Fan Fiction

SWASAN- A love story (chapter 1)

I am here again. Thanks everyone for comments. I am sorry I could not reply each comment πŸ˜€ .Before starting I want to clear some confusions . Swara and ragini are best friends. They both graduate from the same universities recently. Swara got a scholarship there . Before the age of 18 she used to live in an orphan but when she got the age of 18, she got the legal documents of her mother’s house. So lets start !

A small room is shown which is small and simple. A girl is seen sleeping in the bed. Her hair is so messy. A siamese cat is seen sleeping beside her .Suddenly alarm clock starts ringing. She gets irritated and off the alarm clock and sleeps again. After sometime she wakes up suddenly and sees the time. It was 7:00. She becomes shock and get up suddenly.
Swara : This alarm clock is so useless. It does not ring in the morning. I have set alarm for 6:00. Today I have to take Noodle (her cat whom she loves so much πŸ˜› ) for vaccination and I am already late. Huh I have to change this alarm clock.
She gets up from the bed and goes to wardrobe. The wardrobe is very messy. She could not find the clothes and having difficulty in it.
Swara : Ugrhh. What the hell. This wardrobe is so stupid. I had arrange it only a week ago and it again becomes messy. Urgh now I will never arrange it. (lol)
After much difficulties she ultimately found clothes for wearing. It was grey jeans and royal blue and white top. She wears it and then she becomes ready.
She gives cat food to Noodle.

Swara : Aww Noodle come here for breakfast. You must be hungry.
Then she goes towards the kitchen and starts to make her breakfast. After half an hour she came from kitchen with breakfast (she becomes lazy in the morning πŸ˜› ).
She ate it and put the Noodle in a bag in which his face is out of the bag. She goes out of house and lock it . She takes her scooty and go towards to the veterinary hospital.
On her way she suddenly applied break because the forward truck had stopped immediately. Suddenly a car strike her scooty from the back and due to it Noodle strike with the front of scooty a little bit and the back of her scooty have a dent on it. She becomes very angry. She goes towards the car and block its way. A handsome angry man came out it. He suddenly mesmerized to see her but again become angry.
Swara : How dare you ? Don’t you know how to drive a car ? You fool idiot man. Because of you my Noodle was going to injured and you have already damaged my car. Cant you see with your eyes when you drive ? I don’t know who idiot gave you license…
Sanskar (angry tone) : How dare you to talk to me like that ?
Swara : Why I could not dare ? Are you a President ? Even I will talk with president in the same way . What will you do ?

Sanskar : Shutup! I don’t want to talk to you. (He takes some money from his wallet and fall it on her face ) Take it and get lost .
Swara becomes very angry she breaks the side mirror of his car and says.
Swara : Now I think you need this money (she thrust the money on his hand).
Sanskar becomes angry and says.
Sanskar ( angry ): You stupid girl. You are wasting my time. I don’t even want to see your face again.
Saying this he goes and swara remain standing here and fixing her scooty. Meanwhile all the people on the road were staring her.
Swara : What are you staring at ? Am I dancing on Sheela K Jawani ? ( LOL πŸ˜› )
All people then started to disperse. After sometime she also goes from here.

Swara goes to ragini’s house. When she enters ragini same and said.
Ragini (angry ) : Swaraaaaa !! You are so bad . No I will not talk to you.
Swara : Now what happen ?
Ragini : It have been 1 week for our graduation and you did not came here .you know how everyone misses you.

Swara : Sorry. Actually I was completing my sleep that I had lost in exams πŸ˜€ Now don’t worry I have came here na. Now everyone will miss a time when I was not here πŸ˜›
She enters the house and a girl came running and hug her.
Kavita (ragini’s elder sister) : Swara you are so bad . You know we misses you so much. Now come and lets watch a horror movie together πŸ˜€

Ragini (laughingly) : Hey kavita.. Why don’t you see yourself in the mirror its so horror.
Meanwhile shomi come here and said.
Shomi : Stop it you both! Swara has just come. Atleast let her to sit.
She meets swara.
Swara , kavita and ragini were having fun. Then swara told them.
Swara : You know I have applied in all companies for job. I know at least one of them will give me job.

Ragini : Swara why don’t you join papa’s company?
Hearing shekher name, swara becomes little emotional but controls it and says.
Swara : No ragini I want to stand up by myself and I am sure I will.
Ragini : Oh madam you have started you speech again. Now come lets watch movie.

Episode ends…..
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