Fan Fiction

Swasan-love forever 21

Swara looked at him and smiled then to laksh: u didn’t tell him

L: so do u

Swara frowned for laksh hint, while Sanskar didn’t like that atmosphere at all

San: tell me what angel?

S: Sanskar, I know u have many things to know, but for now I want u to meet him…ur doctor, my future jiju, laksh Maheshwary and ur choto bhai…

Sanskar took time to understand swara words: u must b wrong swara, I don’t have any bhai… perhaps names..

L: no its true, we are… ram uncle fight with papa long ago and left the house and non of them ever speak of it again so no one knew until short time ago…

San: wait what?? Uncle… bhai… ( Sanskar feeling dizzy and caught his head)

S: Sanskar… she cupped his face… r u ok? ah bolo…

San: haan haan I’m ok.. just little dizzy…

S: laksh give me ur eye pen….. ( laksh give her his pen immediattly and swara use it looking in Sanskar eyes …. While he just keep gazing confused as hell) brain is trying to digest the events… eyes reflection look blurred …

L: hmmm….. we ll talk about that later.. pls come soon to my office… also ur supervisor start to look for u.. u know seminars are soon

S: ji

Laksh looked to Sanskar: I know ur confused perhaps angry but swara ll clarify things for u… nice to have u back Sanskar… (by that he left)

San: swara… pls… tell me am I dreaming??? What’s going on??

Swara: ok… I’m really sorry.. I ll explain now. When u went to coma doctors said u may never come back so i..i .. dropped management clg…

Sanskar shocked: what??? Y?

Swara: so I can study medical..

Sanskar: but u hate medical swara… what u were thinking in??

Swara: only u.. I wanted to study hard and wake u up, so I have been studying medical for 3 years and applying my knowledge to ur case… and about 3 month ago I meet laksh.. we both worked on ur case.. then eventually he meet ram papa and relationship was reveled… till day we decide to make ur operation to wake u up.. that’s all

Sanskar stayed gazing for a while trying to get those evidence together… simply he mumble: 3 years!!!

Swara felt him puzzled so she hold his palm: I know its too much.. but I’m with u… hold for me ok

Sans: hw ur family adjust to that?

Swara couldn’t help her eyes moist and smile: they just did…

Sanskar felt swara is hiding something, but he himself wasn’t sure if he wanna know right now… he stretch his palm to reach swara cheek and she accepted it by closing her eyes and two tears falls seilently

Sanskar softly say: I’m sorry.. u must had hard time without me….

Swara got flash of all this 3 years…

Sanskar: swara.. if ..if I …ask an embrace from u… would it be too much?

Swara fought a urge to tell him that she has been sleeping in his hug everyday… but she didn’t… she simply apply her head to his chest and he warped his arms softly around her shoulders…

Swara: never leave me again…

San: I wont…

A week pass slowly and swara routine was sleeping in RP house then wake early and bf, take some to Sanskar and sit with him, follow his treatment… pray … and then leave to find work…. The little money she had from saleing the jewelry is getting over… and also she dropped the medical as the propose was Sanskar case, now its gone .. she ll go back to management that she love…

As for Sanskar he was getting improved but much far irrate coz he feel something swara is hiding….

Sanskar POV

Here I am still n hospital… laksh said I ll be soon discharged.. that’s great.. its bit hard for me to see him as bhai u know.. I mean.. all my life I had close friends haan.. but a bhai.. choto bhai.. I feel like I slept for decades…. Then there is my angel, my sweet shonna swara, she was same swara I knew before.. yet changed.. i kept asking myself what may have happened in these three years make her like that… she still funny.. bubbly… blushy.. but something not complete… as a burden on her and she cant share…. i was irrate by that… swara used to share me every single thing… now what??

And what about these dreams I have… u know glass houses.. imagine glass house full of fog from inside and ur outside… u see showdes move inside… u know these shadows.. u know whats happening yet it last for only moment and then u forget all…

Laksh dash in room: good after noon

San: good afternoon… hw r u today?

L: that’s my line…

San: I know I thought to steal for a day u know…..

We both laughed briefly… then i asked: u engaged to ragini right?

L; yea..

San: I pit it was awesome party…

L: y??!

San: coz swara must have make it hell awesome…

I can sense laksh was suddenly sad about something, I can see sad and bit guilt across his eyes…

San: did I say anything wrong???…

L: no no, ahh I came with good news.. u ll b discharged tomorrow morning..

San: really??!..

L: hmmm.. nice to have u back….

San; u make it sound as I was lost

Laksh gave me weired look: hhh sorry.. I heard swara would set u both back to management line…

San: yea we didn’t want to waste more time…

Laksh pull chair: hahaha u should have seen the disappoint face of her supervisor..

San: y??!

L: y???!!! swara was the best student he ever have… she made researches and studies in 3 years no one couldn’t do in 5 or 6… a book warm indeed… I mean she shift her study totally, and manage ur state and work…. Wah

i became bit numbed, what did he just said: my state… work??

I felt laksh tension, but I didn’t pull back

San: y she had to work??? I know shekhar uncle will be surly against that…. Then how?!!

Laksh was saved,,,,: hello prince…

Swara dashed in the room smiling.. and her smile almost fade when she felt the tension in the air in the room

Swa: what’s going on??!

L: nothing.. ahh.. tomorrow Sanskar ll be discharged..

Swara smiled wide: ohhh suchi… ( she moved to me) that great na…

But i wasn’t happy and was frowning: swara, since when Shekhar papa allow u to work???

Swara shoot glare at laksh who gave her a sorry look

Sanskar: answer me swara, why u look at him???

Swara: Sanskar it.. its not as u think.. I mean… vo.. sans… huh leave us alone laksh…

Laksh moved immediately, swara sit beside me

Sanskar: what u hiding swara? I see it in ur eyes!… u never hide anything to me… whats going on??!….

I saw so much pain in her eyes, pain and love: Sanskar I ll tell u by time coz telling now might affect ur health… pls.. in the right time ok

I wasn’t convinced yet: at least u can tell me y u work???

Swara: I .. I needed to train medical experience … that’s y…

San: so u worked in hospital?

Swa: yes.. no,, I mean….. I worked with laksh, in his clinic..

Oh swara… so bad liar… y swaraaa?!

San: teek hai swara

Swa.: so can we eat, ( she pout to me) I’m so hungry and waited to eat with u…. plsss…

I smile to my angel: I’m hungry but to something more than mere food…

Ohh here is my blush com… I extend my hand to to her chin and pick it up to face me: wont u stop that blush ever?? U Remember my problem na??

I bit she remembered ( I wont let u out of bed) so she blushed even harder more like a redish tomato, she moved my hand away and sit the food.. eating with her was quit amuse…

Sanskar pov over

Swara: achha, I ll go now and come by night ok…

San: Shekhar papa wont let u swara… it ok, I’m fine.. I ll see u at morning

Swa: no one to worry about me Sanskar, its fine… so I’m coming

Once more Sanskar was confused by her words and attitude: what u say swara??!

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