Fan Fiction



Swara and her family have come from town to Kolkata. She has a job offer which she is going to start in 3 months. Her family is part of Kolkata’s elite and posh society despite the fact that they are not as rich as the others.
Sanskaar is one of Kolkata’s richest businessman. He is the CEO of his own company MAHESHWARI MNC PVT LTD. His own father died when he was 7. Since then, His bade papa raised Sanskaar like he was his own son. Sanksaar is very grateful to DP. He did everything in his life to impress him. He got good marks, came first in athletics etc only so that DP would praise him and be proud of him. DP taught him the secret of business. He also taught him to be imaandaari, decent and behave appropriately with women. Then one day, While Sanskaar was in Boston getting his MBA degree, He received the news that DP had died.
Sanskaar is broken hearted and shattered with the news. He thinks how a person, who always thought kindly of others and was such a good person, could die so early at the age of 42.
This thought gave him another thought. Sanskaar feels that he can never be as pure-hearted as his Bade Papa and so, he cannot live beyond 42. He thinks he will die before 42.
Chapter 1 begins with Swara’s introduction where we are introduced to her chota sa life with her sister and her step mother. Ragini is considered more beautiful than Swara! But she does not mind. The sisters are very close. They attend the society parties and such because their mother want them to find someone, marry them and be happy. Swara isn’t interested in marriage. But Ragini is. She asks Swara about Sanskaar Maheshwari. Swara adamantly refuses to consider him as an option for either of them as he was reputed to have a casanova like reputation. She tells Ragini under no circumstances will Sanskaar Maheshwari be an option for them.
Chapter 2 shows Sanskaar’s intro. His memories with his Bade Papa are told. He decides to get married as it would make life easier for his moms and their wish of getting grandchildren would be fulfilled. He believes he would die before the age of 42, And so he doesn’t want a love match as it would make the idea of leaving this world more scary. On discussing with his brothers, He finds out the his best choice for a girl would be Ragini Gadodia. He tells that he will marry her.
Chapter 3 shows a char sketch of Swara and Sanskaar.
Chapter 4 begins with Mrs Sharma’s party. Swara is peeved that Sanskaar is dancing with Ragini. Sumi on the other hand thinks that Ragini and Sanskaar would suit very well and teases Swara about it. She also tells Swara about how nice Annapurna and Sujata Maheshwari are. Swara meets Laksh who is impressed by her wit and her apparent hatred for his brother. He wickedly thinks to introduce them and watch the fireworks. Sanskaar and Swara meet and get on the wrong foot immediately. He forcefully takes her hand and drags her to the dance floor.
Chapter 5 depicts Swara’s and Sanskaar’s first convo (argument) while they dance. They enjoy taunting each other….Sanskaar promises and challenges Swara that he will marry Ragini while Swara swears she will never let that happen. They meet again the next day when he comes to her house hoping to see Ragini. They talk politely which soon becomes an argument. Sanskaar meets Swara’s dog Zozo. With Sumi cleverly manipulating them both, They leave together to walk Zozo.
Chapter 6 starts with Sanskaar and Swara arguing as usual while they walk. Soon they fall silent. Sanskaar admires Swara’s wit and thinks that she is really pretty and only when compared to Ragini, does she pale. Sanskaar seeing that Swara’s hair is covering her face, moves to remove it. Swara feels a tingle and the two share a moment. Zozo taking advantage of the moment, runs away. Swara runs after the dog. Sanskaar knowing that he couldn’t let her go alone follows them. He scolds Swara for having such a useless dog. He almost catches Zozo, but the dog makes a 90 degree turn as he sees Ragini near the harbour. Sanskaar stands confused as to why Zozo ran that way. Swara clears his confusion by pointing at Ragini. Zozo in his excitement pushes Ragini into the water. Sanskaar horrified, gives his arm and pulls her out. He is furious by this time, And shouts at Swara, Who shouts back at him. He takes Ragini home leaving Swara and her blo*dy dog.
Chapter 7 shows that Ragini has suffered a terrible cold due to her fall in the lake. But Swara is determined to prove to her sister that Mr Maheshwari isn’t a nice man. She has a very long conversation with Ragini. But Ragini is not interested in the conversation and listens half heartedly. Swara becomes upset when she learns that Sanskaar never mentioned her name to Ragini, though she doesn’t know why. The Gadodias are invited to the Maheshwaris’ annual musicale. Ragini is too sick to go, but Sumi and Swara go. Swara is impressed by the grandeur of the mansion and hopes that Sanskaar won’t notice her. But Sanskaar has already seen her through his study. He remembers a dream he had the other day, when he was with a woman. He was almost about to kiss the woman when he sees her face. Swara’s face. He wakes up shocked. Sanskaar thinks about the dream and decides to avoid Swara Gadodia!
Chapter 8 starts with the singer’s Lekha Manish’s performance. Swara cannot keep her eyes away from Sanskaar. She is angry and strangely disappointed when she sees Sanskaar openly flirting with Lekha. She meets Annapurna, Sujata and Uttara. They tell nice things about Sanskaar and confuse her. She goes into the corridor to cool her confused head. She hears Sanskaar’s and Lekha’s voice and thinks to hide as she doesn’t want to meet up. She hides under the table in Sanskaar’s study by mistake and is shocked when he enters the room. Sanskaar tells Lekha that he doesn’t see that only if one loves his wife, he should remain faithful. And since he has no plans to love his wife, He wants Lekha to be his mistress. Swara fumes hearing this. Unfortunately, Sanskaar spots her. He sends Lekha out and questions Swara as to what she was doing there. They both share a passionate kiss after a heated and sultry discussion.
Chapter 9 starts with Swara questioning Sanskaar as to why he kissed her. Sanskaar replies in an uncaring voice and taunts her. They have a huge argument that finally ends with Swara replying that she hates him and will never let him marry Ragini. After 2 days, She is still annoyed with him. His family have issued an invitation to the Gadodias welcoming them to their country house in Darjeeling for a week. Sumi accepts the invitation.
Chapter 10 begins with Sanskaar sitting in his study and thinking about how he could not stop seeing Swara in his head. He knows that there is a spark between them and is really terrified because of that. He also thinks about his Bade Papa and his childhood memories. He sees the Gadodias getting down from the car and sees how happy and comfortable they are as a family. Swara admires the Darjeeling Country house named VENUS PARK. When she enters the house, She feels as though she belongs there though she wonders why. The Gadodias meets the Maheshwari ladies and talk animatedly. Swara asks for permission to explore the flower gardens. Annapurna and Sujata send Sanskaar to the flower gardens as well because they know that he is interested in the Gadodias. Sanskaar meets Swara in the gardens and apologises to her. They have a moment and Sanskaar is almost about to kiss her when……
Chapter 11 shows that the kiss was disturbed by Laksh. He tells them that Sanskaar’s best friend Aarav and Laksh’s best friend Antara have come there. Aarav and Antara are husband wife. They decide to play The ball game.
The ball game : This game can be played by max 8 players. Basically, You put hoops over the ground vertically. You need to pass the ball through all the hoops to win. You hit the ball using mallets or small hammers. The Maheshwaris play this game on a large ground filled with trees and all sorts of obstacles making it even more difficult.
Swara asks if she can join the game and they agree. They decide to invite Ragini as well. While Sanskaar leaves to bring Ragini, Laksh and Swara set up the course. Swara also learns many nice and unexpected things about Sanskaar. They play the game. Sanskaar and Swara begin their own revenge game that ultimately results in Swara putting Sanskaar’s ball in the lake. Swara is declared the winner.
Chapter 12 begins with Sanskaar holding Swara’s hand and telling her to accompany him to get back the ball from the lake. They race and Swara falls into the water. Sanskaar frantic, jumps in but doesn’t find her. He comes up for breath and sees Swara completely wet holding the pink ball laughing at him. He scolds her for worrying him so much. She is surprised at his concern. They began walking back. Sanskaar thinks about how instead of thinking of Ragini, He kept thinking only about Swara. Swara tells him that she hates thunderstorms. They both have a funny moment. Sanskaar suddenly feels like he has to know what Swara thinks of him and traps her between him and a tree. He asks her if she still hates him. She doesn’t answer giving Sanskaar his answer. Later that night, They dance intensely drawing applause from all. Swara is confused about her feelings for Sanskaar and goes to the washroom to think. As she returns, she sees one of the employees molesting the cook’s daughter. She tries to stop him but is unable to. Suddenly Sanskaar swoops in furious and saves the girl. Swara tells everybody that Sanskaar was a hero.
Chapter 13 begins with Swara unable to sleep as she’s thinking about Sanskaar. It begins to lightning and thunder. Swara becomes terrified. She runs to the library hoping to distract herself with a book. But the thunder is sooo loud that she hides under the table, absolutely mind-blowing terrified. Sanskaar sees a candle in the library and comes to blow it off when he hears a whimper from under the table. He is shocked to see Swara in such a terrified state. He does his best to comfort Swara and finally she begins to get better. They both talk about their inner most feelings (not completely though). They are able to understand each other’s feelings even though they don’t tell each other the complete story. Sanskaar reaches his hands out and tells they are friends from now on. Swara takes his hand and smiles.
Chapter 14 begins with Swara thanking Sanskaar for being with her throughout the night. The next day, the weather was damp but the sky was clear. Swara accepts that she cares for Sanskaar and is infatuated with the man. But she can’t deny Ragini her happiness if Sanskaar’s ready to marry Ragini. She decides to tell Sanskaar that she’ll be happy and honoured if Sanskaar marries her sister. Sanskaar calls her from behind. She gets up so fast that she stumbles and falls into the thorny rose bushes, which pierce her, shreds her clothes partly and she is bleeding. Sanskaar helps her to remove the thorns and offers her his coat. Sanskaar feels guilty that she got hurt because of him. Swara comforts him. They sit there for sometime as Swara does not want to go inside just then. They make some small talk where Swara once again thanks him for his help the night before. She finally tells him that she approves his proposal to Ragini. But instead of being happy and relieved, Sanskaar feels like his heart is deflating.
As for the next chapter, I have decided that I will try writing both the things, The bee incident from the book as well as my version. Then after proof reading both, I will upload the best one. Sorry, If you think that I asked you to vote in vain…I was just really confused that time…But I am leaning towards my version right now……
Anyways, Will post the next chapter tom!
Sorry for not posting one today!! Just needed some time to think…Please wait patiently!! <3 <3


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