Fan Fiction

SwaSan SS…A DREAM..!! Season2…Part Kakali

Hilooo Ev1..How are you all? Hope you are doing good.! But I’m not fine. I got fever few days back & m still suffering.! Cherry on the cake is my tonsil. Eh! Duno what kind of meds Doctors aunty has given me, which makes me sleeply all the day & at night i feel like an owl.! Urghh sorry for being late. I know my apology won’t work but still… huh m going cocoNUTS now a days.! <<——- My blabbering won't stop if I don't use FULL STOP (.) by myself.

Well Thnk u sooo much for the response on previous parts.! Thnk u to all the silent also. Here m again with the 4th part. Hope you all like it. "Sorry for my grammatical mistakes & spelling errors".

Now let's move inside the "DREAM".

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

SwaSanChuu Note : Most of the readers are confused here regarding Sanskar's behavior. Hopefully in this episode I will be able to clear their doubts.

A Few of readers asked me is Sanskar not guilty for his doings after all Swara was his friend? For that answer i would like to say to wait for an another episode. Everything will be at spot. I will try my best to justify & satisfy all, but still if I wouldn't be able to do so; then you all are here na. Just share your opinion through your comments. Thank you.


Here we go,

"Every individual soul chooses the significant people in their life. Destiny will place them in that particular circumstances, it will dictate that they will encounter a particular person at a certain time,at a certain place." The same was happening with Swara. She tried hard to choose someone for herself, with whom she could share her Dreams afrer marriage. She was all set to be called as Mrs.Laksh Maheswari, but let's not forget there is something,called "DESTINY" who had kept someone for someone. Eh! I remembered a song "Kehte hai khuda ne is jaha mei sabhi ke liye,
Kisi na kisi ko hai banaya har kisi ke liye". Don't you all think it's soo correct. Well yeah, it's true we can't win over "DESTINY". If he has chosen someone for us then no matter what we are going to meet that particular person which will lead to a "CHANGE".


Swara was standing near the window gazing the full moon, which was spreading light in everyone's life. The whole earth seemed to be bright, the moon seemed to be smiling at her. But where is her smile? Her million dollar smile? It was lost somewhere. The night seemed to be so dark and unending for her; just like her those past 15 days. Her eyes were tightly closed, feeling the cool breeze. She was in her deep thoughts, wondering about her life who took such sudden unexpected turns, leaving her speechless. "HELPLESS". Her mind was shooting questions one after another. But allas! Her answer was only "SILENCE". She soo badly wanted to know what the hell is going with her? What's wrong with her life? Why all this unexpected changes? "WHY?" She again slipped into that day from where her life started to change. "AN OBLIVIOUS CHANGE".



15 days earlier.

Swara was going back to drop Sanskar Maheswari Mansion. He was quite silent all the way. A kind of blank expression was covering his face. "Sanskar are you fine?"

Sanskar nodded his head not wanting to talk further.


@ Maheswari Mansion.

Swara's mind was full of thoughts. She was tensed thinking what might had happened that Laksh was in so hurry. Is everything all right with her future in laws? "God ji, i just hope all are fine". She prayed in her mind. She took a glance of Sanskar who was still holding her fore finger bowing his head down.

According to her, it was natural for Sanskar; as he was scared of recent incidents. So she didn't think much and entered in Maheswari Mansion.

The scene she witnessed in front of her eyes, made her more tensed. So many bad thoughts were coming to her mind but shrugging them aside she took a few steps towards them.

There all were silently sited on sofa. But everyone was quite. Naah! Not everyone, only her DP uncle, with red eyes.
Ragini was saying something to Laksh, who was fuming in anger.
AP aunty had tears in her eyes. Sujata aunty was sitting quietly observing her love ones. RP was continuously calling someone, followed by Adarsh who was speaking or you can say screaming on the phone. Uttara & Pari Bhabhi was standing beside them." Oh God! What happened with them? And this Ragini! She didn't call me once.".

Seeing Swara & Sanskar at the door step DP made a way to his room followed by AP. Swara could understand the reason well.

"Ragini! Laksh! Is everything ok?" Swara asked with hesitation. She knew nothing was right but still to suppress her increasing curiosity & nervousness she had to ask them.

"Sanskar tuu mahre sath chall, thare dawai ka tame ho gaya hai(Sanskar you come with me,now it's your medicine time) "Sujata dragged him with her." Pari bindini tu jaa aur mahre chore ke liye kuch khane ke liye tayyar kar, wo bhukha hoga(Pari Bahu, go and get something for my son, he must be hungry)".

Only left was Swaragini, Laksh & Uttara. RP & Adarsh was also there but busy in their own world with phones.

"Ragini, Laksh, Uttara.! Can you guyz please me tell me what is going on?"

"Wo! Actually Swara! The main office of Maheswari Empire caught fire, most of the important documents has been destroyed. &" Ragini started to narrate everything.

"And what Ragini.! Everyone is fine na? Nobody get hurt.! You are ok? Laksh you! You are fine na?" Swara was shocked hearing Ragini. Somehow she was scared of her recent happenings & now this.

"All are safe & sound Swara. But so many important files were there. But now those are destroyed. And people, people__! Those basterds were blaming our Adarsh Bhai." Laksh said almost screaming, fuming in anger. His palm was fitted in a tight fist.

Swara placed her palm on her mouth.

"How dare they blame our Adarsh Bhai.! Adarsh Bhai! I'm not going to leave them. No!" Laksh ran his fingers through his hairs being frustrated. Only he could understand what he was going through. "I need some time". Said in marched away leaving Swaragini & Uttara.!

Ragini was in pain seeing Laksh in that state. She desperately wanted to be with him. Desperately wanted to hug him, soothing his all pain away. But she was cuffed by situations. Urgh she had to find out the key to free herself from all this situations. She had to "ANYHOW".

"Ragini! Ragini!! Where are you lost? How! How__?" Swara asked remembering Laksh's anger filled eyes. He was not the same jovial type, funny, happy go lucky Laksh aka Lucky Maheswari. She was actually feeling bad for him.

Swara's voice made Ragini came back to her sence."Swara! I will tell you everything at home. Now let's go. Maa, Daadi Maa, Dida will be waiting for us."

"Oh Shit!. How can I forgot about Maa? She must be worried. We hadn't even say her anything." Swara cursed herself thinking about her Maa. Gosh. Nothing was right. She was feeling like a puppet, because she herself had no idea what was going in her life.! She was kinda forced to do all that, being the puppet " PUPPET OF DESTINY". God knows what's was coming next.


@ Gadodia House.

Ragini started to narrate everything from the moment she left badi with Laksh.

"Laksh was driving too fast, from his behaviour i could guess something big had happened. When he stopped his car i found we were in front of Maheswari Empire. Without wasting a second Laksh moved towards a direction. That place was filled with smoke. Fire brigade was already present there. I ran behind Laksh and i saw there a part of Maheswari office was caught fire. Besides DP was fainted at the spot and was treated by doctor in his own cabin." Ragini took a deep a breath.

"You know Swara! Laksh was so vulnerable, he was crying seeing DP uncle like that. Don't know how and why all that happened. It was all sudden. Police was called. There were some staffs, or you can say workers who were saying they had seen Adarsh Bhai going into the cabin before that incident took place. Police was almost ready to arrest Adarsh Bhai, but thank God DP uncle got consciousness and cleared everything out saying Adarsh Bhai was with him all the way.".

"But someone will try to defame Bhai. I mean he is such a nice guy. And who are those workers. Do Maheswaris know them?" Swara aksed not getting anything.

"Yeah; they were working for ME(Maheswari Empires) only. But they were new there. It's been a few days they joined ME. Don't know what is going on. I'm tensed about Laksh. I have seen how broken he was.!" Ragini chocked with her voice.

"Ragini! Don't cry.! Laksh is strong. I know he will manage himself." Swara hugged Ragini. She knew Ragini was very sensitive about Laksh, after all they were , Naah! They are best friends. They had a very special bonding. "FRIENDSHIP".

Somehow Swara made Ragini sleep and came out of her room. Now she wanted to take rest, she wanted to sleep for sometime. It was a very hectic day indeed with lot's of tragedyfilled emotions. Good sleep was needed. She just hoped everything goes well.


Time was flying with a maximum speed. Like this 3 days had been passed. Everything seemed to be ok.! Maheswaris were Maheswari only, those type of small injuries were part of business. They tried to forgot & move on with time. After all " THEY ARE MAHESWARIS, THE BEST". They never let down their pride ever since Maheswaris build ME. It was not at all a big deal to loose some mere documents, files or papers.

"Sharmistha, Maheswari family is coming day after tomorrow to fix engagement of Laksh & Swara.! I guess they want our Swara as soon as their Bahu! Kyu Shobha sehi boli na?" Parvati Gadodia declared winking at Shobha Bose, mother & Dida of Shomi & Swara.

That was a moment of joy, happiness as well as sadness. Ragini was almost broken, but still adamant to get whatever she wanted from her own life. She was sure everything will be going as per as her plan with ____! No need to worry.

Swara was struggling with her own thoughts. Was she actually ready for the marriage? "Eh! Why are you thinking all this now? Over and over again?" Her subconscious mind screamed being irritated.

"Swara! I'm ready. Let's move now". Ragini said adjusting the Thall. They were going to temple. Maheswaris were also present there. Both were looking beautiful in their own way.


@ Temple.

Swaragini were doing puja.! Laksh was was standing between them. Sujata make Sanskar stand beside Swara, & said to join his both hands.

Swara watched him through the corner of her eyes. He was so quite, not looking at her for once. After finishing the puja, AP said Swara to distribute prasad. She did as she advised.

Ragini & Laksh were laughing on something. There were two women who complimented them as made for each other. AP listened their talks & was un deep thoughts. Yeah, she has been always loving Ragini, wanted her as her DIL. But due to Laksh's insistence she had to accept Swara.! She wished Ragini to be her DIL."STILL". "Bhagwan, Do some miracle.!" She prayed in her mind. It was not like that she didn't love Swara.! She did but Ragini was something special she wanted for her son. But now look nothing was going the way she hoped.


After 2 Days.

Pandit ji was checking Swara & Laksh's kundli. All were excited to know about the engagement date, specially Laksh. His face was shinning with happiness but it was for just minutes. His wide smile faded "Nei! This is wrong. Something is not good with this kundlis. Both are poles apart,not even a single match between them. All the stars are showing opposite. I don't think this marriage should happen. They are not for each other. I'm sorry
.This marriage can't be done." Pandit ji declared snatching the smile from everyone's face.

"What do you mean Pandit ji? Is everything ok?You might be mistaken. Please check it again." DP asked in order to clear his thoughts.

Pandit ji again engrossed himself looking at the Kundlis.Finally after looking keenly he spoke "Durgaprasad ji, I'm doing this job from part 30 years but never seen such stars. Not a one star is matching. Something is wrong. I will rather advice not marry them both".

"Enough is enough.! I don't want to listen more. Pandit ji thank you very much for wasting your precious time. But now we are done. You may leave.! And marrying Swara, let me me clear one thing, I will only marry Swara.! Got it!".Laksh roared on Pandit in anger.

All were bewildered at the sudden happenings. AP was in deep thoughts, but there were four people, who were smirking. "Everything is as perfect as we planed".

Pandit ji was about to go when someone called out him "Well done Pandit ji, Your reward is waiting at your home. By the way I must say you are a brilliant actor." Someone said chuckling but with a smirk.

"No, i haven't said anything wrong there. Their Kundlis don't match with each other. They are not born for each other. Something is going to happen. I can sence it". He said and went from there leaving two persons utterly confused.

"Mom Dad! I'm going to marry Swara in 7 days. I hope you all don't have any problem with it. Moreover i don't believe in this superstitions. I will marry Swara, that's it.!" Laksh said gaining every one's attention. Shock was clearly written on their faces. That was it. "I agree with Laksh. After 7 days their marriage will be__!!" DP said but cuted of by Shomi.

"But DP ji, it's too early. I mean we have lot's of preparations to do. I mean!!" She hesitated to say further.

"Don't worry Sharmistha ji. We will manage everything". It was the last decision of DP making some people happy, some people fuming in anger & someone Broken.

"This is not done. This is blo*dy not done. I have to do something". Someone murmured with a smirk. "Get ready for something very special Laksh".


After 2 Days.

@ Maheswari Mansion.

@ Night.

"Dad, you called me.!" Laksh was standing at the door of DP.

"Yes, beta. Come inside. I need to show you something." He said indicating him to sit.

"Dad is everything all right?" Laksh asked in tension.

"Look at these!" Said DP handing over an envelope.

Laksh opened that envelope in confusion. The moment his eyes scanned the pic,he was shocked, shattered." Dad!! is this?" His chocked voice was audible to only DP.

"Today, someone couriered this to office." DP said without having any emotion.

"But Dad, it's not true. There is nothing between Swara & Sanskar. You know he is a kid. These phots are all lie. I don't believe this. Someone is deliberately doing this.!" Laksh said not being able to trust those photos which was of Swara & Sanskar in different poses, very close to each other. BUT don't know why a part of
heart couldn't believe on himself.

"I hope you know what you are going to do with your life. I trust your choice beta." DP said patting his shoulders.

"Thank you Dad.Thank you soo much. I won't ever let you done."NEVER EVER". Laksh said hugging his father.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Not again. Nott againnn! I'm not going to let you both live happily. You both have to shatter. 'HAVE TO'." Someone said greeting his tooth.


Next Day.

"Swara! I need your sign in this papers." Ragini said entering in Swara's room.

"What's paper Ragini?"

"Eh! Nothing else just some papers of our music academy. You sign them fast. I'm getting late." Ragini said in hurry.

"Ok! Give me a minute. I will read and sign them." Swara said taking the papers from her hand.

"Areey Swara.! Now I'm getting late yaar. You will read later na. Just sign them now. Otherwise i will be very late for my work. It has to done anyhow.!" Ragini said giving her the papers.

"Okk! Ok! Chill! M signing. Now happy?" Swara said signing the papers." Done".

"Thank you Swara. Thank you soo much.! " Ragini said & left the room.


[Note : I know m rushing the story, but to show the real SwaSan story i have to do so. I can't add more bla bla scenes.]

After 2 Days.

During these two days, he noticed Swara & Sanskar.! Some thoughts were not cleared. He was not sure .. urghhh "Everything will be all right. Be positive".

Laksh & Swara's mehendi is going to take place in a five star hotel.Trio family is present there.(Maheswari, Bose & Gadodia family)

Swara is getting ready in her room. "Swara! Take this milk. Maa send this for you." Ragini said giving her the glass of milk.

"Ha! Ragini. Waise bhi I'm hungry. Thank God you bring it for me." Swara said and gulped the full glass.

When Ragini left the room. Swara was feeling odd. Her eyelashes became heavy. "Ufff! Now what happened to me? " She felt more dizzy and the next moment fall in bed, closing her eyes.

Laksh was waiting for Swara. Sanskar was sited beside him. Ragini came and teased Laksh a lot. "Laksh ji, Sanskar ji. Yeh lijiye cold drink. You both must be tired na". She said & gave both of them a galss of cold drink.

"Lucky.! Ummm.! Washroom..! " Sanskar said whispering in his ear.

"What khusurfusur is going haa?"Ragini asked with a tight smile.

"Wo! Ragini bhai want to go to washroom. Let me take him there.!" Laksh said standing up from his position.

"Arey! Laksh ji. What's the need of that? I mean wait. Let me call someone". Ragini said calling a man to help Sanskar finding the wash room. "Bhayya! Can you help Sanskar ji in finding the wash room?"

"Sure! Why not.Come this way sir!" The man showed him the way.

"Here you go sir". The man said but Sanskar was not in his sense to listen anything. He was feeling dizzy. The man held his shoulders and made him sleep in bed. Ragini was behind them. "You may leave now & from today you don't know me.". She said giving the man a bundle of notes.

She looked at Sanskar & then Swara. Both were lying on the same bed "I have to do this.! I'm soo sorry". Ragini said before moving towards them. She made his hand around her waist,facing each other. She was having tears doing that. She didn't wanted all this. Never, but her love for Laksh was forcing her to do so, she was helpless in front of her blind love."I'M SOO SORRY" said and went of there.


Laksh was still waiting for Swara.! But she was no where to be seen. "Ragini! Where is Swara. It's been 1 hour. Is she still not ready? And where is Sanskar bhai? He also went a long back." Laksh asked being impatient." I'm going to Swara! I can't wait anymore."

"Laksh ji wait! Wait! You can't go there". But allas! He already left. "God ji, Help me please". She prayed to God with a smile.

Laksh opened the door & the present scenery made him shocked. "Laksh ji!" Ragini came after a minute & acted as if she was shocked "Oh God,!" She gasped & looked at Laksh. His eyes were filled with tears.

Ragini made sure everyone came there,the view was for all.One after another everyone started to gather there. It was such a awkward, shocking, shattering view for all. Swara & Sanskar were slipping in each other's arms.Laksh didn't say anything just took a glass of water and splashed on their face.

Swara came back to sence but their head was heavy."Ahh, it's paining". She looked around & saw Ragini & Laksh with the other family members standing with questionable look.She followed their eye direction & find Sanskar was still sleeping beside her. Widening her big eyes who were almost ready to popped out of sockets she get up from the bed "Laksh! Laksh! I don't know how this happened! Trust me Laksh. I haven't done anything.! I don't know how Sanskar came here." She said in a pleading tone, her voice cracked, tears started to flow from eyes.

Not finding any reply from Laksh she again asked "Laksh! You trust me right?"

Laksh came out of his thoughts & nodded. It was a sign that he didn't believed her. He had not enough trust on her. He was still struggling with his own thoughts with a numb expression.

Suddenly two women came & started to gossips."Look at that shameless girl. Today is her Mahendi but she was sleeping here with that man".

"Arey but that boy is mad na?" Another lady joined them.

"He might be mad, but still he is a man. This Swara is same like her mother. Shameless girl. Chi! May be because of her mother's well known character Sekher left Shomi and married Janki. God knows what kand she had done". The woman was igniting fire adding more fuel.

"I have seen Swara with that boy many times. Chi! How characterless she is! I hope Maheswaris never accept her". All were silently listening their accusations.

Swara couldn't say anything. Her throat was dry. All she could closed her eyes. "Maa! I have done nothing. You trust me na?" Swara said looking towards her mom.

"I trust you Shona.! You don't need to say anything." Shomi said taking her broken Shona in her arms."I know my daughter more than anyone else here. She won't ever do this kind of stuffs. I trust her each & every word." Shomi was herself broken listening their accusations but still she was more than enough to handle her daughter. She was a strong woman who wouldn't cry on every single thing, her confident on her up bringing won't ever let her bow down in front of society or people's utter craps.

"Haa! Ha! Like mother like daughter. This girl will be a black spot on Maheswaris. How can they let Laksh marry this girl. Their respect will be ruined." The lady was about to start again but DP's decision made them silent "This marriage will happen.!"……………….."Swara will marry Sanskar". That was a thunder storm for Swara, Shomi and the rest people.

"What!!?!!" All people could only asked this with bewildered expression.

"Naah! DP ji. Never. You can't say whoever my daughter will marry. If you can't trust her. Then i don't mind breaking this relation. TRUST is the main base of relationship. If there is no trust, better we don't bound them by any relation." Shomi's voice was sharp. She was going to fight with everyone for her daughter. It was about her self-respect, no body had right to question on her up bringing. BUT let's just not forgot, something was there called , DESTINY. No matter how much we try to fight back with situation, but we have to bow down in front of Destiny. If he had written something; its going to happen. "NO ONE CAN DARE TO STOP IT,".

"Shomi, I think DP ji is correct. It's just not about Swara, but also us. Our respect is at stake. Now I'm ashamed of myself addressing you both. This girl has ruined everything. I never ever thought she can do this. Blood is showing their real colours." From starting Parvati was silent, but not no more now."Look at these? Look at these photos,! How shamelessly this girl is__!! Chiii i can't even say".Parvati said showing the same photos to everyone.

"I agree with Parvati, Swara should marry Sanskar!" Dada ji said joining Parvati.

"Sujata. You don't have any problem with Swara! Right?" DP asked Sujata. She nodded not getting anything.

"No-one can't play with our respect. Day after tomorrow will be marriage and that's final. People will be blessing the couple……." DP turned and looked at his son's blank & numb face.

"Ji! But what about Laksh? Day after tomorrow is his marriage. What will people say that his son to be wife was sleeping……………." she said not wanting to say more.

DP was silent. "Ji! What about Ragini? I mean we know her from childhood. Can't we marry her with Laksh?" AP said with a scared voice.

DP thought for a minute and "Kakki Saa! Kaaka Saa! Will you give your granddaughter's hand for my son?" DP aksed again making every person shocked." It will be better for all of us".

Daadi maa glanced Ragini for once and accepted the sudden proposal abruptly "We are ready for it. Ladoo can do anything to save our respect."

Ragini nodded shyly. Her shy smile was noticed by no one there. Everything was going according to her full proof plane. She was getting her destination.

Laksh didn't even giving a damn left the room.! He needed time.! No one had idea what was happening with them. Urghhhh this is called DESTINY.

After 2 days Swara was forced to marry Sanskar. Being a mad boy he silently accepted his surroundings. Ragini & Laksh was married even.! In short SWASAN & RAGLAK were married with their respective partners whom DESTINY choosed.!

Now it was upto them how they were going to survive with the new "CHANGE".

Swara was left alone with her broken Dreams.! Her maa & Dida shifted to an another home in baadi. EVERYTHING WAS DESTROYED.!


Flashback Ends.


Now she was Swara Sanskar Maheswari.! Destiny had played a big game. She indeed trying to accept the "CHANGE". May be God wanted something else.
May be she was never destined for Laksh as Pandit jii said.
May be it was a sign of a new start.!
May be would have shared her dreams with Sanskar.
May be someday he would be fine.
May be something good was waiting for her.

Or may be it was a start of her ENDING.
Do we know ? "Naah".
Let's just wait and watch for the new beginning.
For the new morning.

But the night was yet having a long time. Her journey will be with darkness, pain, sufferings, loneliness, broken Dreams, shatter heart & all & all. I just hope she would survive with all this. Because it's going to be not easy "NOT AT ALL".


Swara was still gazing at the full moon.Her chains of thoughts were broken by a voice. "Swara Bhabhi, Sanskar bhai is sleepy. I bring him here."Uttara said not looking at her. Swara's eyes were holding pain but yet motionless. Today was their 1st night. Or the 1st night of her sufferings.!

"Swara! Umm.! What are you doing in my room.?! Hmm!" Sanskar asked her with his innocent eyes while his fingers are always busy playing with his eye brows.

What she was supposed to answer him? "Sanskar! From today onwards I will live with you, in this same room.! You don't mind sharing the room with me ?" Swara voice was as motionless her eyes.

"Umm! No.. u can live.!" He said looking at her pale face.

"Swara!um can I ask you something?hm!!"


"Umm! Why Bade Papa, I mean takluuuu has no hairs on his head? You know it shines a lot". Sanskar asked tapping his nose.

Oh! God she didn't wanted to laugh. But look at his expression. And what he asked "Takluuu,!!" She somehow stopped her laugh."God knows where he finds this types if hilarious questions?". A small sa smile did appeared in her face.

"Swara! Umm i want to draw a pic. Hmm! let me bring my copy and crayons.". He said and came also back with copy & crayons.

He even took DPs photo and keenly observed it. "Yeah! Red colour!" Said and started to apply red colour on his head.

Swara couldn't figure out anything. Sanskar grinned and showed her pic. "See Swara! I made hairs on Takluu's head. He is looking beautiful na?"

It was really hard to control her laugh. "Damn it! Red, yellow, purple, sky and want not.! Curley hairs. And that bindi. Gosh! Sindur.! He has made Bade papa's face _____!!" It was obvious, Sanskar might become a kid but still knows how to make people smile.! Her Sanskar has so many special capacity,just all are not aware.


Sanskar slept in his bed snoring. Swara was tired and slowly sleep engulfs her in his tight embrace. Tears marks were clearly visible on her cheeks. Her face was pale, she lost her smile & charm.!

Sanskar slowly opened his eyes & looked at sleeping and exhausted Swara.! His eyes were blood shoot red. The force of his tight fist turned his knuckles white." You shouldn't have done that Ragini.! You shouldn't have! You have a PAY for this.! You have to. I will make sure that you pay for your every single Action.!

He looked carefully at her face. "Everything is fair in this revenge game.! Everything.THIS IS JUST REVENGE!!"..His each of the words showed his rage, anger, hearted as well as "PAIN".


Precap- Heart Break.!


Hiloo guyz, wasn't it a quite long and boring chapter? No SwaSan rit?
Waaaa what to do I have to wrote all those scenes to clear the picture.! I just hope it was worthy enough to read.!
But now no more..! SwaSan SwaSan & SwaSan is on the way.!

Note : I hearty Thnk you to Ragini & her blind love for Laksh.! She was one of the reasons for whom we got our ever HEAVENLY couple SwaSan.! That was another matter that DESTINY had made them for each other.! They were made in heaven to complete each other. That why i didn't show like SR.huh no more dhakka wakka.! I hope i haven't hurt any of my reader with that change..

God bless OUR SWASAN..!! & God bless us more to love them more, cherish them more, enjoy them more, happily curse them more, bless them more, miss them more n more n more.! Huh if i write more, i know i will end up crying. I'm missing them soooooooooooooooooooo much.! No more patar patar.! Let me watch SwaSan videos.! TC people.!


Thnk u sooo much for reading..!!
God bless you all.!! <3 <3.


'SwaSan ka mere haar saans mei hona zaruri hai.They rule my soul!' A SWASANCHUU FAN. I have been dreaming of SwaSan having baby pikachuuu from quite long. Watty ID-Kakali_SSC

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