Fan Fiction

swasan-love forever 5

#Flash #back, more than 3 years ago

Sanskar in blue shirt and white paint waiting at clg gate with books in hand and looking to his watch each 5 seconds and finally gets wide smile watching girl come from distance. Girl is none but swara in pink covering jump suit and pony tail hairs

Sanskar: swara (waving)

Swara ran to him, and as soon she reached he cupped her hands in his immediately

Sansakr: u late huh, like to keep me waiting u na?

Swara: haan, to keep ur fire always on…..

Sansakr knew she is so innocent, but he is not: he whispered my Fire is always on for u baby…………

Swara cant get his naughty joke, but when his aura changes tat way and tat smile on his face and tat specific whisper …she feel to blush badly and heart beat fast

Sanskar: ya mera blush hmmmmmmmmmmm now my day can start….

Both enter clg hand in hand and starting their classes together in same classes beside each other, unseparatable. At lunch time swasan share their money to by lunch, Sanskar is barely middle class but he is ok with it, so they save money for their marry whenever possible, happy love birds.

They took lunch which is snaks, chips and tea for Sanskar and light cola for swara, choose lonely place and eat….

Sanskar & swara: cheers hahahah

Swara offer his sandwich to eat so he catch her hand and eat slowly looking at her in most naughty innocent eyes can ever be………. Swara felt that aura again and start blush… she couldn’t help it, she feel that Sanskar gaze is not only looking, its like it go through her, see her from inside, taking any barriers covering her and tat words its self blush her as hell…….

Sanskar: r u gonna blush that way each time I touch u ( swara lowered her gaze and fight the smile line on her lips) I think that way we ll face serious problem ( making his voice very serious)

Swara looked serious too: what problem, papa u mean…..

Sanskar get close to her ear whispering: nahi… my problem is the more u blush the more I wont let u out from bedroom ( swara face heat reach 100) and tat just in case u escape from bed ( swara face became as tomato and she shivered for Sanskar closeness … his hand tat hold hers tightly and his hot breath that influx her skin)

Swara smiled evilly: LIZARD

Sanskar jump fastly and almost climb nearest tree: whr? whr??? is it on me??? Whr??? ( he hav great fear of lizard and swara take advantage of it)

swara: hahahahah hahahah ( Sanskar got the play and would run after her but……..)

……: look what we have here…. Love birds

Its group of bad 4 boys came in their sight, they r Manish group

Manish: hai hai Sanskar, what u doing here??

Sanskar sit beside swara with serious annoied face: having my lunch ( pick snack to eat)

Manish: hear tat boys, lunch with swara, ( smile in really bad way) may we join???

Swara: we r finished, challo Sanskar ( swara pull snacks to her bag and they were about to leave)

Manish: oh such bad, com on Sanskar, we ll buy more for u and us, and don’t worry we ll pay for u….


Sanskar was about to hit Manish, but I stopped him, Manish is really bad person and i couldnt let sanskar involve with him. Everyone didn’t like Sanskar having me, specially Manish, Sanskar was in their opinion has no financial place but having the most pretty girl at his side, while Manish the richest boy I didn’t even let him to talk to me properly….

Everyone envied Sanskar for me, but he still didn’t care………..

All went fine … till that night ( swara tears never stop coming, but now more than before)

Sujata: he was happy that night coz he got his first job salary….

Ram: and u both decide to party on ur own going to cinema

Laksh eyes moist for such love story, jw can such love ever exist

Swara: haan and we did, Daawat e-ishq, haha he really loved that movie, mera taro, but we didn’t know we were………..


Sanskar and swara out of cinema, swara tie her arms around his arm and walk together till bus stop through almost empty garden, it was bit darky also….. so swasan weren’t aware of the fact that they r being followed……

Sanskar: what u think of?

Swara: humara life, after marry…

Sanskar: nothing special

Swara: acchaaa

Sanskar: haaaan… I ll work and u stay home doing nothing, I ll even bring many maids for u and u just b queen, and at evening all maids ll go so it ll b only and my ladoooooooooooooo

Swara: sanskaaar bas karo

Sanskar: Swaaaraaa mein kya karo…. i love u so so so much and i cant wait to have u n our sweet home….

Swara blushed so hard: pls sanskar.. fr me.. bas karo…

Sanskar: hahahhahah ok ok what u wanna do??

Swara: hmmm I don’t want maids I ll make everything for u, coz maids ll fall for u, I wont let it happen.. i ll make dinner for ur and welcome u from work with….. ????

Sanskar: with what??

Swara: kuch nahi

Sanskar: kuch beee… bolo with whaaaaat??

Swara bite her lip and look down and tat make sanskar round his arm around her shoulder and walk like tat

Sanskar gave killing look: hmmmm ok lets do something …. We ll run to tat light column over there… who reach first is whose wish ll com true, what u say?

Swara : agree. At 3 ok …. 1, tw…. Aaari ( Sanskar start running already but he wasn’t that fast)

Sanskar: aari its not even full speed challo ( but he notice swara is not following and no heels tiking voice he look back) SWARAAA

Manish and his boys were following them and as soon as Sanskar run they catch swara and one of them but his hand over her mouth. Sanskar run back to her.

one man was holding swara, Manish and other two fight Sanskar and beat him. Two were holding Sanskar arms in each side and Manish started hitting Sanskar with no fight from him. Kicking his stomach and face… boys kicked his back and his legs and he kneeld exhausing in their hands

Swara bite man hand and shouted: help, help, sanskaaaaaaaaaaaar…. Stop it… u ll kill him…. sanskaaaaaar help mmmmmmmmmm ( again guy put his hand other swara)

Sanskar was exhausted from being hit: let… let her go… ur fight is with me… let her Manish….

Manish: she is the reason of fight Sanskar, she is my ta..r..get….. there is nothing Manish wish for and don’t have it… got that low Sanskar ….

Manish head to swara and his eyes were scanning her with lust ( hold her arms tight) he ordered his boy and swara mouth was released, she shouted for help again, but then Manish shouted ( sanskaaaaaar)… sanskar head was bowed of pain but he raised it when swara scream…

Manish caught swara duptta and throw it to floor giving bold gaze to her full neck area…. That moment Sanskar lost his mind knowing bad intentions of Manish

Sanskar: nahiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii swaaaaaaaaaaaaaraaaaaaaaa.

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