about global affairs would add a boost to them) But her thoughts were interrupted by the phone call,
(Sharmishtha) “Swara Beta, have you reached university?”
(Swara) “Yes Ma, I have reached. Did you get your slippers fixed?” (While Swara and Sharmishtha were walking towards bus stop, her slippers had broken, since they were getting
late, Sharmishtha decided that she would mend it later.
(Sharmishtha) “No my child, I had no time as I was running late for school. I will send a peon later and get it done a little later in the day.”
(Swara) “Ma, will it look good that a school principal is roaming around with broken slippers. Please ma, get it fixed now”
(Sharmishtha) “Ok I will get it done, but before that have you seen your results?”
(Swara) “As if I am going to pass, here only those people get admissions that have money and I do not have that. I only wrote the entrance because you forced me to. Anyways I will check and give you call back”
(Sharmishtha) “Stop being pessimist and I am sure you will be get admission. All the best”
(Swara) “Thanks Ma, Bye”
Swara walked towards the admission list and there was a lot of rush to see the results. She was tensed because she wanted to clear for her family. As she was walking towards the list, a boy talking on the phone came and dashed her. He was least bothered about to tell her a sorry
(Swara in her mind) “Such an arrogant bastard, cannot even tell a sorry. This is the reason why I hate men. Always self centered”
Then the boy met up with his friends and greeted them. But Swara was at the back she was not able to push in and check her result.
(Boy) “Asking his friend to check his name on the top of the list”
(Friend) “You are such self centered ass. Why do you always think you will be on the top of the list? Anyways (the friend was checking the list when he told) Dude you are not in the top three this time. This time you are fourth. Look at the list, Sanskar Maheshwari- 4th”
(Sanskar) “What the hell Sahil, how can I be fourth. It’s not possible. That’s so sad”
(Swara in her mind) “ At least this fellow has got fourth and still he is upset, I don’t even know whether my name would be there in the list or not. Stupid fellow he should be happy for what he is getting but no this stupid fellow is cribbing”
(Sahil) “Be happy you are fourth. Look at my position I am standing in the Seventeenth and I am still happy. So stop cribbing buddy”
(Sanskar) “Shut up Sahil, you are used to being in Top 20 rank always and more over you are always contended with whatever you get. But I have always been topping the class. It’s but obvious that my Ego is hurt.”
(Swara again in her mind) “At least the other fellow is also in the list. God what position will I be standing in the list. Will my name appear in the list also?”
(Sahil) “Relax Buddy, Look even Kavita is in the eighteenth position. Among all the three you are in Top 5”
(Kavita with attitude) “I knew I would get in Top 20 so I was least bothered.”
(Sahil) “Anyways Sanskar, you should be happy that though you are fourth, you are the first guy on the list. You are the topper among all the boys”
(Swara in the mind) “Shit I just wasted my time. I travelled so far in blo*dy public transport for almost two hours and now I am sure my name will not be in the list. This has happened all because of Mom. I told her its of no use, but she didn’t listen to me”
(Sanskar) “Let me see the name of the three witches who have overtaken me.”
Sanskar seeing the list spoke out loud so that Kavita and Sahil could hear,
(Sanskar) “The list says Swara Bose, Joey Marshall and Sonia Banerjee”
(Sahil) “Swara Bose… Hmmm.. So she is the topper of the class”
(Sanskar) “Her name is so beautiful though”
(Sahil) “Imagine how should would be in her looks.”
(Swara) “Though her name is beautiful, she would definitely be a Witch only” (All the three friends started laughing loudly)
(Sahil laughing) “Have you seen a real life Witch?”
(Sanskar) “Now we will be seeing her in the class right.”
(Sanskar again said) “Witch No.1 as she has secured the top position. Now I will get to see the witch in real life. Common guys lets leave. From next week our sessions will start”
Swara, who was standing behind them, was shocked that she secured the top position. She was happy that she had topped. But she was also angry with Sanskar as he called her a witch. Once those three had left, Swara moved towards the list and she saw her name and she was damn happy plus there was a scholarship list beside and in that also she got 100% scholarship. She was very happy. She was happy that apart from exam fees she needn’t have to pay any other thing. This would add on to the saving of the house. She left from the university with all smiles.
Shekhar’s house
(Sakshi to her husband) “Where did you go?”
(Shekhar) “ I had gone to a provision store”
(Sakshi taunting) “You had gone to a provision store or you had gone to your Ex-Wife, Sharmishtha’s house?”
(Shekhar) “Are you in your sane mind? What would I do going there? You must also know that during the day time, Sharmishtha is not at home, she goes to school.”
(Sakshi again taunting) “If she is not there, what’s a big deal, you must have gone to meet your daughter Ragini”
(Shekhar) “I don’t need to meet my daughters. And moreover Nandini would have gone to school and Ragini would have gone to buy groceries and other household items at this
hour. Swara would have gone to her college for checking the results.”
(Sakshi) “I thought probably you would have got change of heart, as they are your blood.” Saying this she left from the room leaving behind a disgusted Shekhar.
Shekhar thought that even when I insult them, Sharmishtha never answers me back like how Sakshi does. Though my daughters hate me, I am least bothered. I just want control and I still have that over Sharmishtha. She such a naïve, I insult her but she still love me. Mad Woman. At least I am happy I get more respect than Sakshi. Last week after that fiasco, the next day I again went to Sharmishtha’s house when my daughters were not there and emotionally blackmailed her. I just need to control my daughters some how. I love Sakshi because she is beautiful and she has given me a heir in the form of Aditya.
In the car
Sanskar, Kavita and Sahil were going out in Sanskar’s car just to celebrate their selection in the top MBA university. They were very happy.
(Kavita) “You know guys, I was very chilled out with this whole result and admission thing. Even if I wouldn’t have got admission here, I would have applied at the colleges abroad.”
(Sanskar) “When a person has no self confident, they say this only that we have options open.”
(Kavita) “It’s not about self confidence darling, it’s about playing safe and being careful.”
(Sanskar) “ If this called playing safe, then I was playing unsafe because I just applied in this university and nowhere else and I also got in.”
(Sahil chipped in) “To be honest, even I had applied in two to three other universities. I mean you have to be careful and this is not a big deal”
(Kavita) “By the way Sahil is right but you know what Sanskar will not understand because not everyone can be like The Great Sanskar Maheshwari who can take risk.”
(Sanskar) “So what’s wrong in taking risks.”
Suddenly Sanskar’s phone rang
(Sanskar) “Hello”
(Uttara) “What happened to your admission?”
(Sanskar) “It’s done”
(Uttara) “So you should have at least called and told I was so tensed for you. Mom and dad were also asking about you. We have been waiting for your call for very long you idiot”
(Sanskar) “I was going to call you but being with Sahil and Kavita I completely forgot as we were celebrating.”
(Uttara) “Still”
(Sanskar) “Ok tell me one thing, do you think that your brother is very intermediate student that I wouldn’t get through the university? Have I ever been rejected from any school or college that I would be rejected this time. In fact even you know that in my school I skipped grades. So how can you think I wouldn’t get admission.”
(Uttara) “Listen we are always scared as there is lot of competition. There might be a possibility that you did not give entrance properly or some other reason. Anyways Congrats and enjoy your celebration. I will inform Mom and Dad.”
Swara’s House
Sharmishtha was happy very happy. All the sisters and Sharmishtha were gathered in the hall to celebrate Swara’s happiness. Sharmishtha was feeding sweet to Swara with pride in her eyes.
(Swara) “I still can’t believe that I got selected with 100% scholarship because I started seeing my name from down. Then I heard someone saying that I was on the top and I was shocked.”
(Ragini) “As always. Your thinking has always been like a pessimist”
(Swara) “What’s wrong in being pessimist? There is lot of competition to get in that college. But you should see the guys and the girls there. Their clothing is out of the world. They are so fashionable there.”
(Ragini) “Admission is not given on the basis of style and fashion. It is given on the basis of intelligence.”
(Swara) “I was so excited that when I returned back, I came back in taxi and spent almost three hundred dollars.
(Nandini just to tease Swara) “OMG, you spent so much plus $200/- for chocolates. Total expenditure of $500/-. Look you have done a loss of $500/-“
(Sharmishtha) “This is not a loss. This is a gain because she will be well settled in her life after graduating. She will be able to fulfill her dreams. This celebration doesn’t come always. I will inform your dad now”
(Swara) “There is no need to tell dad. He is happy with his son let him be. As if he is going to distribute sweets to the entire colony”
(Sharmishtha) “But still Swara, he is your dad. It is our duty to inform them.”
When she called at Gadodia’s house, Sakshi had picked up the call, she spoke to her arrogantly. Then Shekhar took the phone and told that she has got admission for MBA in top universities. Shekhar just heard and kept the phone without congratulating. Sharmishtha was disappointed. When she kept the phone,
(Nandini) “Whom were you talking to mom”
(Sharmishtha) “I was talking to your dad to inform him about Swara’s admission”
(Nandini) “What did he say?”
(Sharmishtha) “He just heard And asked from where will I get money to make her study in that big university.”
(Nandini) “You should have told that she has got 100% scholarship and her exams fees would come from the tuitions that we are taking. You should have also told him that you never called for Money. blo*dy cheapster”
(Sharmishtha) “Is this the way you talk about your father.”
(Nandini rudely) “ He has not done anything to gain respect in any of our eyes, so I don’t think I am wrong in telling this”
Nandini huffed and left the place, Sharmishtha just looked on with sad and dejected eyes.
Precap : No Idea
Hopefully I continue the story because I am planning to quit seeing the number of responses that I am getting
Ahhhh i jst loved this. I stumbled upon this accidentally bt glad that i saw this. Its really good. I dnt mnd even if the plot is similar to tat pakistani drama. I too watcjphed it. Bt i luv ur writing style. Grt gng. Keep writing lyk tis fr ur fans lyk me. Dnt even think of quitting

Love u
Thank you fanficoholic ??? I have already agreed that the inspiration is the Pakistani drama ??? thanks for giving me this boost… Though I have met with an accident reading your comment us making me happy …. So thank you once again
Thank u Anu ??
Amazing ?
Thank you stg ??
Its really awesome dear
Plz take care of yourself
Be safe
Thank you Simin… I have to take care so that i can come back and write for you guys?? I just pray that I become cured after a week
Thank you Simi ??
Super swasan is opposite character it is very nice. Please continue.
Thank you JJ ??
thanks navi ??
Nice..loved it..!! Continue soon..!! Thnk u.. ;-*
thanks kakali??
thanks sus ??
Thank you ??
Awesome.. And dear plz don’t quit this.
Take care & get well soon.
We will wait for you.
Thank you Pramudi.. I will take care of myself ???
It’s an awesome episode! !!! Loved ur story a lot!!!!!!! Must say that ur plot is very different from that of other stories. Loved the sisterly bonding. But I didn’t liked Kavitha, uttara and Sujatha character.
Thanks smiley.. Even I didn’t like their character? Not everyone can be good nor everyone can be bad … But they will change over a period don’t worry ??
Hi dear, just wanted to is the story line inspired from the Pakistani serial “Zindagi Gulzar Hain” which used to air on Zindagi channel?
I have already mentioned it earlier that it is inspired from Zindagi Gulzar Hai
Awesome dear
Thank you febi??
Thank you shifa??
Awesome dear… It is realy become interesting
Thanks AnuAnn seeing your comment after so long
Crystal.. take care dear..uughh i’m late
Thanks Mica ?