Fan Fiction

swasan ss : raabta by kaynat khan episode 2 (when they met again)

Hello guys…. hows all??? Well about me am just good……

Guys few things to be clear….
This ss is based on A KOREAN SHOW….. So please dont ask me that its a korean drama because i clearly slated in my very first character sketch that this ss will be based on korean drama but not fully coz i will make changes……

So got this thing clear???…..

And next Are youll really enjoying the story then only will continue further…..
See if you are not enjoying then what’s the need to just write write and write getting no response?????
And a heartly thanks to all the commenters who commented on first episode means alot……

So lets start…….

Sanskaar was still sitting and clutching the diary…..

Sanskaar to himself : you know swara its been 10 years but dont worry i can easily recognise your face….. your eyes your face is just stucked in my eyes…..i tried many times to find you but couldn’t but am sure one day will surely find you and will confess too about my love……hope you dont love anyone…… just meet me soon swara……

He sat there for hours clutching the diary and smiling…….

Next day…….

In sanskaar’s college…..

It was 4 pm in evening everyone in sanskaar’s class have been dismissed….but kavita was still there completing her assignments because she was the only person remaining among 60 students who didnt completed the assignemnts…..

So she was writing quietly…..
When she heard a loud noise from backside……..

Backside of the class was laboratory……

She went inside to see when she got a double shock in her life……

She saw kavya lying there in blood of pool and her stomach was stabbed…..

She was closing her eyes and her hands were clutched to the knife to remove it…….

Kavita felt really bad though she dont like her but she was her classmate so she ran to her…. and patted her cheeks……

Kavita : omg kavya how this happened????

She started sweating as what to do she cant let her die there and cant do anything what if something happens because of her…….

But she can see that kavya was in much pain and will die if she wont call anyone or remove that knife……

She had tears and was shivering but she finally removed the knife with much confidence

At thar moment college staff came as they heard the noise……

And found kavya lying unconisuess and kavita holding a knife with some blood stains on her skirt too…….

The proffesors panick and ordered some students to take her to hospital sonner…..

While kavita sighed but she was surprised as why are all looking at her with that suspicious eyes then she saw the knife and blood stains on her clothes her eyes wided…..

Kavita : f**k did they mean i tried to kill her????
She throws the knife

Kavita : see everyone i didn’t did this please understand…… i didn’t did anything to her……

But none listen to her then some sir called the police and took her away while she cried that she is innocent but nobody listened to her…….

She was taken to police station and kavya’s parents too filled fir against her after hearing all the news…..

Now she has to be taken under charges……

Kavita was in cell and was shouting…..

Kavita : i didn’t did anything…… please leave me let me call my friends so they would help me i reallly didnt did anything please anyone trust me…….

It was 6 pm when a beautiful looking girl with short hairs brown eyes….. short dress with perfect make up came towards cell……..

Kavita just sat in cell after crying and shouting when the girl entered the cell…..

Girl : hey kavita would you mind if we talk for some minutes?????

Kavita just looked at her and nodded and both were seated……

Girl : so it must be shocking for you to be arrested in your class mate’s attempted murder case……..

Kavita : but i didn’t did anything really….. i just saved he…… i wasn’t knowing saving her would let me in much big trouble……..

Girl : hey relax…… you need to be chill ok when you didn’t did anything…… so what was your relation with kavya????

Kavita : well not much good she was like topper of class and totally dislike her for that because she is topper and she has so much attitude….but that doesn’t mean I’ll kill her….

Girl : oh ofcourse not…… but only this much you too never had any fights…..

Kavita : oh never infact whenever i played pranks she always use to stay silent she never give answers to my pranks……

While the girl smirked…..

Girl : do you know that all this your pranks can be counted as ragging and for that you fan go to jail for 5 years…..

Kavita sweats….

Kavita : but it was all fun nothing serious…..

Girl : well give this answers in court…i will make sure you get maximum 10 years jail…..

Kavita got scared

Kavita : but who are you……

The girl who was moving turned around….

Girl : ragini maheshwari….. a prosecuter…. who will fight against you…. so better hire a good lawyer who can defend you good because you are definitely gonna be punish tonorrow…….

Saying this ragini went……..

While kavita just clutched her head and sat again on bench frustrated what shoukd she do now…….

After 1 hour sahil came with his dad and lawyer…..

The lawyer was talking with police for her bail……

While sahil came to kavita……

Sahil : hey kavi…..

While kavita who was looking down looked up to find sahil….

She ran towards the cell….. and started crying…..

Kavita : hey sahil believe me i didn’t did anything to that stupid please trust me……

Sahil : i trust you dont worry i know you cannot do this thing so i told dad to hire a lawyer for you….. and i know she will win this case anyhow…….

The lawyer was talking with police and the lawyer was known as SWARA……

Swara : excuse me this are the court papers and it is stated that she wouldnt be in jail unless she has declared the culprit so please free her……..

The police read the papers and freed kavita……..

Kavita came outside and hugged sahil……

Kavita : thanks sahil so much…..

While sahil got happy that his crush is hugging her…….

Swara was looking not intrested there…..

Kavita goes to swara and thanked her….

Swara : no need of thanks well i need to talk with you privately…..

Kavita nodded sahil and his bid them bye…..

While swara took her outside and both sat on bench……

Swara : see when i studied your case its like the chances of your proving innocent is next to impossible because i have read your records you are a prankster plus you bullied the victim everytime and second you have fingerprints on that knife so i cannot save you…… so will do one thing will accept that you did crime so that it wouldn’t impact my reputation and your pinishment will get less too by your confession…….

Kavita got shocked she trusted her but what is she doing to her…..

Kavita : mam please trust me i cant do this….. dont just give up like this….. my future will be spoiled please…..

Kavita pleaded her…..

Swara : this things you must have thought before attempting to kill her……

Kavita : what the f**k i seriously didn’t kill her and here you are just blaming me….how can i confess when i didn’t did anything…… you say ne if you are blamed for a mistake that you haven’t done and asking you to accept it so what would you do…..??????

Swara got lost in her words in kavita she can see her version 10 years before that how ragini blamed her for that crime that she didn’t did………and how all blamed her……

Swara : tomorrow at 10 at court be on time…….

Saying this she went from there leaving kavita in tears……..

Note : kavita dont live with her parents…. she stays in mumbai and her parents live in kolkatta…… she came to mumbai to study and becomw something she now lives in hostel…..

Swara hired a taxi and was looking outside the window and thinking deeply……

Swara : what if she is really innocent???? What if i am doing wrong by forcing her to confess the thing she hadn’t did….. but what if she did….. then the prosecution will prove it and my career again will go down…… omg this job is real hell…..

She clutched her hairs in frustration……

There on road sanskaar was walking he don’t know what blunders happen today…..

He was walking to his home back drinking some juice and ofcourse headphones in his ears……

His eyes were on road when it travelled to the nearby sealink……
He saw a girl standing on the bridge……

He got confused……

He took some more steps and saw kavita was looking straight into the sea….

Sanskaar got worried he removed his headphones and looked in to her eyes……

He hears….

Kavita : no one is believing me…… the whole college blames me for that myrder which i cant even do…….. my own lawyer tells me to confess which i hadnt did…… and then i will put in jail for years…… its better to die than to live life this worse…… i am sorry mom dad when this news will come to you…. you will be shocked but please you’ll dont blame me for murder…… sanskaar hope you too dont blame me and trust me i wish i could see you last time but its ok i have to die now……

Sanskaar got literally shocked that what actually happened with her but whatever happened she is doing suicide and he needs to save her…..

He threw his juice and ran to her direction…..

While kavita stands on railing and just closed her eyes……

Sanskaar : kavita noo stop……

She was about to step down when sanskaar at the nick of time pulled her back and both felled on foothpath again…….

Sanskaar was paning heavily and kavita just looked at him with surprising looks…..

Kavita : sanskaar you……

Sanskaar : have you gone nuts kavita what the hell were you doing???? What if i haven’t came on time and saved you…. omg my lungs are hurting aahh……

Kavita : so what should i do i have left with no choice…….

Sanskaar : just speak up what made you decide so big thing…….

Kavita and sanskaar were sitting on the bridge and kavita narrated the whole story…….

Kavita : so you tell me what should i do now????

Sanskaar looked at her and hears her thoughts by looking in her eyes….

Kavita thinks : does he too thinks that i killed her?????

Sanskaar smiled : i trust you haven’t killed her and second thing i will come with you to the court and will talk with lawyer……. what’s her name?????

Kavita : i dont know sahil hired her…….

Sanskaar : its ok just come with me tomorrow….. and listen dare if you say bad languages in court or something then it will lead you in trouble…….

Kavita just nodded still she was sad…….

Sanskaar : and yeah dont ever try this stupid stunts ever….. i dont have many idiots like you in my life…… so live and prove yourself as not guilty……..

Kavita smiled and nodded……..

Sanskaar : come will drop you to the hostel……..

Both started going……

Next day again swara messed up things to get ready……
She got ready in read gown till thighs…..
Hairs tied in pony…..
Red lipstick liner and kajal perfectly done…. and a pink blush…..
Perfect look for today……
She walked to grab her purse and necessary things and put on her heels and went to court………

Sanskaar was on the bus stop waiting for kavita……

When kavita came wearing jeans and tee…..

Sanskaar : hiii…..

Kavita : sanskaar i can go myself to court i will not do anything like last night……

Sanskaar : how can i beleive you??? I dont wanna take risks…..

Kavita smiled and thinks….

Kavita : omg is it because he started liking me…..

Sanskaar widens his eyes when he hears her thought…..

Sanskaar : dobt understand something else its because you are my bestie thats it….

Kavita got stunned that how everytime he comes to know what she thinks….

Kavita murmured : cold heart person

Sanskaar smiled……

Sanskaar : dont forget i still like my crush…..

Kavita showed toungue to him….

At thar moment Bus comes and bot went inside……

Swara just reached outside the court when she encounters laksh…..

Swara : oh god this stupid will again bore me…….

She tries to hide but then laksh saw her and went towards her…….

Laksh : hello swara good morning……

Swara just sighed and turned around…..

Swara : there’s nothing good about this morning mr. Laksh…….

Laksh : oh seems you are bit nervous before your case well dont worry i know you will win it….. and bang that prosecution……

Swara : thanks for that but eventually i didnt needed it either……

While laksh sighed in disbelief……..

Laksh : so why ain’t you coming inside the court….????

Swara : well my client is gonna come now so waiting for her……..

Laksh : well all the really best to you….. i kbow you will win am waiting for you inside the court……..

Swara : hmm ok……..

Laksh went and swara was still waiting…….

When kavita and sanskaar comes……..

Swara was facing her back to them…..

Kavita : sanskaar there she is my lawyer…….

Sanskaar looked towards her…….

Kavita : hey mam…….

Swara turned around……..

Sanskaar got shocked to see the same girl he saw 10 years before…….

Her eyes her face cut…… that attitude she hasn’t changed at all……..

A smile came across his face…….

He quickly went towards her……..

Swara looked towards sanskaar……

Swara : well whos he????

Kavita : umm my bestie from college……

Sanskaar didnt felt bad as it was obivious that how can she recognize him……

But he thought he will by himself say things to her…….
So that he recognise him……

Swara : well doesn’t matter but you know what to do???? You should confess today that you accidently stabbed her because you too had a fight…… then we can hope court gives you only few years jail……..

Sanskaar got shocked as what’s he is hearing because the swara he knows fought for justice 10 years before……

If she wouldnt spoke the truth that day he must have died till now so what’s making her lie today?????

Kavita : nope mam am sorry i wont do anything like that……..i told you yesterday too…..

Swara : so what you want….. the prosecution wont leave a second to prove you guilty then what would you do…. spend 10 years in jail……

Kavita : whatever but i wont tell which i didn’t do…….

Swara : you…….

Sanskaar grabs swara’s arms……

Sanskaar : i wanna talk to you alone…. kavita you go inside will be in sometime……

Kavita nods confusingly while swara just try to free herself……

Swara : hey kiddo leave me……..

Sanskaar took her to corner……

Sanskaar : you shouldn’t do this….. this is not your job to let your client bear the punishment when he didn’t did…. your job is to save them anyhow neither to make wrong things confess…..

Swara : hey you kiddo dont teach me my job i know things better than you….. and am just trying to make her punishment less…….

Swara thinks : i dont know if am doing right or no but please god dont let me do something wrong…….

Sanskaar hears her thoughts….

Sanskaar : she is innocent……. and by making her confess wrong things you are doing wrong…….

Swara got confused that how did he come to know what’s she is thinking????

Swara : kiddo you can’t just tell things like that ok……. she gas finger prints on that knife……. and she always bullied her so every thing is against her……

Sanskaar : its not true….. she didnt killed her and i have a strong proof for that……

Swara crossed her arms…..

Swara : and whats that????


He said those things leaving a confused swara behind……..

Precap : will swara trust sanskaar????
Will together swasan will make kavita prove innocent……

And here starts journey of swasan…….

So how was the episode ……

Well anything is appreciated…. any quries below please…..
Votes likes compulsory…….

Till then bye tc…..


Swasan are love..... Well life is too short to figure out others..... so just live it like u do......

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