Fan Fiction

Swasan SS: My beautiful Feelings (episode 2)

hi guys thank you so much for your awesome comments. love you all..

here is the next part…

swara searches sanskar and find out him talking with a girl.. swara felt pain in her heart.. sanskar was literally flirting with her..
sanskar: hey nisha which cream you are using? you are looking damn gorgeous.
nisha: thank you so much handsome..
swara goes towards them.
swara: sanskar I want to talk with you. .
nisha: sanskar is she your girlfriend?
swasan embarrassed. .
sanskar: she is my friend. and she is a girl.. not anything more..
nisha: then why she is behaving like your girlfriend? all times sticking with you. .
swara feels really bad by hearing this.
sanskar: don’t be rude nisha. swara is my friend and she can be with me always. .
nisha: sanskar you may think her just like your friend. but others will not think like that..
sanskar: what do you mean?
nisha: see you are sitting with her only. and roaming the college with her. she is not allowing you to talk with any girl.. she act as your lover.. you know what all class is gossiping that only.

that was it for swara.. she brust in to tears and run from there.. sanskar felt bad by this.. he tried to call her. but nisha stops him..
nisha: sanskar I know you treat her as a friend only.. but she is behaving as your girl friend. . If yhis continues all students and teachers will think that you are lovers..
sanskar became silent. . in his mind he has also that same fear.. he didn’t want that to happen..
sanskar: you are right nisha. I don’t want to enter in other’s gossip columns. .
nisha: then keep a distance with her..
sanskar nodded in yes..
in class swara was sitting in her seat.. she was very sad and feel more pain that sanskar didn’t console her and come and talk with her. sanskar came yo the class with nisha and sit beside her.. swara was hell shocked by this. nisha said her friend ragini to sit near swara. and ragini came and sit beside swara. ragini was a sweet girl. she became friends with swara soon.. ragini was very talkative. swara felt relax by her jokes and talking.
after class swara tried to talk with sanskar. but he was ignoring her. swara felt like someone stabbing her. a girl’s words changed him in a second. . then she take a decision that if he ignore her she will also do the same.. if he don’t want her friendship then why she is begging for his friendship. . she take that decision. .
next day..
swara came early in the college. none of her classmates were there. she sit alone in the class. she thinks about sanskar and his behaviour. she felt very pain. that time she saw someone is coming to class. it was sanskar. sanskar saw her sitting alone in the class.

……sanskar’s pov…..
I saw her sitting in the class alone.. she was wearing a pink sleeveless anarkali. she was looking very beautiful. . I wanted to go near her . wanted to talk with her. and compliment her.. but nisha’s words echoed on my mind.. I don’t want to be a rumored lover.. I’m just 19 year and want to enjoy the life fullest.. I don’t like to link up with any girl.. I don’t know what is going on swara’s mind.. I really like her as a friend. . but I don’t like other saying that we are in a relationship. . so I have to maintain some distance from her.. I’m sorry swara. may it hurts you. but I don’t have any other option..
….pov ends..
sanskar kept jist bag on his seat and went outside without uttering a single word to swara. now swara didn’t feel pain. she feel hell angry.. swara was angry on his weird behaviour. .
……swara’s pov ……
what the hell is wrong with him? did I eat him if he say a ‘good morning’. he considered me as his friend. then suddenly he behave me like a stranger.. wired guy. . why should I think about him. he is also just stranger to me.. mr. sanskar kapoor you are also a stranger to me.. you hurt me so much sanskar. . I will not forgive you ever.. ..
… pov ends..

so guys that is it. . this is a very short story. it will end in 3 to 4 updates. . Please comment guys. . and this is updating today because Navi asked to me.. so this update is dedicated to my sweet friend Navi..
love u guys.. Please comment

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