Fan Fiction

Swasan- Love Conquers All (Episode 4)

Swasan- Love Conquers All- 4

Hi Guys,

I am Annie and I have not interacted with TU members much as was busy but I am here because of writing bug ….Thank you all so much for your comments…it encourages me so please do comment and suggest….I am really sorry for being irregular…I am having my exams so was unable to update…I will be regular after 25th June…

Also please find link to previous parts below….


Part 4:
@Badi…in evening

Shekhar on call- Okay, DP ji… I believe you are right, also your family has more right on her than us and after all Swara is your DIL…so I will convince Swara for 2nd opinion from the best Neurologist Dr. Shashank Gupta (you can imagine Mohnish Bahl as Dr. Shashank Gupta) … she will go for appointment with him tomorrow for sure I will convince Swara…and he turns and gets shock…I will talk to you later DP ji…thank you so much…and he disconnects the call…
Swara listens everything and she is standing at the door with shocked expression….
Swara (in her mind) – Swara…now you can ask for DIL part with baba….he now have to answer me and I want to know the truth…also thank you God for giving me a topic for broaching this subject with Baba without me approaching him…and now I have got an opportunity for going to new doctor without telling anyone about that Dr. Mandal Fiasco…will tell truth to every one later…
Shekhar- Swara …Swara…calls her twice…
Swara comes out from her reverie…

Shekhar- Are you fine beta..?
Swara- Yes Baba, but what do you mean by DIL..? Please answer me Baba…I assure you I will be fine…please tell me Baba…
Shekhar- Yes Swara, you are married to Sanskar Maheshwari, but Swara we did not wanted to hide things from you… but you know what Dr. Mandal said and we did not want to risk your life…
Swara- I am married to him…she cries…Baba but I will not live him …I cannot go there… Baba …not now Baba…Please ….I cannot accept that murderer as my husband…
Shekhar- Swara Sanskar is not murderer beta please try to understand…. There is misunderstanding between you I will tell you everything…you know only a part beta full story is different he was trying to save you….
Swara- Gets headache because of crying but as Swara put hands on her hand…
Shekhar- Please do not think about it much now…you are my daughter Swara…your life is important for me…
Swara- Okay, Baba…but you have to tell me about full details later…I am not saying I don’t believe you but I am afraid Baba…I will listen to it without forming any opinion for now…and please don’t tell anyone about this what I came to know today for few days as I want to rationalize my thoughts…
Shekhar- Okay Swara….We all want you to take second opinion from Dr. Shashank Gupta…we have fixed appointment for you with him…you have to go there…
Swara- Okay, Baba…I will go…I’m going to my room now …

Raglak Room…
Ragini is combing her hair…Lakshya calls her…

They sit on couch and Lakshya while holding Ragini’s hand speak with her…

Lakshya- Ragini, we have to unite Swara and Sanskar…I want to tell you about shocking truth…that Dr. Mandal is cheating he is not doing proper treatment of Swara…because of Sahil…and tells her the muted conversation…also your part is main part here…you have to be with Swara and try to know her thoughts about Sahil…Bhai does not want to lose Swara…so we can reveal things of Sahil to her…and Bhai want to meet us together to discuss the plan…
Ragini- hmmm Lakshya…how can anyone do this with my sister? She is so innocent…and Sahil I had some negative vibes from him but I thought it to be my imagination…we will make Swara and Sanskar one again and I will help Sanskar to get his love back… after all he is also my friend come jiju…but first we have to remove Sahil from Swara’s life…
Ragini hugs Lakshya….

They hear knock on the door…Both get jolted and Ragini makes her Indian wear Lehanga’s stole as it was stuck to Lakshya’s wrist watch and detaches it hurriedly and makes herself presentable…and goes to door to open it…

Sanskar is at the door…Ragini invites him inside…
Sanskar and Lakshya sits on couch and ask Ragini to close the door… Ragini comes and she sits across Sanlak…
Sanskar- Hi Raglak, sorry to disturb you…
Raglak- You did not disturb us Sanskar/Bhai…

Sanskar-Ragini I believe Lakshya had told you everything right… I have asked Bade papa to speak with Baba for Swara’s doctor and I have made an appointment for Swara with Dr. Shashank Gupta for tomorrow…he is best neurologist in India so from my contact I had got his earliest appointment…

Ragini- Yes Sanskar, I will help you in all…tell me what I need to do..?

Sanskar tell Raglak his plans and says you have to keep an eye on Swara…and convince her to change her doctor…and you know Ragini how Swara is… she gets attached very quickly…I want you to try and make Swara see truth…so she can analyze herself…and does not get shock when I make Sahil leave from her life…and for Sahil I already have plan….my spies are now following him everywhere….Also please call Swara and tell her you will assist her to new doctor i.e. just for second opinion…tell her that Lakshya found Dr. Mandal not quite good… and make sure she does not say anything about it to Sahil…

They converse for more time and discuss the plan to be followed and after sometime Sanskar leaves from there and goes to his room…

@ Badi…Swara’s room
Swara strumming her guitar and thinking…
Swara you need plan of action, your one problem is solved, but I need to do something about Sahil…I cannot let him know that I know his truth I need to expose his truth to everyone…how can I trust him completely…never ever I will trust completely…lesson learnt…but I need to speak with Ragini…Just then she receives call from Ragini…
Swara and Ragini converse on call that Ragini will come with her at doctor’s place for second opinion and she should not tell her plans to anyone…and says she will speak with her in person more and disconnects the call…
Swara goes to her bed and sits and thinks…then her mobile rings and she is jolted from her thought and its Sahil’s call…
Sahil- Hi Swara, I called to inform you that I’m coming at your place to pick you up so be ready….
Swara- Sorry Sahil, but I ‘m not feeling well…I’m having headache so cannot meet you today…
Sahil (gets angry) – but politely says its ok Swara…Please take care of your health you take rest…we will meet tomorrow…
Swara (in her mind) – what to do? Cannot let him know about tomorrow’s plan…have to tell him something or he may come here and can get to know about new doctor…
Swara- Okay Sahil, but will meet in evening…I have to go with Ragini at Shopping…crosses her fingers…bye…and disconnects the call…

Sahil on other hand at his place gets very angry and throws vase which breaks the mirror…Seeing Swara’s large pic on wall…says you are mine…only mine..
@MM Sanskar’s Room
Sanskar receives call he gets to know…that Sahil is obsessed with Swara…

Sanskar (in his mind) – Now I need to remove Sahil from Swara’s side as soon as possible…he is obsessed with her…Swara should not meet with Sahil anymore…oh! Swara how can you attract these kind of people to you…I need to have plan for it…I have to expose him in front of all…

@ Badi…Swara’s room

Swara- I need to know Sanskar’s truth…what did Baba meant he saved me…but I saw him he shot at me….I will come to know his truth…but first I need to reveal Sahil’s truth and for that I need to know what his intentions… are….but how?..

Sorry for Smaller part…

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