Fan Fiction


Hello everyone…
Thank u so much for ur amazing response in previous part…ur comments made my day….Now let’s go to next part without any late..

Recap:Kavitha (Cavity) return back and Swara coming to know her truth..


Same night


Sanskar after realizing his feelings for swara reached home happily..He entered inside only to find Raglak Ap Dp and Ansh are waiting for him..Seeing him coming Ap came towards him and asked

Ap:Sanskar where were u till now..

Sanskar:Maa I just went out to get some fresh air..Acha leave this tell me where is swara

Ragini:Sanskar she is in guest room

Sanskar:Thank u Bhabhi

Saying this he went towards Guest room

Guest Room

Sanskar went to Guest room and found swara sleeping..Her face is little pale and tear marks are visible…Sanskar went towards her and slightly pecked her forehead and started speaking to her…

Sanskar (To sleeping swara):I love u Swara and I know that u also love me…I will confess my feelings for u soon..but before that I will talk to kavitha and tell her that I don’t love her…I promise u swara she will never come between us..

He pecked her forehead and her lips..Then he left the room with contented smile on his face…After confirming that sanskar went swara slowly opened her eyes…She started jumping in happiness hearing his confession…She touched her lips and blushed a little…She sat on bed and is smiling ear to ear hearing his confession..Ragini who entered the room found her sister smiling and lost in her thoughts…She moved towards swara and tapped her shoulders…Swara came into senses and asked

Swara:Dii u here..when did u came

Ragini(smiling):Ha I came when my sister is lost in her thoughts and is smiling to herself…Chalo tell me what made u smile like that

Swara:Di sanskar came here few minutes back and confessed his love thinking i am sleeping..Dii finally I got my love..I am so happy di..

Ragini also felt happy for her sister and told:Shona I am so happy..Finally u got ur happiness…

Saying this she hugged her while swara reciprocated the hug…Suddenly swara realized something and broke the hug…She started speaking to Ragini

Swara:Dii Sanskar also told that he will tell abt his love to swara and send her away from his life..but di will she leave sanskar easily

Ragini:U r saying crct swara I don’t think she will leave him easily but don’t worry we will think of something to bring her truth out so that she will leave by herself

Swara:Ha dii..

Saying this swara got lost in her thoughts..Ragini noticed her lost and asked

Ragini:Shona now what r u thinking..

Swara:Dii i am thinking abt that chudail..She is staying in my room alone with Sanskar dii

Ragini:Shona u trust Sanskar na..He will never break ur trust

Swara:Ha di…I trust him but I don’t trust that chudail..

Laksh(coming into the room with Ansh in his arms):Don’t wry about that swara…Ansh will handle that…

Saying this he gave hifi to Ansh and both smirked..Swaragini on understanding laksh’s words smiled..Soon Ansh got down frm laksh’s lap and went towards swasan’s room…

Swasan Room

Sanskar after confessing his love for swara went towards his room..He entered his room and found kavitha waiting for him…Seeing him coming she asked

Kavitha:Sanskar where did u go till now…I came after so many days and u went away leaving me…

Sanskar:Kavitha I went for some work..Kavitha woh I need to talk to u

Kavitha:Sanskar we can talk i am tired and I want to sleep..

Saying this she is about to lye on bed but at that time Ansh came inside the room and jumped on bed and told..

Ansh:Chachu today I will sleep here…with u

Sanskar:Ok champ..

Kavitha:But sanskar how can he sleep here..

Sanskar:How can he means

Kavitha:Sanskar woh he is kid na..if he get up in midnight and cry for his mom

Sanskar:Kavitha don’t wry nothing will happen like that bcoz he is habituated to sleep in my room

Kavitha:ohh..then ok

Soon sanskar also lied on bed beside Ansh and slept..After he slept Ansh opened his eyes and smiled naughtily at kavitha and kicked her with his legs such that she fell down frm the bed and closed his eyes pretending to sleep…Sanskar woke up with a jerk hearing kavitha who shouted due to pain…


Sanskar:Kavitha what happen..

Kavitha:Sanskar woh Ansh kicked me

Sanskar:Oh..He has the habit of kicking in sleep..Sry come and sleep..

Kavitha:No sanskar I won’t sleep on bed..I will go and sleep in other room…

Saying this she went from there to other room…After she went Sanskar smiled and told

Sanskar:Champ now get up…I know u r acting..

Ansh got up with jerk and asked:Chachu how do u know that i am acting..

Sanskar:Bcoz I very well know that u won’t kick anyone in sleep..this is all ur maasi’s plan na

Ansh:No chachu not maasi…it is papa’s plan..

Sanskar:Ha ok ok..Bhai bhabhi and swara I know that u three are standing come outside..

Swaraglak are shocked hearing him and came inside…Seeing them sanskar stood up and went towards laksh and hugged him tight and spoke

Sanskar:Bhai do u think that if u tell me anything I won’t believe that u his this much big truth from me

Laksh(confused):Sanskar which truth r u talking about..

Sanskar:About kavitha..

This came as a shock to Swaraglak as how he got to know the truth..Ragini asked him the same

Ragini:Sanskar how do u know this

Sanskar:When bhai was telling all these to swara i heard as he dialed my number by mistake…

Laksh:I am sry sanskar..when i was about tell u We got a news that she is dead…so i thought u will feel bad that u loved her…That’s why…

Sanskar hugged his brother and spoke:I am so lucky bhai that I got u as my brother…Thank u bhai for everything..

Laksh broke the hug and told:U will tell thanks to ur bhai now..

Sanskar:Acha baba thank u wapas


Ragini:Waise sanskar aren’t u feeling sad that kavitha cheated u..u r talking so normally as if nothing happened

Sanskar:If I would have got to know this before I would have felt bad..But now when I realised that I don’t love kavitha I am not feeling bad..

Ragini(smiling teasingly):It means do u love sm1 else

Swasan are shocked hearing her question..Sanskar tried to divert the topic and told

Sanskar:Waise bhai what shld we do now so that kavitha’s truth will be out

Swara:Sanskar now we don’t have any plan now but don’t wry we will surely think of something..


Laksh:Acha leave all’s late already..we need to sleep now

Ragini:Ha ok…I will bring Ansh

With that they remembered that Ansh is in the room but is silent till now which is impossible…So All turned towards bed and found Ansh sleeping peacefully…They smiled seeing him sleeping..So Raglak decided to let Ansh sleep with Swasan and left the room after wishing good night to swasan…Swara closed the door and both swasan lied down on either side of Ansh…Sensing presence beside him Ansh turned in sleep and hugged swara tightly and slept again…Swasan smiled seeing his antics..Sanskar also moved towards them and embraced both swaransh by wrapping his hand around them and slept as if nothing happened…swara widened her eyes sensing that she is in Sanskar’s embrace…Soon she came to senses and smiled seeing her hubby sleeping cutely..Then she also slept peacefully..Trio are looking just like a perfect family…

Next Morning

Swasan Room

It is again a beautiful morning..Sun rays peeped into swasan’s room and fall on swara which broke her sleep…She slowly opened her eyes and smiled seeing Sanskar and Ansh both r hugging her tightly…She slightly pecked both of their foreheads and greed herself from their grip..She slowly got down the bed and went to Guest room so that Kavitha won’t doubt them..Soon Sanskar also woke up but didnt found Swara in room..He started searching for her but then reality strike him..

Sanskar:Don’t wry swara very soon I will throw that kavitha out of our lives…

Saying this he place Ansh properly on bed and went to washroom to get fresh..

MM Dining hall

Soon it is time for breakfast…Whole Maheswari family is in Dining hall…Dp Ap and Sanlak are having bf while Swaragini are serving…At that time Laksh asked

Laksh:Ragini where is this little devil

Ragini(angrily):Don’t call my baby as devil…Understand

Laksh(gulped):Ok madam

All laughed hearing him..At that time kavitha came there..Seeing her they all stopped laughing..She silently came there and was about sit beside sanskar but in the Nick of the time Ansh came and sat on that chair..kavitha is shocked due to this sudden action but got angry and told

Kavitha(angrily):Eyy boy what is this the way to behave..How can u snatch my place like this

Ansh(with attitude):bcoz this is my place and everyday only i can sit here

Kavitha:That is till yesterday..but from today it is my place..

Ansh:No it is only my place..I didn’t give this place to my maasi also after marriage then who r u to ask my place..

Kavith:u r answering me and asking me who r u na..wait I will show u..

Saying this she is about to slap him but in the Nick of the time Sanskar held her hand..He is looking towards her with blood shot eyes and told

Sanskar(with anger filled face):How dare u to raise ur hand on my son..I am not telling u anything this does not mean that u will do anything understand…Next time think twice before doing something like this…

Kavitha:Sanskar for this boy u r talking to me like this..

Sanskar:Kavitha he is not any boy..he is my son and heir of this house..Ansh Maheswari…Understand.. So don’t dare to repeat this again…

Saying this he went to his room angrily..After he went Ansh winked seeing swara..Kavitha noticed Ansh winking and understood that it is their plan to make Sanskar scold her…Raglak who witnessed the scene felt happy seeing Sanskar’s love for Ansh..Soon everyone left to their respective rooms leaving kavitha alone

Kavitha:I think I need to do something soon to get this property..otherwise this swara will surely do something to make my plan flop..

Screen freezes…

Precap:Shopping fun and kavitha’s husband revealed


Done with one more part of this ff…I am sry in advance if u feel this boring..

Let me know ur views about this part through ur valuable votes and comments…

Keep smiling:-)
Take care


I am from Andhra Pradesh and I am doing my engineering...I am a big fan of Swasan

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