hi my sweet friends. . love you all for your constant support. . I will try my best to entertain you.. want your support and love as always. . love you all..
here is the next part..
” I can’t marry you kavita.. I’m really sorry” sanskar’s voice and calm . kavita felt happiness by hearing it but she wore a fake mask of anger.. they were in a restaurant. .
“you cheat me sanskar.. how could you” kavita try her best ti not laugh on her own words.. keep that angry face and looked sharply in to his eyes..
“I’m sorry kavita. but if I marry you I can’t promise a happy life to you. you deserves better.. Please try to understand” sanskar was guilt on his words.
“why sanskar.. you are ready to divorce swara.. then why can’t you marry me? tell me damm it” kavita raised her voice such that the crowd around them forced to pay attention to these crazy people. .
“kavita.. Please.. all are noticing us.. don’t create a scene please” sanskar sound was of pleading. . kavita really enjoyed it..
“ok.. but first answer me” kavita looked him in curiosity. .
“I want to give a chance to mine and swara’s relationship” sanskar’s said firmly. . kavita eyes sparkled with joy.
“did you love her sanskar” kavita asked by hiding her excitement.
“I loved her once. and I think somewhere in my heart I feels for her” sanskar had a smile on his face.. suddenly kavita stood up from the seat.. sanskar worried by her action. . he also stood up kavita hugged sanskar in joy.. sanskar shocked by her reaction. .
“I’m so happy sanskar.. I wished this only.. you gave me a wonderful news.. ” kavita breaks the hug. she was in full excitement. . sanskar glared her in confusion.
” you are happy? but you wanted to marry me kavita?” sanskar’ s confusion didn’t cleared. kavita tell everything. . that she wanted to unite sawsan ( she didn’t tell about laksh or his plan.. only confessed about her) . sanskar feels relax as well as happiness. .
“all the best for new life sanskar.. I’m happy for you” kavita said with a lovely smile.. sanskar too smiled at her..
Evening sanskar was getting ready for the party(mr. mehta’s party). that time swara come inside the room with his juice.. she was not yet ready (kav san didn’t said anything to her.. )
“swara what is this? go and be ready for the party” sanskar said in an irritating tone..
“I’m not coming” swara said in cold tone. . it makes sanskar angry.
“what the hell.. obey me.. go and change.. it is my order” he raised his voice.. swara didn’t say anything. . left the room.. a smile appeared on sanskar’s lips..
20 minutes passed.. sanskar was waiting for swara.. finally she came in a dark red long gown with golden works in it.. she was looking damn hot in it.. she was having a mild make up and long hairs.. sanskar mesmerised while seeing her..
“I’m ready” swara said without looking at him. sanskar was busy in admiring beauty of his beauty queen..
“ok.. let us go” sanskar said hiding his urge to kiss her.
They reached the venue.. swara was not much familiar with grand parties. she was little scared. sanskar understood her nervousness. he hold her hands assuring that he is with her.. swara couldn’t believe his action.. but stay quite. . sanskar introdue swara to mr.mehta and his other clients.. all praised her beauty and wished them a great life.. swara gives a fake smile to all who wished her a successful married life.. she cursed herself for coming to the party..
“hai sanskar sir” swasan hear that over sweet voice.. they turned and saw meera.. she was wearing a short dress which hardly covers her thighs. swara disliked her at the first sight. because of her seductive nature..
“sir your wife is so beautiful. . ” meera’s said in sort of jealous. .
“you too looks gorgeous meera” sanskar complimented her.. it didn’t go well with swara . she gives a death glare to him. sanakar notice this with the corner of his eyes. but ignored it..
“hey swara” they hear a known voice. . it was laksh.. sanskar feels irritated by seeing him..
“swara you are too hot.. come.. dance with me” laksh invited swara.. swara didn’t want to.. but laksh holds her hands and try to drag her to the dance floor.. sanskar’s eyes became red by anger.. he hold laksh’s hand and remove it from swara’s..
“she is my wife laksh.. Please stay away” sanskar’s said in a threatening voice.. laksh feels embarrassed. . he goes from there..
“will you dance with me gorgeous lady” sanskar bow down in front of swara . swara couldn’t believe or understand the things happening around. . she unknowingly place her hands on his hands which was offering to her..
sanskar pulled her closer to him.. they can feel the soft and rough nature of each others bodies.. they could feel each others hot breath.. both feels like they are in heaven.. his touch was magical.. which swara always craved for.. she was shocked and surprised to find out that it was a touch with love, care and affection. . it was not a touch with lust.. she felt his hands on her waist.. caressing it smoothly. . lovingly. . she enjoys it.. they were in a magical land while dancing.. swara was not a wonderful dancer.. but sanskar made her dance beautifully. . all adored their dance and applause for them.. sawsan came in to senses..
After dance both felt an awkward situation. . mr. mehta comes to them..
” That was amazing. . you both are such a sweet couple. . ” swasan smiled at mr. mehta’s compliment
“Mrs. swara will you became model for our mehta group of industries” metha’s questions shaken sanskar as well as swara..
“sir but.. ” swara didn’t get anything to say.. sanskar interrupts. .
” I’m sorry mr. mehta.. she can’t. . in fact she didn’t like that all.. sorry .. I hope you can understand. .” sanskar apologies politely. .
“its ok mr. sanskar.. but her face is the same we were searching for.. but it is ok.. ” mr. metha left..
party over and swasan left to home.. a piece of silence occupied place between them.. both of them didn’t break the silence.. they reached home.. sanskar got a call.. by receiving it he became restless.. sanskar told kavita to take care of swara and goes out.. swara and kavita worried for him..
Next day..
ring tone of mobile disturbed swara’s sleep.. she pic the call..
” if you want to see the real character of your husband then came to xyz hotel room no:201 ” call ended.. swara panicked. . she inform this to kavita.. both goes to the hotel..
sawkav reached the room.. They was about to knock the door.. but it was opened. both of them frowned by seeing the sight..
sanskar was sleeping in the bed shirtless.. meera was on his embrace.. she was half naked.. swara shattered by seeing the sight..
swara goes towards meera as a storm.. she pour water on them.. sanskar and meera awake..
swara slapped meera hardly..
“you b*t*h how dare you to trap my husband. . ” swara again raised her hands to slap meera. but someone hold her hand.. it was sanskar..
” don’t dare to slap meera.. ” swara became numb by hearing this..
“what the hell sanskar.. she is trying to trap you” kavita said
“don’t speak kavita.. I share bed with meera . it is not any blo*dy trap. it was my desire to have her.. so don’t create a scene” sanskar said in a serious tone.. kavita shocked by hearing this.. swara sat on the floor as a a lifeless body. .
guys please don’t kill me.. and if you want early update then comment must.. else I will post after 3 weeks hehe. .
Awsm Di, u r really planning to kill me with ur shocks. Plzz update next part asap….
Awesome yaar plzzzzz update soon can’t wait
Amazing… but its a shock of sanskar Meera sharing a bed….. i guess sanskar is black mailed to do stuff or like that I don’t think sanskar meera shared a bed plzz don’t create misunderstandings between SwaSan I want them in the end to unite… or it can be sanskar having some body issue or like that….
Its superb dear..but now y meera cm in between dem..nd wat is da reason behind da reason of sanskar towards meera..???post next part soon dear..
What the hell is this not at all good dear sorry to say but I didn’t like itit at least swara had some moments of love wid hin then twist will be good but now I personally don’t like it anyways waiting for next
huaaaaaa…. what happened ?*fainting
Super shock I like it jwala plz update regularly
Amazing….update soooooooon plzzzzzz
Shocking…. waiting for next part…..
Arey fast fast plzz….u rocked but plz dnt make this bed sharing real!!plz
Omg..awsum..loved it..bt hw cn Sanskaar do this ?? I knw its a trap n Sanskaar is doing all these fr a reason..bt wat abt swara ?? She is Shattered ??..ohh God..plzz continue soon
What’s this new era,a now
What the? Omg i want to kill that meera….how dare she??? I thought it lucky’s trap…but…..idiot sanky…….omg poor swara….that idiot sanky always hurt swara…….awesome part dr…..
Dont you dare to stop this ff( sorry for this line….heeeeeeee…..lol)
Dr update next part asap dr……
Cant wait fr it…..
Wow what a shock you are full of twists and turns love it can’t wait for the next updates please try to do it fast as possible
I trust your desisons about the twists you make in your ff and I know that they will always be amazing as you know the story line unlike me or any other reader as it is your ff
Once again loved it
Loved it plz post ASAP maybe I can’t comment or read from sat till sat because I’m going in vacation but I will try sorry plz post tomorrow if you can nice epi
new shock??!!!Awesome…!! eagerly waiting for next part…!!!
Awesome dear plzzz post soon I think sanskar ke is behavior ke piche koi to resion h
Awsum..plz post soon….
plz don’t separate swasan,…..
I loved it…it was Awsome…but how can sanskar share bed with mera..poor swara man…nyways it was amazing..plzz update regulatory…there r a few ffs I read on tu.. Nd this is one of them.. So plzz don’t make me wait for too long.. Xx
Niceee new twist great,why always suffer swara and enjoyed sanskar
Awesome dear
awesome…. i think someone bm him or something is wrong because u said after the call he is restless why he restless for attending call/…from whom it came…. hope you say why he did this… update soon
I think sanky suffering from any disease which is not curable …. so he want swara to hate him and move on in her life …. may be call from Dr…. just guess …. story is ?
What is this shock? Who is blackmailing him to act like this? Plz upload soon.
what!!!!!! Sanky? Update soon dear eagerly waiting for next one…….