Fan Fiction

swasan-pyaar hai ya saaza (episode-1)

Hello guys ,this after 6 months track where swasan and raglak enter the house happily .this story is about swara’s pain .there are little changes .here there is no ayush and chirag has a negative shade here .so let’s begin
After entering the house all are happy except two souls sorry it’s not two souls it’s two bodies with one soul .but a fake smile is playing on their lips.yes they are not happy at all.
At night ,in swasan room was standing near the window and thinking about the conversation between her and sanskar
Swara’s point of view
When we rescued laksh we were very happy and I was the most happiest person in the world .but then the flashes were coming in my mind where my sanskar told that if you go now then never come back in my life .these thoughts were running in my mind .i know sanskar won’t accept me after this .he’ll give me divorce I thought .i don’t know whether I should be happy or sad because one side my sister got her life,her happiness .but on ther hand I lost my life my sanskar .what a fate is playing in my life .but I was surprised more than that I was shocked that sanskar said that he want to give us a chance.but his face is emotionless and I think he is forced .i still remember his face which always has sweet smile in it and spark in his eyes .but that was missing that day
Flash back
All the eldears are sitting and there everyone are present except sanskar
Dp:now everything are settled we want our bahus back to our house shekar ji(but there was a tension on his face)
Shekar:haan everything is good by god’s grace
Swara:bade papa ,papa no one should force sanskar to takeme .whatever decision he take I’ll be happy .
Shekar:swara what are you saying ?we should say sanskar what is wrong and right
Swara:haan papa but we should not force anyone papa .if sanskar wants time we should give him time .i’ll wait for it
At that time laksh was going to speak before he could speak further sanskar came and he took the attention .everyone are surprised why not?
Sanskar:bade papa I think me and swara should give our relation a new starting
Sanskar (turning towars shekar):papa what do you think papa ?
Ragini:I know sanskar you would take the right decision thank you much
Laksh:haan bhai aap ne sayi kia .i’m so happy for you
Dp:haan beta now our family will be a completed
All are happy and are eating .at that time ragini came
Ragini:swara I’m so happy for you.again we’ll live happily .
Swara’s pov continues
I don’t know why he took this decision .but I can clearly sense something is wrong because his words speaks something and eyes shows something which I definitely don’t want to see in his eyes for me which is the hate .i am going to ask him why he took this decision or what made him to do this.but her heart wants this decision of his to be true and want him to accept her and leads a happy life .little did she is selfish thought her brain but her says nothing is wrong in it.
does he really forgave me?
Does he really wants to lead a happy life with me
These thoughts are running in her mind and her heart and her mind are playing tom and jerry with her
Before she could think anything her trances were broken by sanskar who entered the room
Swara:sanskar why did you take this decision ?
Swara:sanskar I’m taking to you. I know there is something which made to do this decision(her heart doesn’t want ask this)i know you very well sanskar
Before she could say anything further sanskar interrupted
Sanskar(sarcastically):haan mahaan swara knows everything right .how I forgot that ?
Swara: so I’m right .you took this decision forcefully.what made you to do that may I know?
Sanskar:you are mahan swara right you know everything .why you are asking me
Swara: for sec I thought you really love me
Sanskar(interrupted her):love seriously swara I hate you I hate you after you did with me I want to forgive you(a tear drop fell from his eyes not want to say the word hate)
Swara(tears are continuously flowing from her eyes):please don’t say that sanskar I really love you sanskar pls accept me sanskar pls
Sanskar:you want to know why I accepted you right .it’s because……………………….

Think what made sankar to take this decision?tell me if any of you guessed right I’ll give you update tomorrow if not also only tomorrow

Hey guys say me how it is pls put your valuable comments for me .criticism are always welcomed and tell me whether I should continue or not plsokay till then bye take care


i'm a die heartfan of swasan and love helly shah and varun kapoor.bookworm to the max

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