Helloo guys.. thank u so much fr ur response on previous part.. Here m with a next part of this os.. I hope u guys will enjoy..
Sanky : ( worried ) Doc plz.. spk up smthng..
Doc : ( sighs ) Mr. Maheshwari! Cm to my cabin.. we need to talk..
Sanky went with doc in his cabin..
Sanky : Doc.. wat happened to her? Anything.. se..r.i..ou..s?? ( scared )
Doc : Ur wife is pregnant, Mr. Maheshwari! U r gonna b father..
Sanskar gets shocked n extremely happy..
Sanky : ( happy ) wat?? Me? Swara? U mean m going to be father? Our baby!!! Swara… mom.. me.. Dad..Omg!! ( he was so excited brushed his hairs n laughs )
Doc : calm down Mr. Maheshwari! I knw its a good news bt..
Sanky : ( serious face ) bt wat doc??
Doc : Mr. Maheshwari! Its a very complicated case.. n moreover ur wife is very weak.. u shd be very careful.. cz 1 wrong moment it will lead her fr miscarriage or even… death too!
Sanky : ( shocked n tear fell down from his eyes ) N..no.. doc.. I'll take care of her.. Nothing will happen.. Neither to swara nor to my baby..
Doc : Ok.. Mr. Maheshwari! I hv prescribed sm medi.. Give these to her on time.. now you can take her home.. take care..
Sanky : ( smiles ) Sure Doc.. Thank you.
Swara was waiting fr sanky in her ward.. Sanky cm there n swara shouted happily..
Swara : Sankyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Sanky jerked n looked at swara being horrified!
Sanky : Jaan.. m here only.. y r u shouting? R u planning to make me deaf?
Swara : Offo.. leave dat.. I wanna tell u good news.. u knw we r going to be..
Sanky : PARENTS!!!
Swara : ( smiles brightly with teary eyes ) Yeah sanky.. we.. will..soon.. bcm.. sm1s mom…and Dad.. ( sanky went near her wiped her tears n sat beside her taking her in his embrace ) U knw Sanky.. I love children so much.. they r so innocent.. pious n pure souls.. their smile.. their antics.. their crying.. everything. . Everything is so beautiful.. n m very happy dat very soon we r gonna experience it..
Sanky : ( smiled ) Yes jaan.. me too love kids so much.. they walk slowly holding our hands by their soft soft small fingers. They will call us mom or Dad with their non perfect language.. ( swara giggled ) Its a very different feeling swara.. I can't even express.. Thank you so much swara.. fr giving me this happiness. ( kissed her forehead)
Swara smiled n soon both left fr their mansion..
After 8 months –
Sanky took proper care of swara.. He dint left swara alone even fr a minute.. smtyms swara used to get pain due to complications. She used to get scare.. bt Sanky always gave her courage.. As he promised, He stayed ALWAYS WITH HER.. Swara used to trouble sanky lot cz of her moodswings.. smtyms She used to ask chat in midnight or smtyms icecreams.. smtyms noodles or smtyms karela sabji also.. bt sanky being an Ideal husband fulfilled her every wish every demand.. he never got angry on her.. He pampered her alot.. Swara was so overwhelmed seeing Sanky's care towards her.. Now its swara's last month.. Sanky was taking extra care of swara..
One day..
Sanky was taking swara to garden while swara was holding his hand fr support. Suddenly she started getting pain.
Swara : ( shouts ) Aaaahh.. Sans..kaa..rrr.. aaahhh…
Sanky : ( worried n cupped her face ) Jaaan.. wat happened? R u ok?
Swara : ( shouting n sweating ) Aaah… san..kyyy.. its … paining.. aaahhh… aaaaahhhhh..
Sanky : ( tries to make her calm ) Jaan… jaan.. relax.. take a long breathes.. we r going to hospital. Ok.. nothing will happen. Take long breathes.. m with you.. ( Said sanky while picking her up in his arms )
Swara : ( shouts ) Aaaaah… San..kyyy.. I can't. .. bear… this.. pain… Aaaaaaahhhhhh ( screams loudly )
Sanky : ( make her sit in car beside him n ask driver to start d car.. ) Shhhh.. jaan.. relax.. calm down.. we'll reach now.. plz.. stay calm.. just few more mins..
Sanky was trying to make swara calm.. bt her pain was increasing.. Being tired she started to close her eyes.. Sanky gets panicked..
Sanky : ( panicked ) Jaan… ( patts her cheeks ) Swaraa.. swaraa.. don't. .don't close ur eyes.. plz.. plz.. for me.. for our baby.. see we reached.. swaraaaa…
SwaSan reached at hospital. Sanky smhw managed to keep swara conscious.
Sanky : ( inside hospital ) Doctor…. doctor…
Doc cm there n observed swara's condition.
Doc : OMG!!! She's hell tired.. She's giving up.. we shd hurry up or it will be difficult to save both of them.. Nurse.. hurry up.. take her to OT..
Hearing doc words Sanky got shocked.. Teardrops fell from his eyes.. He pleaded to doc..
Sanky : Doc.. Doc.. plz.. do anything.. bt plz.. save both of them… plz doc.. they r my life…
Doc : We'll try our best Mr. Maheshwari! ( leaves )
Sanky sat on bench outside OT..
After 3 hrs –
Doc cm out of OT.. Sanky rushed to them..
Sanky : Doc.. Doc.. how is swara? My baby?? Say smthng…
Doc : ( smiled ) Congratulations Mr. Maheshwari! U r blessed with a baby girl.. n Mrs. Maheshwari is also fine.. u can meet them..
Sanky : ( happy ) Thank you.. thank you so much doctor..
Doc : My pleasure, Mr. Maheshwari!
Doc leaves.. Swara is shifted to normal ward along with baby.. Sanky entered in her room.. Swara was unconscious, sleeping due to medicine effect n his lil princess.. was looking here and there in whole room with her big brown eyes.. Sanky smiled seeing her.. He went near her n took her in his embrace slowly. She looked at him n blinked her big big doe eyes twice n keep her hand on sanky's small beard. Sanky laughs with tears.. n kisses her slowly.. she smiled sweetly.. Sanky went near swara n sat beside her with his lil princess.. He placed baby carefully near swara.. she started to cry n hearing her voicee swara gets up.. SwaSan looked at each other with teary eyes n then looked at their daughter.. Swara took her carefully in her embrace n started to calm her.. Sanky adores both of them n kissed swara's forehead lovingly..
Swara : Sshh.. naa.. naa.. my bachcha! Don't cry.. wat happened to my bachcha! Ha.. shhhh.. bachcha.. ( pats her lovingly )
Soon baby dosed off in Swara's embrace.. Swara kissed her n asked sanky to place her in cradle. Sanky placed her in cradle n cm back to swara..
Sanky : Thank you so much swara.. for giving me such a priceless gift.. my princess..
Swara : ( smiled back with tears ) Thanks to u too sanky. Bcz of u we successfully pass through all hurdles. U were always with me.. what else I want.. Just be with me.. Always..
Both hugged each other..
Its been 2 months since Swara's delivery.. Today is naming ceremony of swasan's daughter.. All were gathered there.. Swara cm down with her princess.. Sanky smiled.. Naming ceremony started. Priest ask swasan wat name they hv decided fr baby..
All liked the name very much.. soon ceremony got over.. suddenly swarshree started crying.. Swara take her in her embrace..
Swara : Awww.. wat happened to my bachcha! Wat happened to my shree..? Aww my baby is tired n sleepy.. wait.. mumma will make u sleep..
Swara started to sing lori while patting her.. Sanky was making vdo of them..
Lori lori lori… (4)
Chandaniya chup jaana re
Chan bhar ko luk jaana re
Neendiya aankhon mein aaye
Bitiya meri so jaaye
Neendiya aankhon mein aaye
Bitiya meri so jaaye
Leke godh mein sulaaun
Gaaun raat bhar sunaaun
Main lori lori
Ho main lori lori
Lori lori lori… (4)
Gardhaniya chun chun baje
Palkan mein sapna saje
Dheeme dheeme haule haule
Pawan basanti doley
Dheeme dheeme haule haule
Pawan basanti doley
Leke godh mein sulaaun
Gaaun raat bhar sunaaun
Main lori lori
Oh ho main lori lori
Sanky gave flying kiss to both of them.. swara smiled..
Meri muniya rani bane
Mehlon ka raja miley
Dekhe khushiyon mele
Dard kabhi na jhele
Dehke khushiyon mele
Dard kabhi na jhele
Leke godh mein sulaaun
Gaaun raat bhar sunaaun
Main lori lori
Hmm main lori lori
Lori lori lori… (8)
Soon shree slept n swara placed her in cradle..
Sanky : Jaan.. u can only handle princess.. see na.. listening your voice hw she calmed down n slept.. she never does so when I tried to make her calm.. ( pouts )
Swara : Haha.. Sanky.. u r so sweet.. bt u knw y princess sleeps in my arms fast?
Sanky : why ?
Swara : ( smiled with teary eyes ) bcz she is connected to me through my heart.. we r 1 sanskar.. she was part of my body for 9 months, sanskar.. she's my heart beat..
Sanky : ( wiped her tears ) ohho wifey.. u started ur emotional dialogues. Uff u mom n daughter will add me in ur love story ever or decided to kick me out ha?
Swara : ( laughs n hits his chest ) Sanskarrr…
Sanky : ( hugged her ) I love you..
Swara : I love you too..
Like this swasan spent their precious n memorable moments with shree capturing them in photos n vdos..
One day-
Swara n Sanskar was cmng out of mall after buying sm clothes fr them.. Swarshree was in Swara's hand.. suddenly one thief who hv taken sm money frm 1 store grab shree frm swara's hand n started to run.. SwaSan get shocked n shouted..
SwaSan : Shreeeeeeee!!!! Heyyy stop…
Thief ran holding shree.. SwaSan too ran behind him.. He stopped near 1 bridge.
Sanky : Give her to me..
Shree started crying.. Swara was crying seeing her daughter.
Swara : ( pleading ) plz.. leave my baby.. wat she did to u.. plz..
Soon sm ppl arrive there.. Thief got alert..
Thief : Ask them to go back.. or else I'll throw her in water..
SwaSan were hell shocked.
Swara : Noo.. nooo.. plz..
Sm ppl : Give their daughter to them..
Thief : No .. I wont.. if I give then u ppl will beat me.. go back or else..
Ppl : u took our money.. we'll not go.. police are cmng..
Bt ppl started slowly to walk forward.. sensing the situation thief jumped in water along with Shree!!!
Sanky : ( shocked n screamed n cried out ) SHREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Swara was standing there all numb.. too shock to react anything..
Screen freezes on sanky's crying face n swara's numb face..
Precap : last part..
Dont stare me like this.. I’ll die na.. ?
Awesome yaar…loved sanky care

Hope our baby is safe
Awesome sammy…. Hope nothing happen with the baby
Update soon
Nice dear but plzz dont kill her plzz
god!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is sooooooooooo cruel!!!! but what was that ha? people saying that he got their money, i couldn’t understand, when did he do that? i liked the part, infact i loved it. but plz dont kill shree
It was so gud bt d ending part ????
How can u b so cruel sammy ???
Hope evrythng gets fine
Its amazing update dr…
Plz nxt one soon shaluuuuuu?????
Superb dr…….
But plz keep their baby safe
And post next part soon waiting eagerly for it
huhhh no comment
I’m nt talking to u ??
Hawww Sammy don’t do anything to Lil princess…. C her name is also like me, cause many people call me Shree too and c her colour of eye is also same like mine…. Awesome part
Oh noo… ?
Love it love it love it Shaluuuuuuuuuu !! it’s sooooo beautiful .. ohh my SWASAN.. u showed their emotions sooo well .. i read two parts in one go.. both r amazing… update soon.. m waiting..
Thnk u.. ;-*
Awesome enemy dear…Loved it…but again u left it with suspense…For this I must kill u but I will not as u must post next part na…thats why u r safe…post next one soon warna I am gonna kill u for sure
Super amazing…. Eagerly waiting for next episode
Awesome….it is emotional. Bt ending part???