Fan Fiction

Swasan: HIS PAIN TS (Last Part)

So guys finally Last epiii thankyou so much guys for the love which all gave me thanks I hope u will like this epi…

So lets start with last epi…

Swara was lost in her thoughts while thinking about sanskar behavior after that night he didn’t even said any word to her or protest…It hurted her a lot but she felt happy to hear his pain… he said her about his pain but does he know about her pain which she also bearing from last those 7 months she know she did wrong with him after coming back and not giving him importance that was her mistake but does he know how she felt in those 6 months during their separation no.. Nobody care to hear her pain not even her sister for whom she left she was so engrossed in har pain that she didn’t even notice the pain which swara was bearing…

Does he know which impact made his word on her… how badly his word has hurted her nobody knows but still she is only one who thinks about other pain not caring about herself… (tears made their way when she was thinking today for the 1st time about her pain not caring about other pain) It was not easy for to leaving him alone all broken it hurted her to core whenever she insulted him when they met or u can say whenever their EGO clashed with each other… his word had always made very bad impact on her… the one who never let anybody point finger on her character had point himself finger on her character does he know how she felt that time.. does he know how she felt when he himself was saying her to marry Nikhil… was so easy for him to say move on from him does he know how broken she was that time… Does her sister know how badly she was insulted in front everyone when she was dancing on uttra engagement when everyone was throwing or offering her money does anybody know how she felt… no blo*dy hell bother to know her when she always was there to hear their pain and solve their blo*dy problem… while solving their problem forgetting about herself her happiness she is standing here alone waiting for her husband and convincing him to get a chance… he was right she was perfect in every relation but she forget their relation this was her mistake… to make other happy she forget his happiness which always laid with her no matter in which situation they was they always found their happiness (a lone tear escaped from her eyes remembering about their past…) they found their happiness in their fake marriage in their small tent.. During their force marriage they always had something to celebrate and were happy in their small world… they were strong to fight against everyone when they were together.. Together they were strong enough and together they can fight no matter how difficult it will be…

Soon her thoughts broke hearing footstep she looked back n saw sanskar coming back… she smiled sadly at him hoping to get a chance again from him she was now tired she couldn’t hold anymore his ignorance was killing her inside… he looked at her n could see how much pain she is getting because of his ignorance her face became pale her eyes were red duet continually crying n she also had dark circle because of sleepless night n reason behind her this state HE IS.. was this what he wanted hell no not even in his dream he thought to be the reason behind his swara his love pain… how could forgot he was not only one who suffered also she had suffered with him.. To forget his pain he drank but she (he looked at her deeply in her eyes to see only pain n pain) she had nobody with whom she could ever share her pain or cry her heart except one person that was he himself whenever she cried he was there to give her his shoulder to cry from starting he was the one who understand her pain n gave her shoulder.. but now he himself didn’t saw her pain in those 6 months he even don’t know which impact made on her this 6 months separation their ego their ignorance towards each other made a wall between them duet that wall they couldn’t see pain.. But today is enough now no more suffering and today is her day to let her pain out.. Till now she heard him but today is his turn to hear her…

Both were looking each other tears were making their way he couldn’t control himself and run to her hugged her tightly which shocked swara 1st but felt happy that today after a week he himself hugging her without wasting any moment she hugged him tightly as much as should… tears were fowling down from their eyes this was what they wanted soo badly from long time to be in each other embrace…after being long in hug sanskar tried to break the hug to see her but swara didn’t let him do and thight her grip more on him showing that she wants to be like that in his embrace which she missed sooo badly 1st in those 6 months n then in this 1 month..

San: (still hugging each other caressing her back with love) swara

Hearing her name from his mouth with full of love she start crying loudly the pain which she had till now in her heart today she wanted to let out…hearing her cry he felt pain in his heart and there was some guiltiness for hurting her badly when both had same pain…she broke today fully in his embrace she wanted to tell him how much she missed him how badly she wanted to be with him… how much it hurted her their separation his word she wanted to tell him but no word escape from her mouth she could only cry… they both getting weak n couldn’t stand more somehow sanskar mange to walk towards bed still hugging each other both sat on bed swara on his lap still burring her face in his neck… which was almost wet because of her tears  she was crying n crying…

San: (caressing her back n hair) shh swara now its enough how much will u cry han plzz tell me na

Sw: (stop crying but still hugging) sanskar

San: han swara tell I am listing

Sw: did u forgave me

San: how could I not swara (made her look finally whipped her tear laid on bed n made her lay on him) I was not only one swara who was suffering even u went through the same but when I got u back I thought we will be toghter but.. (Looked at him placed her hand on his lips not wanting to hear)

Sw: I know sanskar what did was wrong trust me I had not those intention to hurt u I was worried for uttra and all in that situation I forgot about u and mostly I forgot myself sanskar (he looked n kept quite because today he wane hear her) u know from childhood I had a wish to live in complete family whenever people called me fatherless child it hurted me but I didn’t showed anyone from that I made myself so strong so that no one can see my pain and that what happened sanskar even in our case u was the one who could read my pain and I urs but in our 6 months separation didn’t let us see each other’s pain u couldn’t see mine and I couldn’t see urs whenever our ego clashed  we just wanted to answer each other and didn’t even realized what were we saying  sometime our ego n pain took power on our self and were bashing each other badly our words left very bad impact on us.. I am not saying u were wrong but ur word sanskar hurted me a lot sanskar (was about to interrupt) shh let me speak but I also know even my word hurted u badly but sanskar whenever u took my name with Nikhil (both closed their eyes remembering their past) it hurted how can u even think ur swara will except someone else then u in her life han (looked at him cupped his face n whipped his tears) I LOVE U SANSKAR n I CANT LIVE WITHOUT U ANYMORE THOSE MONTHS WERE HELL FOR I WILL DI.. before she could complete her sentence he placed his lips on hers he was kissing her lovingly she was happy as today he was kissing her himself without wasting time she respond to his kiss… both were kissing each other he turned during their kiss taking her beneath him leaving his weight which welcome whole heartily.. she was caressing his hair and pulling him more on herself she felt so blessed to have him again both were kissing each other they wanted to remove the sadness pain which they bearded in those 7 months.. their tongues were playing with each other tasting each other they were getting out of breath but still they didn’t wanted to leave each other lips they stop kissing each other but didn’t left their lips… after taking breath they both start sucking each other’s lips… after sometime they broke the kiss n were looking each other with passion desire love to have each other…

San: (breathing heavily) swa…pecked his not wanting to hear anything and nodded in no cutely he looked at her lovingly he pecked her forehead she closed her eyes feeling bless then he kissed her eyes she opened her n smiled at him he kissed her cheek sensually n then her chin… he looked at her she cupped his face n kissed his forehead, eyes , n his cheek n then pecked his lips…

Sanskar leaned towards her neck n gave her lot of wet kisses feeling his kisses she moaned his name which made him so happy she moved her head other side to give him more access n was pulling him more… soon he start giving her love bite marking her as his swara was moaning in pleasure a lone tear escaped from her eyes after 7 months they were marking each other as his and hers this was soo special for of them they wanted to feel complete again in their love…

Soon sanskar took her cloths of as well his their bare skin was touching each other after their separation.. sanskar kissed her every part of her body leaving his mark on her to making her sure that she ih HIS only HIS and no other one has right on her… her hearth her body her soul is only his except him no one has right on her… he was kissing her when swara turned him taking him beneath her now it was her turn marking him as her… the way he has right on her same way she had all rights on him she kissed him and was leaving mark on his bare chest marking him as hers…seeing her love he felt so blessed and was thinking how lucky he is to get her n was also little guilty for hurting her seeing him lost she bited hard on his neck he looked at her in shock and she smiled… he had enough her torture n rolled again over her and took the comforter on themselves and was making love with her after soo manyyyyyy months….both were happy to be together again❤❤❤even me?

The end…???

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