Fan Fiction

Swasan – Love behind the Lust (Episode 15)

Thank you guys for your love and support for this ff. I hope you enjoy this episode and let me know your comments for the same.

Swasan – Love Behind the Lust (Episode 15)

Swara runs to her room and sanky looks at the way she went. Laksh is observing Swasan reaction and he come to a guess and decides to talk to Sanskar. Sanskar msgs swara to get ready for office in another 1/2 an hr. Shaini simply stares sanskar and tries to flirt with him. Sanskar turns to laksh and tells him, “Lucky..i have a meeting with foreign clients today so i have to leave for office in 1/2 an hr.”

Shaini, “Office? Sanky dear..what’s this..after a long time i came here to meet you and how come you can go to office. No way..just cancel all the meetings and stay with me” she puts her hands around his neck and gives a flirty smile at him.

Sanskar simply takes her hands off from him and says, “I did not give any rights to anyone to interefere in my business. You are not an exception and mind your limits”

Shaini’s face becomes pale and feels insulted. Sanskar ignores her and goes to his room. Laksh smirks seeing shaini’s face and goes to his room.

Swara is restless in her room and walks here and there. She couldn’t sit at the place for a sec and gets nervous reminiscing her close proximity with sanskar. It’s been 30 mins and she composes herself and goes out from the room to look for sanskar. He is already waiting for her in the living hall. After seeing her, his face becomes bright seeing her coming down like an angel. Swara not even raised her eyes and look at Sanskar, she feels shy looking at his eyes so she simply avoids his gaze.

Shaini stares both of them and gets jealous seeing their intimacy and sanskar’s interest on Swara. She gets jealous seeing swara and thinks to degrade her infront of him. She goes to Sanky and loops her hands with him and says, “It’s ok dear i wont interfere in your work but i will provide my support to you…anyway one or the other day as a wife i should support you in all your activities right.” she glares swara saying this.

Swara felts heart broken hearing the word Wife and did not even look at sanskar and rushes outside immediately. Sanky gives a death glare to Shaini and follows swara.

Swara comes near his car and stands silently. Sanskar goes to her and tries to explain her but swara stops him, “It’s ok sir…afterall i am your PA…you no need to give any explanation” she says in calm voice.

She is about to open the front door but shaini comes and holds the door saying, “Only i have the right to sit beside him and are his PA right…you should not even stand near his shadow also…go back” she sits in the front seat and slammed the door.

Swara feels bad and is in verge of crying but holds her tears and sits at the back seat. Sanskar is furious and bang his hand in the stearing wheel and stares shaini angrily. Then he moves his eyes to swara sits at the back seat. Sanskar adjusts the mirror where he can see the clear view of swara’s image. Shaini is about to touch that mirror and sanskar warns her, “Sit quietly otherwise get down”. Shaini sits quietly and starts playing the song.

Swara feels irritated and holds her head and looks at outside..but sanky often looks at her and gets upset seeing her sad. Sanskar gets angry on shaini and stops the music. Shaini looks on and again plays the music but sanky shouts at her not to touch anything. There is a dead silence in his car and shaini couldn’t control this boring scene more..she asks him to stop the car near by the parlour and goes inside. Sanskar now looks at swara who is still sitting at back and says, “Atleast now you can come and sit here right”

Swara, “No sir…it is not for me. I am comfortable here. Pls don’t force me” after saying this she looks outside.

Sanskar gets angry but controls him and drives the car to office. Before he gets down, swara gets down from the car and rushes inside the office and enters into her cabin. Sanky who watches all this thinks to teach a lesson to swara. He silently enters into his cabin. The whole day both swasan is busy in their own works and Sanskar is busy with the meetings and goes out. After sometime, laksh comes to office and goes to swara cabin and greets her.

Lucky informs her, “Swara ji, Sanky bhai called me and told about an interview which supposed to be handled by him and he asked me to take the interview since he is busy. Shall we go?”

Swara nods him and goes with laksh to the meeting venue. Laksh is in phone and did not notice anyone sitting there and went inside the room but swara who comes behind him notices a girl sitting there to attend the interview, it is none other than Ragini. Swara gets surprised seeing her but did not show since others also are sitting there. But ragini did not notice both of them and silently praying to get this job.

Swara calls by the applicants name one by one and laksh interviews them. Finally swara calls Ragini, and she enters inside the cabin and gets surprise seeing Swara there and at the same time gets shocked seeing laksh there. Laksh also sees her and gets surprise seeing her again. Both remeinisces the moments happen in the temple. Ragini feels embarrassed seeing him and gets nervous. Laksh is in full joy but controls his emotion seeing swara there. Though he likes her, but he did that interview genuinely and gets happy seeing Ragini answers everything properly. Swara also prays for her to get this job but she is sure that she is not gonna reveal about their relationships to Sanlak.
The interview is over and laksh selected Ragini for this job. Swara is atmost happy and thinks to tell her in the evening. Swalak goes to their respective cabin and continues their work.

In the evening, Swara is ready to leave the office and decides to meet ragini in her hostel. But before she leaves, sanky comes to her cabin and locks the door. She stares him while he is walking towards her. She did not move from her place but stands still at the same place. Sanky moves close to her and says, “Where you are getting ready to go?”

Swara looks at his angry eyes and says, “To home”

Sanky, “Without me?”

Swara,”I thought you will be busy so i thought of not disturbing you”

Sanky, “Did i say that you are disturbing?”

Swara nods no and says, “How long i can come along with you…one or the other day i have to go alone right?”

Sanky moves more close to her and says, “That day will never come. And don’t ever try to keep you away from me. I don’t like it”

Swara looks at his eyes and nods as yes. He then takes her with him and goes to his car and makes her sit in the front seat beside him and drives to his home.

Laksh sees all this, smiles saying, “So my lovely bro is fallen in love….i will not leave him now”.

Swara is often seen with Annapurna in kitchen and in household workds. Shaini is going behind sanskar and his eyes always follows where swara is. Inbetween Sharad also stares swara lustily and plans to trap her alone. Swara finishes her work with AP and goes to garden to spend sometime alone. she sits on the stone bench and stares the moon there and says, “I miss you maa….i want to see you and sleep in your lap. I don’t how i am gonna face you all.” she cries thinkig about her family.

Sharad disturbs her thought and says, “Even moon cannot compete with your beauty. You are looking hot and your skin is so flawless…you know what…so many girls used to run behind me and you are the first one whom i have fallen for. I simple admire you and your body.”

Swara feels disgusting hearing his words and is about to go, he holds her hand and pulls her to him and wraps her in his arms. She tries to free her from him but he tightens his grip more and is about to kiss her, but somehow swara with full force pushes him and slaps him hard and runs from there. Sharad rubs his cheeks and says, “I will not leave you easily Swara”

Swara runs and rushes inside the home and goes to her room. She falls in the bed and cries vigourously thinking about her fate. Shaini comes there and locks the door and says, “I feel so pity for you Swara. You know what i have seen what my brother did but what to do, the girls like you will always have the handsome guys behind you. Can you tell me the trick how to make the guys fall?”

Swara looks at her shockingly and says, “What are you trying to say?”

Shaini, “Ohh..don’t be too smart Swara. I know why you still behind is for his money right. And you came from that kind of place right?”

swara gets hurt and cries listening her harsh words. Shaini continues, “You should not wish for a normal life Swara…and you are not fit for that. And what do you think why sanskar keeps you here with him?”

Swara looks at her with broken heart and she continues, “Because, sanky needs relax whenever he has business tension and he has a habit of going to call girls. And he selected you also for the same reason, otherwise he did not have any special feelings on you”

Swara remembers their each and every moments and her inner soul says, “No No..sanskar cannot think like that”

Shaini, “I know you will not believe me…i will make you hear his audio recording”

she plays the recording and sanskar voice, “Shaini, Don’t worry about Swara..she is just like a use and throw for me. I need her to relax myself otherwise i don’t have any other second thoughts on her”.

Shaini stops the recording and looks at swara who is bewildered hearing sanskar’s voice. Shaini comes to her and says, “Still you have time. Decide fast and change your fate” she goes from there.

Swara sits in the bed and cries badly thinking about her moments with sanskar and his confession.

Next morning, Sanlak wakes up and gets ready for office and waits for swara. They did not find her in her room also, sanskar searches her everywhere in the house but he is not able to see her but gets a chit near the landline.

Sanskar reads the letter, “I M GOING FAR FROM YOU…PLS DON’T LOOK ME”

Sanskar is shattered and crunches the paper and looks on angrily.

Precap: 6 Months leap. Laksh proposes ragini. Ragini rejects it. AP talks to ragini for Laksh and gets to know about her and her family background.

So guys how is this episode and pls give me your comments



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