Hai frnds
I want to say one thing my sis saying that I am keeping small episode is it true kkk I thought to give teaser but kkk next episode will give and from today onwards long episode
Recap :swasan acceptance and RAGLAK funny fight
Next episode
Uttara :sorry
And cut the phone
Sid understand his position to avoid that
Sid :kk papa I going to office
Ragini :kkk bye hubby
All laughed
Swara :ma and mom did you remember someone told me that girl don’t have time sense the same person name is hubby sweetly and romantically whaa what a change
Shyam:shona don’t scold ur boss u have to work under him if u don’t want to get scoldings then call ur bhabi only she can help you
Anjali :oye stop all of you
Sid :thanks mom
Anjali :only uttara has this right am I correct sid
Sid :mom u also
All laughed
Sid :kkk don’t forget I will also get time
Swara :kkk bye all come we have to go office did you forget in ur would be wife thoughts
Sid :angel wait for me also time will come
Misthi :chalo Sab nasta Karlo getting late
All yess mam
Uttara talking to herself
Uttara :what did I do how can I face them sid bena he should hint that phone is on speaker
What I have to do
AP :uttara come for breakfast
Uttara:yes ma coming
Dining table :
Doll : papa where is chachu
Adrash : nothing just didn’t see him from morning
Pari : my devar is busy in dreaming doll all laughed
Sanskar : bhabi u also teasing me this is not fare
Uttara :everything is fare in war and love my dear chota bhai said while coming down
Adrash :yes uttara ur right I am also seeing someone is taking care of beauty also now a days who used to hate
All understand that he is teasing uttara
Uttara :bhai ?
All laughed
Uttara face become crimson red
Laksh :kkk bye all of you
Sujatha : lucky where are you going
Laksh :college mom
AP :if you miss first Class also no problem first eat tiffin then you can leave
Laksh :kkk badi mom
Laksh sat and eating tiffin
Uttara :laksh before going drink juice which I kept for u fridge
Actually she is saying about ??
Laksh :di kkkk
Laksh drink juice and left to college by taking ? in fridge
AP :ji I am thinking u call Shekar ji and say him to come temple u have to kept engagement for both couples
Uttara and sanskar started blushing
Sujatha :sanskar if boys blush it won’t look good
Sanskar :chachi leave me for today I have work
Uttara : sanskar I will also come vth u please I am getting bore
RP : sanskar take her to but no involve In ur work
AP :uttara yy are going u have so many works
Uttara :mom for last time
AP :arey but u have do lot shopping and u have stitch blouses on saressly : Mom don’t worry sid already told me not to take stress because
anjali ma is arranging everything so please take
rest ma
Sujatha : whaa before marriage only anjali ma and all
All laugh
AP :kk I know that but you have select at least saree
Sujatha :jiji i think there also sid should come am I right
Uttara runned from there all laughed
Sanskar :kk bye
After that
AP and DP are talking
Just then Shekar called
Shekar :namaste DP ji
DP :namaste
Shekar :swara accepted for marriage
DP :hooo good sanskar also accepted
Shekar :kkk then when we will meet Panditji for engagement date
DP :if you are free then we will go today
Shekar :kkk I will contact Panditji
DP :if you don’t have any problem shall I say one thing
Shekar :say na DP ji
DP : u all come to our house Panditji also will come here
Shekar :no problem
DP :one more thing
Shekar :ji
DP :dont say to our children we will surprise them by engagement date and we will keep it very near
In college :
In break time
Ragini saw Laksh fuming in anger
Laksh is laughing
Laksh stand on the table
Laksh :hello listen Every one
All turned
Ragini what is going to do
Laksh :frnds my bhai and di are going to marry soon so on behalf of it for today bill of all is mine
Ragini is laughing by seeing his actions
Ragini herself : ek dum pagal
I don’t know who will marry him but she don’t want to have children because he is only a kid
Laksh : oye why r u laughing
Ragini :y do you have any problem
Laksh :i don’t have because for mental person it is common thing in them
Ragini :again u started
Laksh :hello
Ragini :kkk leave it will u help me please
Laksh :what
Ragini :will you say me jiju likes and dislikes
Laksh: that’s it
Laksh told her all
Ragini :thank you
Laksh :i don’t want thanks
Ragini :hooo u want my di likes and dislikes
Laksh :am I looking budhu like u??
I know bhabi very well
Ragini :then what u want
Laksh :i want ???
Ragini :dont feel shy while asking ??that to from girl
Laksh :hello miss grany is there any rule that only boys should give ?to girls no na then
Ragini :its waste to argue vth u
Laksh :yes it’s waste to argue with waste person
Ragini???????? Shut up
Laksh :kkk bye my class is going to start
Sanskar :di can I ask you onething
Uttara :sanskar from when ur asking permission from me to talk
Sanskar :u r coming for office to meet jiju only
Uttara shocked
Uttara :h__h_how did y_o_u know
Sanskar :di relax I won’t say to anyone
Uttara : kkkk thanks I think swara told you right
Sanskar :no di today I meeting vth then
So I guessed that’s it
Uttara :sanskarr u happy with this proposal if you don’t like then say it to me only I stop
Sanskar :di I hided onething from u want
Sanskar :i love swara
Uttara :want when it happened ??
Sanskar :i don’t know when but I can’t live without her
Uttara :hooo my dumbo little bro also fell in love
Sanska :di please
Like that they reached office
In office
Meeting completed
To give space to uttara and sid swasan left the cabin
Uttara : hello mister sid
Sid :what asked vth fake anger
Uttara :r u angry
Sid :no madam
Uttara :arey what did I do
Sid: u don’t know
Uttara :atleast say na
Sid :morning phone call
Uttara holded her ears and said sorry
Sid melted like seeing her
Sid :kk don’t keep that puppy face
Uttara :sid I want to say one thing
Sid :what
Uttara :my chota bhai loves u r sister is lot
Sid : what when did he say to u
Uttara: now in car before coming office
Sid (monologue) :that means after knowing truth Also
Sid :my angel is lucky
Uttara :sid I want to say something
Sid :kutti say na don’t hesitate
Uttara :i am thinking to arrange a date plan for both of them please
Sid :good idea
At swasan
Snaskar :swara
Swara : ha sanskar
Sanskar :did you tell ur decision to family
Swara :ha sanskar thank you
Sanskar :swara I will accept thanks once only I can’t accept daily please
Said by keeping weird faces
Swara laughed
Snaskar :swara close ur eyes
Swara :yyy
Sanskar :just close it for a second
Swara closed and open when sanskar said to open her
Sanskar :my beautiful lady for you and he gave one big box
Swara saw him blankly
Sanskar :open it
Swara open and shocked by seeing it
Box has different choicesof ?from different countries
Swara :he pulled his cheeks vth happiness
Sanskar laughed
Swara: sanskar shall we go for coffee
Sanskar :ho sure mam
Swasan talked about various things swara felt free vth him
Both families are present including Panditji
Shekar :Panditji I have sentiment that I won’t marry two members of family at a time
Panditji :no problem Shekar ji I will keep engagement on same day and marriage on day after day
DP :Panditji keep date nearer to near
Panditji :kkk keep engagement after five days and marriage first uttara and sid marriage after five from engagement and swasan marriage will be on sixth day
All happy
Our ladies
At a time :we have very less time
DP :first all of you control your bp
Well I wanna say something
Shekar :ji say na
DP : I want to Marry my daughter and son in Goa
Shekar :no problem we will leave after two days after completing our pending works
RP :and one thing don’t say to any one dates of marriage we will take them as a tour
AP :kk but clothes and all
Anjali :dont worry AP ji my jiji has another branch which is taken care by orphans
Sujatha :then no problem
So all left from there vth happiness
Superb!! Waiting for next epi
Thank you
Sowseee choclates seen is aswsome and a parents shock gift
waa.. i want chocolate too *pout
Definitely I will give you
Wow…..so many chocolates. Episode was awesome.
Nice update dr