Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swasan : The Star Couple (Episode 5)

Swaragini were sitting in the bench near the football court. The football coach comes in. Ragini runs there and tells him “Sir. I want to be the cheerleader for the upcoming inter college football championship..”

Sir : Its not in my hands. Ask the head of cheerleader club Kavita.. And please excuse me. I have to talk to the boys.

Ragini goes to Swara disappointed.
Swara : Why a cheerleader? You should be in the Girl’s Football Team.

Ragini : Have you seen the Boy’s Football Team. There are so many handsome guys there. I might fall for one ?

Swara : You can never change!

The Football Team comes there led by Sanskar. Swara turns away.

Ragini : Swara lets talk to Kavita please for ur friend..

Swara : Fine! (in mind) To ignore him I have to do this…

They go to Kavita’s gang to talk to her. Meanwhile Sanskar and boys practice.
Kavita sees Swara and makes a disgusting face and Swara ignores her.
Ragini to Kavita : I want to join the CL club.

Kavita : Only you right? And not ur friend..

Swara : No! I don’t want to join ur CL club..

Kavita : Well in that case I would live to see ur friend with you Ragini or else u also wont get an entry to the CL club..

Swara : You can’t do this!

Kavita : I can do anything..

Ragini takes Swara with her to the corner and says “Please Swara. I know u hate all of this but I beg please do this for ur friend..”

Swara : Fine! Tell her I m joining. Now please excuse.

She goes to the library.. She reads the books. And Ragini who hates the library watches the game of football between the boys.
Swaragini head Swara’s place after their college gets over

At Swara’s place.

Ragini : You know what Swara.. Sanskar plays so good! And his looks and physique is so hot.. Every girl is like crazy for him..

Swara gets a bit jealous and muffs around.
Swara : Stop talking about boys everytime! I wonder when u will grow up…

Ragini gets angry at her and leaves..
The next day at college Swaragini ignore each other. Sanskar notices this. Swara goes to the CL club for practice who annoys her even more.

Ragini goes to the canteen where she encounters Sanskar.

Sanskar : What’s up with you both?

Ragini : With who?

Sanskar : Swara and you! You stupid..

Ragini shares with him everything.

Sanskar : U r such a stupid girl. She joined that idiotic CL club for u and what the hell are you doing. You know what u r just like my brother Lucky.. He is also so insane like you..

Ragini : Very funny Sanky

Sanskar : Now why are u sitting here. Just go and talk to her. And yeh don’t let her know that I talked to you about her. Promise me..

Ragini : Okay promise!

Ragini runs to the library and gets on the podium ..

“My darling Swara! You always say when u will grow up Ragini. But today I would say when u will grow up Swara! See your tiny red nose is still-lifted up in anger. Okay I promise I wont utter a word about boys from today… A pinky promise…”shouts Ragini in the Library.

Swara gets embarrassed and the librarian scolds Ragini for deterring the silence maintained in the library. She gets a detention..

Swara also speaks aloud “Its okay Ragini…” She too gets a detention..

At the detention room Swaragini do their work. Sanskar also arrives as he was late for a lecture. He sees Swara but doesn’t utter a word. Ragini sees the awkwardness around and says “She will get her water bottle filled..”

Swara : I will also come with u..

Ragini : No you stay here I m not a kid..

Swara forcefully stays there.

Sanskar tries to start a convo.
Sanskar : Saw u in the CL practice. U and CL club don’t get along so well..

Swara : Yeah. I know.. I had to join it forcefully. Bur I have my plans so don’t worry…?

Sanskar : Woah! I hope its good for the team.

Swara : Yep it is. Now please let me do my work…

Sanskar felt upset at her cold response.

Precap : Swara’s plan to teach Kavita a lesson. She realises she is in love.

Silent readers wake up or I will quit!!!!


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