Fan Fiction

swasan – my savior (Episode 2)

Hello friends hope you all are fine. Thanks for the comments.but comment are decreasing slowly.if you all don’t like my ff then please say I will discontinue it…
Sanskar saves the girl from drowning.And in this process his locket falls in the river he pats her face and tries bring her sense. Slowly she opens her eye.
Girl : why did you save me ?
Sanskar : shut up and say what is your name and age ?
Girl : crystal Smith I am 14 years old
Sanskar : what in this age you wanted to commit suicide ? Why you didn’t even thought about your parents ?
Crystal : bhaiya lost my parents today and I don’t have anyone
Sanskar : I am so sorry dear but you don’t worry come with me
Crystal : where
Sanskar : in my home which is now your home
Sanskar takes crystal with him in his car and went from there.

On other side of ganga

The girl steps toward the river.she says ” Ganga maiya please make this manusiyat pure by your water.I don’t want anyone else to became effect with my bad luck. Today because of me my family has lost my father. The priest said right the person who will love me will have to die.
Baba now nobody can save me from Adarsh bhai and urvashi bua . I am coming to you baba.I am coming.
She fully drowns in the river. Waters enters into her mouth.she can’t breathe an sees a person in black coat is coming in the water.she remembers her father used to say ” swara god doesn’t leave anyone alone when ever you need he will send a savior.” Swara says” Savior ” and faints

Sanskat brings Crystal in the orphanage which is opposite of his apartment. The orphanage which is more than a home to him .
Crystal enters into the orphanage she sees a big play ground church school and hostel old home.
He takes her to Mother.he keeps her hand on her eyes
Mother : sanskar I know it’s you
Sanskar : mother I have bought a angel for you.and he narrates the story.
Sanskar : crystal dear this is my mother which your from now
Crystal : thanks
Mother : sanskar what about your pain
Sanskar: mother it came again last night
Mother : don’t worry dear I have talked with a big doctor
Sanskar : mother no doctor can cure it
Now mother I need to go I have a important meeting.

Mother : oh Jesus ! What kind of pain is this Which comes sometimes and goes .but there is no scar.

On other side of Ganga
The unknown person takes swara out of water .she pats her face .he takes her in a car and careress her face. He smriks and say ” no dear I am not your savior but I cant let you to die. You have to bear many pains. And struggle more.”
He orders the driver and says ” leave her safely in her destination.”
The car went away.
And person mixes in the crowd of the Busy city with a smirk on his face.

Precap – inhuman torture on swara….and sanskar’s pain

Guys here is a big part. I will post next one tomorrow please suggest someone for priest character.please please please comment.


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