Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swasan : The Star Couple (Episode 18)

Swara was talking to Sid. “So how is that guy ?” asked Sid.

Swara : Never mind I really don’t want to talk about him. Ao where are you taking me today ?

Sanskar pretended to read newspaper which clearly he wasn’t. He was keeping an eye on Swara’s action and an ear on her words. He thinks “Who is she talking with ? Boyfriend ?”

Swara (to Sid) : Okay Freth Restaurant, Marconi street. The food is heavenly there.

Sid : Okay Madame !

She cuts the call. Sanskar stares at her. Swara asks him “What?” She rolls her eyes in amazement seeing him reading newspaper. Never had she seen him with a newspaper not even a magazine.

Sanskar : I heard Freth does not have food Chinese .

Swara : I stopped eating Chinese. By the way you were listening my conversation.

Sanskar : Actually you know what. There are many manner less girls these days. They talk so loudly that the whole world gets to know what they are talking. Cant help it.

Swara : Yeah right ! Now shut up Mr. Sanskari. I need to change.

Sanskar : Date and all. New boyfriend ?

Swara : Yes ! Any problem you have ? Be happy with your chipku Kavita and mind your own business. I don’t want to bother you

Sanskar : I don’t want to bother either. Just I wanted to let yu know that I wont wake up late night to open the door for you. So please tale the keys and get lost !

Swara : Who wants to stay here !

She gets in the room. She comes out wearing a stunning pair of shorts with a tank top. Sanskar couldn’t stop glancing at her. “She still looks pretty. No she looks hot.”

Swara : Now stop staring. Otherwise your gf will come running to me telling I stole her boyfriend.

Sanskar : No she’s not so insecure.

Swara : Lets see.

She gets out. Sanskar thinks “I need to check out this guy. Swara is so stupid. I have to make sure she’s dating someone trustworthy.”

He quietly follows her. Swara gets down the auto and sees Sid waiting aside the car. She goes and hugs him tightly. “Swara why are you so happy ?” asked Sid.

Swara : You know now I have a new target for pranks and stuff. My new room mate.

Sid : Cool ! Now lets have dinner.

They sat there having an intimate chat which makes Sanskar burning with jealousy.

Swara heads home and so does Sanskar after their brief dinner.


Swara finds Sanskar sleeping on the couch and she sleeps on the bed. Sanskar wakes up and decides to wake up her sleeping beauty as she looked like a beautiful kid while sleeping. He sprinkles some water on her eyes. But swara slept there unaffected. “You are not sleeping beauty but Kumbhkaran.” He how empties the whole jar on Swara’s face.

Swara : What the hell !

Sanskar : Listen I m not going to handle the chores all alone. You gotta help me. Then how can you just sleep like a princess.

Swara : Fine I ll just brush and help you.

She swings her wet hair. *sneeze* Sanskar sees her sneezing.

Sanskar : Sorry.

Swara does not pay any heed to his words. She gets in the washroom and brushes her teeth. She comes out and Sanskar wishes her “Happy Valentines day.”

Swara : Like really ? How can you forget everything so easily that is between us. !

Sanskar : Baby you are my wifey here. And a hubby wishes her wifey happy Valentines day on 14th Feb.

Swara : Whatever !

Again Mrs. Shah enters reminding about the Valentines day.
Swasan make the flat a sound home. They give each other a bone crushing hug after doing all chores. Suddenly they break the hug realising their *HATRED PHASE*


Swara goes to the room to get ready. She takes out a pretty Blue gown and goes to the room to change. Sanskar waits outside the room. He checks himself in the mirror.
Sanskar : My blazer is fine. Wore my fav perfume. And I m looking handsome too. I don’t get it why girls take so much time even though they look like a ghost after hours of time to get ready. Swara (shouts)…

Swara comes out of the room wearing the gown. She was taking baby steps. Sanskar was mesmerised by her looks. She looked like Miss Universe in that dress. And he wished she was her model, her subject. “Come lets go !” ordered Sanskar.

Swara : Five minutes.

Sanskar : More five minutes.? You are looking not bad enough.

He sees Swara’s fave disappointed and then notices the fluttering lace. “Ohh. Ao that’s the problem!” he pointed at the lace.

Swara didn’t answer.

Sanskar : If you wish I can tie it for you !

Swara : No thanks i will do it myself.

Sanskar : Then I think I have to wait till tomorrow because i know your hands cannot stretch long enough to go till there and then tie those knots.

He pulls her closer to him and then turns her back and the he pucks up those messy laces and starts tying knots often touching her bare back.

Swara felt Goosebumps as soon as he touched her. He ties them all and both go to the party hall.

Sanskar : Not bad !

Swara : You don’t know how to appreciate beauty. This is wow.

All young men looked at swara with their lusty eyes. Sanskar holds her hands tightly to let them know “she is mine !”

Shahs drag them to the dance floor. The music plays Tum hi ho and they dance. Sanskar swirls her and they get memories how they dances before. They looked a stunning pair between the otherwise ordinary couples. But the most ironical thing was they were not a couple actually they were but they were the fake Star Couple.

The music stops and so does their dance but their eyes didnt stop looking at each other till rhe others started clapping to draw their attention.

Swara goes to the bar counter. A man holds her hand and looks at her. “You look so hot. Lets go together. I will give you..”

Before he could complete his statement he gets knocked out by a forceful punch by Sanskar. Swara hugs him. “Oh he was drunk !” commented Swara as she sees blood oozing out from his nose.

Shah apologise them for the uncivilised behaviour.

Swasan : Its okay .. Its not your fault. Some people never change.

Sanskar : Madam ? You still want to stay here ?

Swara : No way ! But I m hungry.

Sanskar : Chinese ?

Swara : Sure…

They head to a Chinese restaurant and eat till there’s not a single space left in their stomach for water to enter.

Sanskar : Lier !

Swara : What dis I lie about ?

Sanskar : I guess today in the morning someone told me he/she stopped eating Chinese.

Swara : Now stop these taunts of yours I really hate them…

Sanskar : Then what do you love ?

Swara : You !….. You know what I love someone. But I don’t care to tell you whom I do. Now please its very late and I k really a good girl. So drop me home.

Both get to their house.

Sanskar : Today I will sleep on the bed.

Swara : No way ! Bed is mine. You sleep on the couch like you slept yesterday.

Sanskar : Miss Swara Roy I think you have forgotten I also pay the half went of this apartment along with you. So i have equal rights o the bed.

Swara : Fine I m not in the mood to fight. And Happy Valentines day.

She immediately sleeps on the couch after saying that. Sanskar turns and smiles. Sanskar sees her sleeping peacefully with that serene smile

Precap : Swasan find that they work in the same office too. What would be their reactions ?
Hope you liked this episode. Comment and let me know your views on this episode and the story till date. And sorry if I the episode was not upto the mark…


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