Fan Fiction

Swasan and raglak meeting Part 20

RAMADAN MUBARAK EVERYONE for reading and sorry about the mistakes so here we go
sanskar says i love u to my biwi no 1
Whilst swara leaves sanskar rings up someone and says is my surprise ready for someone special.
On the phone someone says yes the 2 people habe arrived how long till u come?
Sanskar says biwi is kidnapped by me and im coming right now
Stranger background someone laughs
Sanskar reaches his destination and says it normally takes 15 mins to reach and i reached way before swara yes now swara u hate me but i really lobe u.
On the other hand swara says to the driver bhai where are we going and why have u kidnapped me
Kidnapper says sorry swaroo di i cant tell u
Swara says im not your di and the driver gets teary eyed
After a while they reach their destination and swara gets blindfolded.
When she goes in nshe takes off her blindfold and everyone including the kidnappers shout surprise happy honeymoon di.
Swara goes to the driver and says im sorry bhai.
The driver says no its alright really i love u di.
She says wheres sanskar.
Just then the lights on the stage come on and sanskar says beauty beauty yu are so beautifull that i leave my sentence incomplete and i feel so chull when i see hu.
Just then thapki amd bihaan come and dance on ladki beautiful kar gayi chull sung by badshah
After the song sanskar goes to bihaan amd says thanks for coming yaar u are my best friend and thapki babhi is my swaroos friend
Bihaan says ghazaab s for swaroo ji and c for chuck chuck gadi lol and add together it makes chuk swaroo gadi
Swara runs after bihaan and says b for bihaan and b for em
And sanskar says and b for badmash add together makes maths wala bidmass
Thapki says when bihaan got to know u lot are coming to swizerland he brought me for our honeymoon
Fb shows bihaan rings sanskar to ask the best place for a honsymoon and sanskar says im going swizelamd tmw bring thapki bhabi amd i can surprise swara in my way fb ends.
Swara says im not speakimg to sanskar i thought u betrayed me amd she breaks into tears thapki says domt worry i aint speaking to your jija he did the same with me
Hi guys very good guess to ,y commenters pls comment and also i decided to add thahaan to the story as it will be a twist so i cant really change the title but please pls comment on my ff i tried my best to make it longer but i domt know why but after a while my hands drop down so im doing a therapy for that and RAMADAN MMUBARAK EVERYONE HAVE A LOVELY MONTH


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