Fan Fiction

Swasan second chance epi 12

Hiiii missed me ?I am happy seeing ur guys response wooow it was awesome ???❤

So lets start…

Sanskar left for office after saying dp and rp that he will think about their offer mean while swara got ready for collage after having breakfast she left for collage with uttra…
Ap and ragini are not happy with swara for joining collage but sujata is proud of her son who think about his wife betterment first then about other things….

Laksh didn’t went office he was dam angry and jealous thinking about swasan kiss the way were kissing each other… and the sound of their kiss it was making him really angry and mostly jealous how sanskar was kissing swara the whom he loved madly the girl whom he was about to marry but everything got ruined because of sanskar now he is married to ragini whom he don’t love but like her as a friend only nothing more than that….he was walking here and there in anger

Lak: (monologue) I have to talk with swara how dare she move on so easily when I am still suffering, she is enjoying with sanskar and here I (throw the glas in anger) no swara you have to answer today on my all question 1st you loved me then run away from our marriage now you are here again being sanskar wife huh I won’t let u live in peace swara you destroyed my life na now I will destroy ur life 

Saying this he left towards swara collage to talk her… here in collage swara was waiting outside the collage for cab because today won’t be able to pick her up she was looking here and there for cab when suddenly a car stop in front of her she looked at him in shock…

Sw: (shocked) laksh

Lak: (came out of car went near her) han me

Sw: what are you doing here?

Lak: I wanted talk to u

Sw: laksh don’t creat here any drama

Start to leave but he held hand pinned on wall shocking here like hell people were staring them but ignored them thinking them as lover (huh lover my foot )

Sw: (struggled to get out his grip but he held from arm tightly) laksh leave me what are u doing

Lak: (anger) what I am doing han how dare u swara

Sw: what I have done

Lak: oh so u don’t know han how dare u to move on in your life after destroying mine han

Sw: I didn’t destroyed your life laksh its ragini who did

Lak: oh shut up I know very well if ragini had done this than still how can you move on in your life its means you never loved me

Sw: (angry) haaan I don’t love u laksh maheshwari I never loved u it was just attraction towards u

Lak: (thight his grip more on her) oh so now it was your blo*dy attraction for me wah swara wah…. I was fool for loving u

Sw. did I said u to love me han no it was you who was running behind me to get me it was you only

Lak: swaraaaa

Sw: leave me laksh u are hurting me

Lak: oh I am hurting u han (was getting closer to her seeing this tried to push him while pushing him her sleeve get torn she looked at laksh with shock tears start fowling down from her eyes seeing this laksh try to cup her face) I am sorry swara I am really sorry I …

Before he could speak more swara pushed him and run away covering with her dupta herself laksh run behind her but swara stop mean while cab and left for mm fowled by laksh… this entire scene was seen by someone who called sanskar…

Op: hello

San: (working in office) what happened?

Op: (told sanskar what he saw making him angry on laksh)

San: (cut the call) you are gona pay laksh for hurting my love today

After hearing other person sanskar stood up immediately in anger and throw a glass full of water on wall and left to mm….

At mm

Swara came running inside the house while crying before anyone can ask anything she left to her room making everyone worried for her…

Suj: (saw swara crying running towards her room) swara what happened swara (but she already left then saw laksh coming worriedly) laksh (he looked at her) what happened and why is swara crying

Lak: (sceard) wo chachi

Ap: what happened laksh (went near him) han what

Lak: who ma

Now everyone gather together seeing laksh scared and were worried for swara but soon they heard shouting sound of sanskar who was calling laksh while coming in…

San: (hell angry n shouting) LAKSH LAKSH (came inside the house seeing him standing near ap went near him) LAKSH

Ap: what happened sanskar (looked at him who is coming near) san (before she could say sanskar held laksh collar and pulled him towards himself shocking everyone) SANSKAR

Suj: (worried) sanskar what are u doing

Dp/rp: sanskar
Rag: SANSKAR JI (went near sanlak try to stop him but sanskar one look was enough for her to back off)

San: (ignoring everyone held laksh more tightly) I TOLD U NA STAY AWAY FROM SWARA AND DON’T LAY blo*dy EYES ON MY WIFE DIDN’T I SAID THIS TO U HAN (shaked him angrily ) DIDN’T I TOLD U

Lak: leave me sanskar

San: (angry) leave u oh really (saying this he punched on his stomach tightly shocking everyone held him again punched on his face) how many time laksh how many time I told u she is mine but you being stubborn didn’t listen na now pay what u did to her (he punching him badly again he felt on floor about to kick him but stoped by everyone dp n rp held him ap n ragini went near laksh sanskar was struggling to get out of their grip but they held him strongly)

Rp: (angry) sanskar stop it

Ap: are u mad or what how can u do this to ur brother

San: (hell angry) han han I mad If I could I have killed him

RP: (slaped him to make him calm) calm down sanskar what happened

San: (went near laksh n held him again) dad u don’t know what he did

Rp: sanskar leave him and what he did

San: dad he was misbehaving with swara on road in front everyone (now this was shocking for everyone)

Rp: (angry slaped laksh shocking dp n ap) how dare u to misbehave with my daughter han

Lak: (shock to see his chachu angry) chachu i don’t know how this happened it was by mistake

San: (punched him again) by mistake I know very well laksh u was jealous of us seeing us together and mostly u can’t see swara moving on with me na that why u did

Ap: (angry) leave him sanskar he is ur brother

San: I know badi ma I was feeling guilty for seprating u both but u know what I am happy that swara is my wife u don’t deserve girl like swara for u ragini is perfect

Lak: SANKSAR (try to punch him but sanskar stoped him) (huh I won’t let him hurt my sanskar)

San: don’t u dare laksh or else u will pay more

Dp: stop (everyone looked at him) stop it enough is enough now sanskar go to ur room now

San: but

Dp: I said na now

Suj: (went near sanskar) sanskar go and see swara

Hearing about swara he left immediately upstairs and found her standing near stairs she came out room hearing sanskar shouting laksh he looked at her in anger and she was looking at him with teary eyes ignoring her tear he left to their room shocking swara she tought he will console her but he ignored her… she went behind him in their room and found him standing near window…. She closed the door of their room and went to him hugged him from back and start crying….

Sw: (feeling no movement swara broke the made him turn to herself) sanskar  (she looked at him with tears) sanskar

San: (angry) what han what u wont han just tell me

Sw: (sceard) what happened sanskar why are u angry at me

San: what happened swara seriously (held her from shoulder felt pain bec. Laksh grip now his grip but didn’t show him) what happened with u swara for god sake what happened u are not the swara whom I loved

Sw: (shocked) sanskar

San: what sanskar han the swara I know was fighter she could fight for herself but the swara I am seeing is not the swara whom I love look at u swara u changed yourself (cupped her face) why swara why I won’t mine strong swara back who know how to handle every situation but u (turned his face she back hugged him cryingly)

Sw: I can’t sanskar I can’t I don’t myself anymore the swara whom u are finding is lost somewhere

San: (broke the hug cupped her face n kissed her forehead) no swara u didnt lost somewhere its just u are stoping yourself I don’t what is bothering u swara but plz don’t do this plzz promise u will be strong and will fight for yourself won’t let anyone point finger on u

Sw: (nodded in yes) I promise sanskar

San: (hugged her) that’s like my girl

Sw: but who told u about this incident I didn’t called u

San: when time will come I will tell u (hugged her more tightly)

Sw: are you hiding something sanskar

San: plzz swara not now (thinking) I can’t tell u swara but before that I have to make u strong again to fight against everyone (to swara) swara I love u

Sw: sanskar what is bothering u I can feel that

San: nothing just be like that never change yourself be like that promise me u will be strong enough to fight with everyone who will point finger on u

Sw: (sceard) sanskar

San: promise me

Sw: I promise 

Precap: swasan moment
Sanskar missing

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