Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

swasan LOVE (Chapter 13)

swara and sanskar comes in and sees beautiful decorations…….abhika comes and says guyzz now u can leave hands….swasan realizes that they r holding hands….they gets embarrassed and leaves hand…..raglak comes and says guyzz u know naa….u r not single here…ok….swasan says ok….
all turn toward stage as some boys announces that as we know this is couples party …then all couples come and rock the stage …… is played…all couples dances including abhika…..swasan and raglak look at each other ….laksh says sooo bhai i have a surprise….sanskar says with doubt…surprise or shock…..

ragini says both and laughs…….a boy comes on stage and says the most beautiful couple has to dance here….all claps…..the boy says and they are swara and sanskar maheshwari….swasan are shocked ……while raglak give hi-fi….abhika asks them to go….sanskar forward his hand and swara holds his hand….they both dance on the song …MANWA LAGE …….they both have an eyelock ….everyone claps …they come back… a couple comes and says really u r the most beautiful couple…swasan smiles….raglak says plan 1 successful…abhika comes to raglak and says i knew it….raglak says actually…abhika says no excuses…we are also in …..laksh hugs abhishek ….swasan comes and says whatc happening???raglak and abhika says nothing,,,beautiful couple,,,swasan hits them……waiter gives them drinks…..they all drink it….ragini says its taste is very different…laksh says no ur taste buds are different….they argue….mihika says we should go home …its late…laksh says noo…sanskar says lucky ..enough…laksh says ok…all come out….ragini behaves weird….mihika. says oh no ….she is drunk …all say what …



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