Fan Fiction

Swasan: Second love Teaser 3

Hi guys here is a short teaser on upcoming track.

Scene 1


A lady was standing in front of two photo frames with garland on them.

Lady : Beta forgive us we have always thought you wrong but why did you
leave us beta you call me Ma na then why did you left your Ma & Swara we know
she did wrong with laksh but She didn’t deserve to die.

Sujata : Jiji don’t sat they died I know my Son & Daughter(Swara) is alive.

Yes the lady was AP.

Scene 2


Dida’s House

Sharmistha was sitting like a lifeless body.

Shekhar entered the house.

Shekhar : For how many days you will sit like this Mishti our Daughter is no more
don’t wait for her.

Sharmishta (Shouting) : She is not our Daughter she is only my daughter & she is alive.

Shekhar : If she would have been alive she would have come back & what about the bodies which we burned.

Sharmistha : No it was not my Daughter’s body.

Scene 3

Raglak Room

Ragini : Laksh what will happen if everyone got to know the truth ?

Laksh : Nothing will happen Ragini you just stop being scared or you will spoil all our

Ragini : Now what do you want to do next ?

Laksh : Papa & Chachu were thinking of merging the Karma with Maheshwari Companies
& Sanskar would have been chosen as MD & now him being out of way its Adarsh bhaiya i
need to get him out as well.

Ragini : Now what will you do ?

Laksh : I have a plan for that.

The End

So guys how was the teaser Scary ? if yes my job is done if not the episode will surely make you Scary.

Shocking right Swasan Dead or are they alive & what is Laksh’s plan against Adarsh.

From Episode 13 onwards.Please comment guys I will upload Episode 11 in afternoon & I think it will be posted by Night.

Soory for delay a family function on way had to do some preparation work.


Status Update

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