Fan Fiction

SwaSan! Lust obsession Love!! {Episode-25}


Swasan keeps kissing each other wildly and hardly Whereas swara’s legs gets weaken…she slowly sits down on the floor along with Sanskar still kissing each other wildly and hungrily
Soon they pats back breaking the kiss due to lack of oxgyen

Both were deeply staring into each other eyes …lost in the deepness and mysteriousness of each other eyes respectively …. But soon they comes to sense by a knock on the door

“SM sir …SM sir ” they hears suresh calling ..knocking on the door

Both swasan looks at each other at once and avoids eye contact …

Sanskar: Hmm ..u fresh up

He said standing up from the floor… While swara just nodes her head he leaves from there running his hands into his hairs

“SM sir…SM sir ” suresh again knocks the door

Sanskar takes a sigh and opens the door

Sanskar: (bossy tone) wat happen
Suresh; sir actually Johan wants to talk to u …he has came so…
Sanskar: (cuts off) ask him to wait in study ..I will be there soon

Suresh nodes his head and leaves from there ….

Sanskar looks back and finds washroom’s door closed … He shakes his head and leaves from there


Soon swara gets ready dressed in a peach anarkali with a light makeup ….she was putting some bangles in her hands …just then the door opens and Sanskar comes there in hurry … She looks at him confusedly

Sanskar: come with me

He said holding her wrist and drags her from there

Swara:(confused) wat happen ..

He just ignores her words dragging her towards the hall

Sanskar: (bossy tone) Johan

He said standing in middle of the hall along with swara

Swara:?r u gonna tell me or wat … Wats going on huh!
Sanskar: calm down baby ..u will get to know

Just then Johan comes there holding a 10year old boy …. The boy face is brigten in happiness
Shining in happiness

Boy:? Shona di …

He shouts happily soon as swara hears him …she immediately looks at him and gets surprised

Swara:(whispers) ? ARAV

Soon her eyes filled with tears … Shining with happiness … Arav jerks johan’s hand and runs towards swara …
Swara happily sits on her knees expanding her arms … Arav happily runs into her arms and hugs her tightly …both hugs each other …with tears making way in their respective eyes
Soon swara breaks the hug and cups his face

Swara:(tears)Arav ..u here …wat r u doing here
Arav:thz uncle brought me here

He said pointing Johan ..Johan passed a smile … Swara smiles Back and looks at Sanskar .. Who pretends to be busy in his mobile … Thus, she transfers her gaze on Arav …

Something caught her eyes .. Her eyes goes wider and wider filled with fear …she immediately pushes arav a lil ..he stumbles Johan holds him …both Johan and sanskar looks on shock

Swara:no I didn’t kill I dint killed ..them no…

She shouts moving back sitting on the floor…her eyes filled with a fear ..her heart started beating fastly in fear …

Sanskar: (shock) hey swara … Wat happen ..

He said looking at swara …who’s eyes filled with tear ..body is shivering and sweating due to some fear which is very fearful to her

Some flashes comes to her mind like a A man is beating a small girl with the belt and the girl was screaming in pain and crying miserably

Girl: (cries) no I didn’t kill them .. Trust me …I didn’t …aaaaaaaa

She screams in pain & cries as he beats hardly with a belt on her hand


Swara:(tears) no trust me ..I didn’t kill anyone …trust me .. I’m not lieing plzzz

She cries still moving backwards
Arav gets teary eyes while Sanskar still stands in shock not understanding anything

Arav:(tears) Shona di ..wat happen

He tries go closer to her …but she moves back in fear

Swara:no …no…plzz …don’t do thz …I didn’t kill them…

She keeps on murmuring moving backwards …Sanskar who was looking confused … Finds swara’s eyes fixed on something on arav .. He looks at arav and again looks at swara … Who staring something with fear in her eyes .. He matches her gaze looking towards the direction …and finds her staring a locket which was in arav’s neck

Swara:(tears) no …trust me. ..plzz don’t do thz

She cries …he takes a sigh and goes towards arav …sits on his one leg and holds the locket in arav’s neck

Sanskar:is thz ur locket ??

He asked questionly ..arav looks at locket and then him ..

Arav:(sobs) no…thz ….locket … . parth…Bhaiya…gave …me…thz.. Locket …today….morning… He… Came …to ..orphanage ..and wear…thz… Locket

He said b/w his sobs …now Sanskar was more confused …

Sanskar: (confused) y swara is scared of thz locket ..and wat abt thz parth….

He looks at arav and removes the locket from his neck

Sanskar: don’t wear it (to suresh)
Suresh …throw thz locket

He said suresh ….suresh nodes and leaves from there taking the locket from Sanskar

Sanskar shakes his head and looks back at swara … Who was looking so scared … Arav runs towards swara

Arav: Shona di

Swara looks at arav ..her eyes turned soften ..she scans him from top to bottom ..and immediately hugs him tightly

Swara:(tears) arav u..came .. How r u my baccha …u okay rgt

She breaks the hug and said caressing his face lovingly ..

Arav:(tears) I’m fine shona di … Wat happen to u ..y were u behaving weirdly …

Swara: (confused) wat did I do Arav …
Arav:(tears) shona di …u were crying badly

Swara lost in the deep thoughts looking confused
Sanskar who was looking at them …goes towards them and sits beside swara

Sanskar: wat happen swara

He asked shaking her making her to come to her sense …. Swara comes to sense and looks at Sanskar with emotionless

Swara again lost in a deep thoughts …Sanskar looks on confused
He was abt to say something … But keeps quite seeing Arav … Thus, he transfers his gaze on uttara who was viewing all thz silently

Sanskar: uttara
Uttara: haan bhai
Sanskar: uttara ..swara..
Uttara:(interrupts) Sry bhai I don’t have time for fake peoples

She said in pain and was abt to leave but sanskar stops

Sanskar: accha uttu take Arav with u

Uttara looks at crying arav and feels sad for him …she goes towards him and holds his hand

Uttara: come with me Arav
Arav:(tears) Shona di…
Sanskar: (cuts off) she wants some rest …let her take rest ..u go with uttu

Arav nodes….both uttara and arav leaves from there
Sanskar transfers his gaze on swara who is still lost in a deep thoughts …he holds her hand and makes her stand forcedly … She comes to sense and looks at Sanskar confused ….. Who is dragging towards a room

Both comes inside the room … He turns closing the door and looks at swara who is looking at him confusedly …he holds her by shoulder tightly

Sanskar:(calm tone) wat was tat …wat happen to u ..all of a sudden u started reacting like tat
Swara: I don’t know

She said emotionalessly … He gets angry and pulls her more closer to him

Sanskar:? u don’t know … Then wat was tat y were u scared seeing tat locket ..answer me

“Locket” as she registered thz word in her mind ….

Some flashes comes to her mind like two lifeless bodies laying on the floor coverd with white cloth


She starts sweating and tears made a way from her hazel eyes

Sanskar: answer me damnit

He said shaking her …she looks at Sanskar and immediately hugs him tightly ..Sanskar looks on shock

Swara:(tears) trust me ..I didn’t kill them …u trust me rgt …

She cries hugging him tightly ..
He was just confusedly holding her closer to him ….. Soon there was a call on his mobile… He releases the hug

Sanskar: don’t cry …

He said patting her cheeks and lifts the mobile

*on call*

Sanskar: hello
Sanskar: hmm okay

*call ends*

Hanging up the call he looks at swara who was still emotionalessly

Sanskar: swara ..we r going for a business party get ready soon

Swara nodes ..silently

Sanskar: (mind) wat happen to thz girl time she will be the scary chicken and the other moment she will turn into a tigress ..mfighting with me ..arguing with me ….and wat is tat locket …and parth …it is all connect ..but thz girl is so complicated


Precap:special Episode ?


Hi guys tanu here ..hope u all liked thz epi
I know curious to know abt the twist ?
U will know soon …
Thank u all
Love u all???


Swasanian for life...... ???

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