Fan Fiction

Swasan OS : Soulmates? Soulmates.

Hey guys! How are you all?
Most of you probably won’t remember me I had written an os a few months ago
Swasan os: True love will remain Click Here

So, coming to the story.. I’m not really a writer. This is just a piece of my not-so- creative mind. Plz feel free to criticise… Happy reading!!

The story starts when Sanskar confesses his love for Swara before everyone.
Sanskar is lying unconscious on the bed in THEIR room in the house. Swara was sitting on the couch in the balcony and was in deep thinking. She touched her forehead to feel the vermilion which Sanskar had filled in her hair partition feeling a sudden gush of happiness. She got confused as to why she felt so. She should rather be angry on him. With all these thoughts revolving in her mind, she slipped into a deep slumber.She still had a smile on her face reflecting her joy and content.

The next morning had a lot filled in for the lovely couple. Sanskar woke up and was startled to find himself in his room. Oops, it was theirs now. Making a mental note of that, “Shouldn’t I be in the tent?”, he thought. He had a slight headache and then slowly the flashes of the previous night gushed into his mind like a storm. He felt extremely guilty of what he had done. ‘Can’t you control yourself?’, he scolded himself. It was then that he realised that Swara wasn’t in the room. Just as he thought so, she entered the room with a glass of lime juice in her hand. He was thinking how to initiate the conversation. While on the other side, Swara was giggling on seeing his nervousness.

The previous night

Swara’s Pov
I don’t know when I slept off thinking about him. I woke up as I was not comfortable sleeping in the balcony. I went inside and realised that he was sleeping on the bed. I looked at him. Awww!! He looks so cute while sleeping. I went near him while he wiggled in sleep. How can someone be so cute and handsome at the same time.
Swara’s Pov ends
(P.s. The story is still in flashback)
Swara was sitting on the bed beside Sanskar when suddenly she felt a hold on her waist. Sanskar had pulled her towards himself thinking of her as his pillow. Swara gasped at the sudden movement and a slight blush rise up to her cheeks. She weaved his hair with her hand and kept staring.. rather, admiring him.

Swara’s POV
Can I kiss him? Pleaseeee? Hey, Hey, wait. What was I trying to do? But why can’t I resist him. I’ve never had such thoughts about anyone. Do I….??? No, no. Not possible. But.. (she remembers all the times he helped her and saved her. Everything he did for her, all their sweet moments and finally his confession) Yes! Yes! Yes! I love him! I love you Sanskar! And I can’t wait to tell you.
So ms. Swara Bose… Oops, strike that! Mrs. Swara Sanskar Maheshwari! Finally you’re in love with your husband.
Swara’s POV ends
She was in deep thoughts when Sanskar again turned and left her waist. She felt empty when he left her so she went to the other side of the bed which he was facing, made space for herself by pushing him gently and slept hugging him while he also held her protectively towards himself.
In the morning, she woke up early, had a bath and went down to bring lime juice for her husband.

Swara was confused seeing the sly smile on Swara’s face not knowing she was lost in thoughts about him.
Finally, he started, “I am sorry, Swara. I didn’t know what I was doing last night. I was completely out of my senses. I’m really very sorry for that. You can even punish me if you want.”, he said in a single breath which not even he realised, he was holding. Swara replied after thinking for about a minute,” See, Sanskar, punishment is necessary when anyone makes mistakes . This time you have made one so even you’ve to bear it. And your punishment is that…,”she was interrupted by a loud voice.
“Sanskar!!!”, a lady was shouting crazily.
Everyone gathered in the hall at the sudden commotion. Even Sanskar and Swara reached. While both of them were descending the stairs, Sanskar got shocked at what he saw. The lady who shouted ran towards him and put her arms around him. Everyone was shocked and confused. Swara was also extremely surprised and wanted to know who the lady was who was hugging HER HUSBAND that too in front of her.
Laksh was in a state of shock and was worried as he recognised the lady.
“Kavita!”, was all Sanskar could say. This single word was a bomb for all while Sanskar was still trying to digest the fact that Kavita, his first love was back. He was about to hug her back when he suddenly realised about Swara. When he looked at her, she had tears rolling down her eyes. His heart ached seeing her like that. He just wanted to go and brush those tears off her eyes.

What a game of love! Here, he got his first love back. The one for whom he was ready to ruin everyone’s lives but now even after her being her, all he can think about is SWARA.
After what seemed like an eternity, Kavita broke the hug and looked at Sanskar gleefully.
“Do you know how much I missed you, Sanskar? I know even you must be waiting for me. Right, Sanskar?”, she asked not being able to control her happiness.
“Of course, he was!” came a voice. Everyone looked at its source. Ugh! Who else can it be?! Of course, Ragini. “Do you know what all he did for you?”, she continued and told her all the events that took place, obviously not her deeds. She’s too cunning, you know.

On the other side, Swara and Sanskar were gazing each other as if trying to convey their feelings and trying to assure each other and themselves that all will be good eventually.
That was when a striking realisation dawned upon Swara. She hadn’t confessed yet. What if she lost him? No. She wouldn’t let that happen. She won’t be able to bear it.
Her chain of thoughts was broken by a sobbing voice. “You… you re married, Sanskar?”, asked a crying Kavita. “No, I mean, yes, they are but now that he has got you… he would always choose you. Afterall, he loves you.”, said Ragini receiving a glare from everyone which was enough to Keep her quiet.
Listening to what Ragini said,” Really, Sanskar? Is she saying the truth? We can then live together just like we dreamt.”, Kavita said with a glint of happiness in her eyes.
“How should I tell you, Kavita. All that I think now is about Swara.” He thought and had tears in his eyes.

Swara’s POV
What if they get back together? What if I lose him? What if he leaves me now that he got her? No, I can’t let that happen. He said he loves me. I need to trust him.
Swara’s POV ends
That’s when Swara took a step forward and said,” Can I plz talk to MY HUSBAND for a minute? ALONE?”
She took him to their room . As soon as they entered, she locked the room ignoring his glances and questions. She came towards him and made him sit on the couch.
“Sit, Mr. Maheshwari! And now don’t speak until I finish.”, she sternly said. He cutely nodded his head and sat quietly. She sat infront of him. “You want to go to her?”, she asked. He couldn’t answer. His heart said no but mind said that he had no other choice. On receiving no answer, she said,” Now listen carefully, Mr. Maheshwari, you are MY HUSBAND and I’m not giving you to anyone. Understood?”

He was really confused. According to him, she was angry about yesterday night’s incident but now she was threatening him that he was hers. “He would never understand this woman”, he thought. He was trying to process what was happening though he was not able to. He came out of his trance and saw her looking at him. She started,” I don’t know how it happened but it just did and it is the most wonderful thing happened to me. I’m in love, Sanskar. And you know with whom? He’s my sweet, little, cute boy. He’s my best friend and has helped me always. I’m never gonna lose him. Oh! One more thing….. (she went near his ear and whispered) He’s sitting infront of me right now!”, she finished. It took a while for him to realise that it was actually happening. He did not his love… again. God did show some mercy on him.
As soon as he realised what she was saying, he took her in a bone- crushing hug and put his head on her shoulder and cried…. hard. No, he did not lose her. He was trying to contain his joy within himself.
She heaved a sigh of relief. She said it and now he was here hugging her. But why was he crying?
What happened, Sanskar? You did not like it. You…. you want to say n-n-no?”, she asked fearfully.

“I love you, Swara!”, was all he said and sealed her lips with his. She sighed with joy and contentment and just as she started responding to him, there was an abrupt knock on the door. Uttar was there to call them down. They realised that everyone was waiting for them.
“You won’t leave me, right?”, she still asked.
“Are you crazy?”, was his reaction.
She smile and cleaned both their faces and blushed. “We’ll continue it later”, he winked and held her hand and both went down.

There started their story… rather, love story. They already had a long story till then. They knew they had to face much but they were together. No matter what, they were together and that’s what mattered the most.
Afterall, a soulmate is the one who walks in when rest of the world walks out!!
Thanks for reading, people!! Feel free to criticise and please comment!

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