Fan Fiction

Swasan – The kidnapper 2 ” The unknown bond”

I express sincere gratitude for all those who have read my ff. I have not expected this much response and because of that I am really happy. The link for the first chapter

And here it is the second part.

I am a girl next door. There was nothing special in me. I liked to have a simple life and I was having it until he, the kidnapper came into my life. Whenever I call him (very rare) or whenever I think about him (more likely to say cursing him) , I will never use his name. For me he is just a blo*dy kidnapper and I will only call him that because ‘Sanskar’ is such a name that will never ever suit this blo*dy kidnapper.

He was constantly giving me cold looks, like he could read what’s going through my mind. I also tried to give cold looks back at him accumulating all my hatred towards him but the only result was that my eyes were filled because of not blinking. I know I could never manage to scare him with my hatred.

I was completely warm by now and I tried to get up. I was really tired of lying for a long time and what I wanted dearly was a walk on the deck. I started to walk towards the door but I found a strong grip on my hand. It was really strong that my hand was paining extremely.

He pulled me towards him. He was shivering because of anger but still was tightening his grip on me. Then he pushed me onto an arm chair near the fire place. Before I had knowledge on what was going on I was bind with a rope tightly. I could not move an inch. I shouted as loudly as I could demanding to let me go but he didn’t even listen. I shouted even more madly and he lost control . He swept across the room towards me. He took a piece of cloth lying nearby and he stuffed it in my mouth. It was much larger for my small mouth and my face stood like a filled balloon. I couldn’t shout or even talk. It was like he took away my most powerful weapon. I could not live without talking. I will have something like vomiting sensation if I didn’t talk for sometime. So I at least talk to myself at times.

I moaned and tried to find a way to free myself. Suddenly I felt a cold breath over my shoulders. His lips were only millimetres away from my ears. His cold breath was engulfing me. “You can’t break this. I assure you and you have done a very stupid thing out there”, he muttered. He stood straight and left the room without another glance.

It was really an odd feeling. His voice was so stiff and frightening. He doesn’t talk much and it was only for the second time I am hearing it. I never heard him talk to others because his one gaze much more than enough to scare them.

I thought about the moment when he was so close to me. My skin made an unexpected reaction when his breath touched it. I was having horripilation. It’s really strange. His closeness was affecting me so much. His touch was giving me a feeling of having butter flies in my stomach. Whenever he is near, my heart is beating faster than cheetah. When he stopped me from going out of the room, his fingers entwingled with mine like there’s some unknown bond between us.

‘ Swara…. What are you thinking? Are you out of your mind? ‘. I looked around hearing that sudden voice but found no one. I realised that it was told by me to myself. But I am greatful for it otherwise I could have gone mad surveying my thoughts. ‘ An unknown bond’. Not it’s not, it is a known bond. A bond of hatred. Our hearts are connected by hatred.

But I don’t why this much hate is there between us. I mean we don’t even know each other. I should hate the person behind the kidnapper, the person who wanted me to be kidnapped. Then why I am hating kidnapper so much and why is he hating me so much. Or is it hate? Or it’s some other thing hidden deep inside that I am not able understand.

A second time I found myself travelling through the wrong path and I cleared that I will not think about kidnapper from now.

‘ The great white’ is a luxurious ship. I could say that it’s much bigger for 10 people that are me, kidnapper, càptain who is his puppet. Captain is really scared of him. There are 3 goons to watch over me. The other 4 were either captain’s assistants or servants.

My kidnapping itself is the most unusual kidnapping I have ever heard of. Usually the kidnapped persons are kept in some shabby store room like places covered with dust and spiders. But I am here in this ship. It’s a good idea in one case for them, because there’s no way I could escape. I guessed that the person behind the kidnapper is very rich.

I have lost track of the days by now but at least I know it’s been more than 3 months. I was not locked in a room all these days. I was allowed to roam around the ship. But there was no way I could escape. It’s like I am trapped in this ship for my whole life. They will never let me go. My life is supposed to end in this ship which too, after growing old.

But today onwards I don’t think I will ever be able to leave this room. Now I will be locked in this for ages without even being able to move. It’s all the result of my own stupidity.

Thank you guys for reading it and I apologise for my grammar and spelling mistakes. I know it’s not good as the first part. I wrote it in a hurry and I don’t have time to read it once. Once again sorry for the mistakes.


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